Occupy Wall Street

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
anyone remember the battle in Seattle when the G12 held their meeting there.

this OWS is nothing more than a repeat of that incident.
When this first came about, I too wanted to find out more and found out it is a huge umbrella of issues that are not being addressed by anyone anywhere. For some, it closely looks like protests from the 60's. Ironically the very same people are making ignorant remarks about the Occupy movement like "Got a job deadbeat" but seem to overlook there are 13 million documented unemployed people in the USA who want jobs which seem to be sent out of this country. Some call them homeless drug addicted trouble makers but don't grasp that over 3 million people are documented homeless and wish they could afford "a room" to live in. Some argue they all are looking for handouts when reality is the economy is low on resources like food pantries, shelters, help with high electric bills etc.. People pay taxes for the children to get a good education but funds are being cut and American children are losing out. Yes Student loans are a issue because when those kids get out of school ready to use that degree, the best jobs some get is at a fast food joint. It takes most family's to have to do a two check income just to make ends meet and if there is a emergency then they lose a lot. The movement is bringing all these issues to the surface. One issue ripples to another and another. The ones who mock them are not seeing what many people are living daily. And the movement is showing issues more and more.

What is remarkable about this movement is it has grown to so many places without a leader. One there is no one to point a finger at and this drives the ones in power crazy right now. Free Speech is an American right and a peaceful movement that points all these issues out in my opinion might bring a change sooner then later. It is not the 1% of people as much as it is the Corporations getting tax breaks when small business are not getting anything but having to pick up the slack. Bail outs and tax breaks and while people are getting kicked out jobs and schools and good programs are being broken by cuts in funding just is not making the 99% happy. For those in homes and good jobs this might not be a problem but why is it the saying "most Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless" so well known? How can we help Americans make it today might be how we spend our money. Since the Holidays are coming up maybe look at buying American should be a priority. Help those in our towns in their business with local service gift certificates instead of Flat Screen TV from China or Japan. Maybe buying American is a answer for now and stop buying things made someplace else. It might save someone job which helps them stand tall and proud like Americans want and should do. Many are pulling out of banks and going with credit unions instead and that is a start. Our own actions will speak louder then words but will help those HERE instead of over there you know?

What is a history moment many might not be aware of is, this is a new age protest with cell phones, laptops with Internet, cameras shooting shots of riot police actions, and instant information and is not getting censored and filtered to make it go one way or another. It is truth in a raw pure form and for many people they rather point the finger of blame at protesters then at those who are really to blame. More information comes out and people uniting for a cause looking for solutions and demanding answers is a remarkable time to behold in my opinion. As you might guess I support the movement and understand it is not perfect but what is today? Last I heard 39% of America supports the Occupy movement and this is only month two? Our government can't keep ignoring, sending riot police out to shut it up because where it may not be organized in some areas documentation of action is more then clever and makes people support it. People are sick of Propaganda and we all need a change for the better. Occupy movement might be a start.

I think people will settle down from the anger when someone stands up with a solution or a attempt to fix any of the problems. What is the saying "If you don't stand up for something, you will fall for anything" has sunk in now and people are doing about all they can for a real change. Obama used change in his campaign slogan now people are showing they are willing to stand up and make a difference. I applaud the effort and see with this growing ... it could very well get ugly if our Government does not heed the signs of unrest. But revolution is part of Americas history too isn't it?

I understand many will not agree with me and yet some might. What we personally can do to help ourselves is very important right now. Thinking of answers to solve the problems is important too. If it means a letter to a public official speaking our mind might help it is worth the time. I really hate the thought of this country becoming a third world place to live. If we don't do something I fear this is our path. Okay I am done and getting off my soap box now. Thanks for reading this.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . Do any of our resident hypocrisy experts have anything to say about this?

TexTushHog's Avatar
Hmmm . . . Do any of our resident hypocrisy experts have anything to say about this?

http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/201...-bank-attacks/ Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The story said it was temporary. My question is why it takes them so long to get a community bank lined up. I can pick up the phone and get a banker on the line in about 30 seconds to open up a bank account with $20,000. Of course the fact that it's an unincorporated association may cause some problems, but a decent lawyer could fix that quickly.

I don't know what California laws are on UA's. The only stick point would authority to sign checks. Seems like the bank would have a solution for that, however. Failing that, it seems like a half hour legal research project at tops to find the law.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They were telling everyone to go to small banks and credit unions. Their leaders go to Wells Fargo. Sounds hypocritical to me. Why are you defending them?