Another health care thread.

Ran across a talk given by MIT Economist Jonathan Gruber (health care expert). From a purely economic standpoint he is very much behind the current health care bill. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
What a surprise! The guy's a paid shill for the Obama administration's HHS:

And even those right-wingers over at the Daily Kos noticed something that doesn't smell quite right!

PJ, or any of the other free market mavens here. Tell how how the free market system can effectively solve the heath care problem... Originally Posted by ASharperImage
An article to which I linked way back in post #88 outlines a set of reforms that would do a great deal to ameliorate the exploding cost problems in a market-friendly manner. Contrary to popular belief, the problem is not that the free market has failed -- it's that it hasn't been tried!

Personally, I feel like the elephant in the room... Originally Posted by ASharperImage
Speaking of elephants in the room, how about the fact that we're hurtling towards a horrific fiscal crisis? The current health care "reform" bill simply explodes costs. The numbers its supporters offer are patently phony. The U.S. economy is at risk of being swamped by a tsunami of spending and deficits, and this new entitlement simply accelerates the process.

The first time a Treasury auction doesn't go well, you're likely to see a level of panic similar to that during the late 2008 financial near-meltdown.
Well congrats to all the bleeding hearts. Looks like you are going to get this Piece of Shit bill. Stupak just drank the Koolaid.
atlcomedy's Avatar
So it will pass....

What does it really mean?

My understanding is most of the bill won't go into effect for years

We may have a very different Congress after November

Not to mention a bunch of legal battles

So back to my question, what does this really mean?

Now one thing I'm sure of is tomorrow across America a bunch of confused uninsured folks will show up at Doctors offices and Hospitals demanding their "Obamacare"
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  • 03-21-2010, 02:51 PM
So it will pass....

What does it really mean?

So back to my question, what does this really mean?

" Originally Posted by atlcomedy

The death of this thread
Well it certainly doesn't mean this is over. As you correctly note, there is not much immediate change and the lawsuits will fly. That and I suspect the reconciliation bill will go on for weeks and the rear guard action will last until November, when there will be the largest turnover of incumbents in history. There is the prospect of repeal, but that will have to wait until 2013 after we throw Obama's left wing ass the hell out of there.

btw, I also think this PoS will forever be known as Obamacare.
So back to my question, what does this really mean? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
The second self-immolation of a major political party within a span of only a few years.
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  • 03-21-2010, 03:34 PM
Looks like I was wrong.

Maybe we can merge a Bush/Obama/Hitler thread and act as though these people were not elected by somebody, anybody or nobody.
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  • 03-21-2010, 03:40 PM
Here is a health care question. Any of you political junkies ever had gall stones? I just down loaded a home remendy for 39.95 over the internet. Did I just waste my money?

Went to the ER Monday dying. I was hurling like Linda Blair. Had chest pains like Dick Cheney. Was hurting to bad to shoot myself. No more fat. Should I just take my gall bladder out....or shoot myself?
Under Obamacare, you will get a shiny new knife to use to cut it out -- free!
atlcomedy's Avatar
Here is a health care question. Any of you political junkies ever had gall stones? I just down loaded a home remendy for 39.95 over the internet. Did I just waste my money?

Went to the ER Monday dying. I was hurling like Linda Blair. Had chest pains like Dick Cheney. Was hurting to bad to shoot myself. No more fat. Should I just take my gall bladder out....or shoot myself? Originally Posted by WTF
Hard to answer without knowing what you bought but I have a PhD Chemist friend that reportedly devised his own home remedy that cured his own gall stones. Basically a composition that causes the stones to dissolve own their own. I told him he should commercialize it. You would have paid a hell of a lot more than the cost of a lap dance for something that worked. I don't think it is his because it involved some stuff you'd find in the average chemistry lab but not say the average kitchen.
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  • 03-21-2010, 03:54 PM

I 'll report back soon.

PJ, you think I could be appointed Pussy czar by the anointed one?
atlcomedy's Avatar

I 'll report back soon.

PJ, you think I could be appointed Pussy czar by the anointed one? Originally Posted by WTF
My guy did dissolution and one or more of the listed Rx's probably has an identical chemical composition to what he used.

Supplementation (e.g. large does of Vitamin C) maybe great for prevention but isn't going to help once you got the problem.
PJ, you think I could be appointed Pussy czar by the anointed one? Originally Posted by WTF
It depends:
a) Are you a Socialist at heart?
b) Will you only use union labor?
c) Will you make a substantial contribution to the Anointed One's reelection?
discreetgent's Avatar
The House decided to vote on the Senate's measure so the constitutional issue of how the bill is passed is no longer out there.

Lawsuits on what? The entire bill? pieces of the bill?
The House decided to vote on the Senate's measure so the constitutional issue of how the bill is passed is no longer out there.

Lawsuits on what? The entire bill? pieces of the bill? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Key parts of the bill: