Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That's good. There's nothing wrong with that. But for me, I'd rather be given the bad news up front so I can figure out how I'm going to handle things.

For example, if at a restaurant...I place my order. The waitperson says "Your dinner will take 30 minutes til I can get it to your table. Will that be okay?" I'd say "yes, it's fine. I'll just have some more drinks while I wait."

I'd rather have that scenario so I know what to expect....and then be excited if my dinner comes earlier than was quoted--than to have the server return to the table 3 more times telling me each time, "well, it's going to be another 7 minutes." or "...another 10 minutes". I mean, if I knew up front the length of time it's going to take and if I wasn't happy with it, I'd go some place else. But being told over and over that it's going to take longer and longer will only make people angrier and more sad....just the opposite of what Trump is trying to do (with encouragement).

So there's nothing wrong with encouragement, but he probably knew it would take longer (per the experts on his staff) yet he chose to tell us less time. That's what I don't care for. Originally Posted by tia travels
You're misquoting Trump. He said he would like to open the country up by Easter. Not that he going to order the country to open. Huge difference.
tia travels's Avatar
yeah....but saying you're opening up the country again by Easter...did he mean open it to foreigners & travelers again? Or open up the economy by letting people out of hibernation and back to work. <----that's what I thought he meant. My post #145 was referring to his social distancing estimate. And so was my post of #148. I didn't actual quote our President, but thanks for pointing out there's a difference in opening up the country/opening the country up.

(I guess when I stepped into this thread, I didn't realize I was somehow in the Political forum....I don't actually know what I'm talking about politically so I try never to step in here. LOL My bad.)
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Yeah, well that fat lying bastard wasted weeks of preparation time getting his ego stroked by Xi while ignoring his security briefings. So who’s to blame...Obama?

The 98% that recover can thank the healthcare professionals not the orange cocksucker.

Guess what moron, when you’re lying on that gurney , me, j666 isn’t going to give a shit who you do or do not blame. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
More lies? I'm seeing a pattern. Ten days after China admitted to an outbreak Trump called a national health emergency and shut off travel with China. For weeks afterward the media, democrat party, and the candidates called Trump hysterical and racist. The democrats have failed.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
yeah....but saying you're opening up the country again...meaning open it to foreigners & travelers again? Or open up the economy by letting people out of hibernation and back to work. <----that's what I thought he meant. btw...I don't think I actually quoted Trump anywhere. Originally Posted by tia travels
You're just quoting fake news.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Trump made us No. 1 — in the spread of a deadly disease

The United States reached two grim milestones on Thursday: Fatalities from covid-19 topped 1,000, and it became the country with the most confirmed cases of coronavirus, surpassing China with more than 82,000. (Keep in mind, there is reason to doubt that China’s tally is accurate, absent a free media or independent verification from an international organization.)

We are only at the beginning of the deadly pandemic that President Trump once promised would “completely disappear.” Trump once promised that 15 initial cases would go down to zero but, of course, that was either a deliberate untruth or ignorance magnified by denial. (The apex in New York City won’t be here for about three weeks, according to the state’s governor.)
Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic

Despite at least two months warning, Trump’s disastrous missteps and willful blindness have stripped away our defenses and set us back in mitigation efforts. The New York Times recounts, “A series of missteps and lost opportunities dogged the nation’s response. Among them: a failure to take the pandemic seriously even as it engulfed China, a deeply flawed effort to provide broad testing for the virus that left the country blind to the extent of the crisis, and a dire shortage of masks and protective gear to protect doctors and nurses on the front lines, as well as ventilators to keep the critically ill alive.”

This fiasco would have been unlikely under President Clinton or President Pence for one simple reason, they would have listened to the professionals and heeded their advice. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Officially, ten days warning. More lies?
Jaxson66's Avatar
yeah....but saying you're opening up the country again by Easter...did he mean open it to foreigners & travelers again? Or open up the economy by letting people out of hibernation and back to work. <----that's what I thought he meant. My post #145 was referring to his social distancing estimate. And so was my post of #148. I didn't actual quote our President, but thanks for pointing out there's a difference in opening up the country/opening the country up.

(I guess when I stepped into this thread, I didn't realize I was somehow in the Political forum....I don't actually know what I'm talking about politically so I try never to step in here. LOL My bad.) Originally Posted by tia travels
Tia, you’re not alone in understanding trump speak. We all have to wait for someone somewhere to tell us what he really meant. We heard what he said, we saw what he said, but some would have you believe them over your lying eyes and ears. Stay safe.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-30-2020, 04:41 PM
You're misquoting Trump. He said he would like to open the country up by Easter. Not that he going to order the country to open. Huge difference. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
We all want it open by the CIC he needs to be more careful with his words....besides anyone with half a brain knows that was a dig whistle to his Holy roller faithful.
Jaxson66's Avatar
No national response’: One senator’s alarming account of the first days

In a viral tweet on Monday, Sen. Chris Murphy reminded the political world of a fact that suddenly seems a whole lot more significant than it did when it happened: In early February, the Connecticut Democrat noted, senators were briefed by the administration about the novel coronavirus threat, and there was no palpable alarm.

“On February 5th, I sat in a meeting with top administration officials as Senators pressed them to request emergency funding to hire staff and stockpile supplies for the coming crisis,” Murphy tweeted. “They said they had it covered. Didn’t need any additional funding.”

It turns out there’s a lot more to the story than this. Murphy told me in an interview that there were repeated briefings throughout the early weeks of the crisis. In them, lawmakers — in both parties, though Democrats were more vocal — insistently sounded the alarm, to no avail.

The fat lying bastard allowed a religious fanatic on stage today at his daily clown show. My Pillow a loyal advertiser of Hannitys advised the country of our need to return to God. If prayer is your answer, that’s fine, but stay the hell out of the way of science and the professionals.
  • oeb11
  • 03-30-2020, 05:07 PM
Anyone with "half a brain" 9 scarecrow perhaps)- understands that the Wuhan virus situation and our understanding of its' bhavior is rapidly evolving. Every new data on the patient population, testing, treatment, and outlook comes in.

Case Fatality rates have been downgraded from the Fascist DPST hysteria of 10% or higher initially - once they figured out there was a problem and mayors of cities like ny, New Orleans, and kalifornia cities got with the idea of Trump's task force that quarantine actions were required - rather than encouraging mardi Gras celebrations.
Case fatality rates are now about 0.1% - not including asymptomatic cohorts.
Treatments are being fast tracked by FDA - as a is vaccine development.

The outlook for control of the virus is fluid - and an exact end-point is not available.

Trump was being optimistic that Ester would be the finish - I agree.

It was not a lie - but an optimistic projection - and the evolving understanding of the nature of Wuhan virus mandated extending quarantine measures.

Perhaps oncoming warmer weather, plus if hydroxychloroquine and azithromucin prove efficacious , or other anti virals under research - we will put an end to the quarantines.

At this point - the R0 - or infectivity rating - and the case mortality rate - most closely resemble Influenza A - for which we don't shut down the world over annual outbreaks and fatalities.

ftw - wants the world shut down and a Great Depression - and more deaths due to that then to the virus - to be able to have a chance at defeatinig Trump in Nov 2020- same as fireman fixated on Trump hate j666 , 9500, ts, and others severely affected by TDS and Trump hatred.

so Sad - to be in such denial and hatred Of America over the POTUS - particularly when the alternative was and is one of the most despicable, lying incompetent individuals in the history of America.

now the Fascist DPST's with half brains will label - Lies, hysteria, racism, xenophobia - and ftw and j666 will go worship at Comrade Xi's altar.
Their such labelling will clearly display their own denial and TDS - Everything written on the Wuhan virus topic is reasonable and factual.
not that their fixated opinions are changeable - they are too dug in to their own narrative propaganda and Lies.
Go ahead - and also label Drs. Birx, Fauci, Giroir, and other as liars for their hard work for America.

All the Fascist DPST's are donig is twisting anything they can to politicize the issue for Nov 2020. With a senile dementia patient as the Nominee!!!
That's good. There's nothing wrong with that. But for me, I'd rather be given the bad news up front so I can figure out how I'm going to handle things.

For example, if at a restaurant...I place my order. The waitperson says "Your dinner will take 30 minutes til I can get it to your table. Will that be okay?" I'd say "yes, it's fine. I'll just have some more drinks while I wait."

I'd rather have that scenario so I know what to expect....and then be excited if my dinner comes earlier than was quoted--than to have the server return to the table 3 more times telling me each time, "well, it's going to be another 7 minutes." or "...another 10 minutes". I mean, if I knew up front the length of time it's going to take and if I wasn't happy with it, I'd go some place else. But being told over and over that it's going to take longer and longer will only make people angrier and more sad....just the opposite of what Trump is trying to do (with encouragement).

So there's nothing wrong with encouragement, but he probably knew it would take longer (per the experts on his staff) yet he chose to tell us less time. That's what I don't care for. Originally Posted by tia travels
Not really the opposite. This unlike preparing food is a very fluid situation and if you start going with worst case scenarios you are going to induce major panic.

You think the groceries and supplies got wiped out with the first 2 week announcement, think of what would have happened had Trump said 3 months right then and there. People would have been killing each other in the aisles.

You seem pretty level headed and wouldn't have panicked with a long term announcement, but others would, and sadly others would have been preying upon them too.
Judge Says Trump Must Pay $2 Million Over Misuse Of Foundation Funds

The Clinton foundation is still going strong Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Yeah and Clinton's haven't lifted a finger. They'll fuck America over like they did Haiti. Trump doesn't have to pay shit. Your articles are always nonsense.
  • oeb11
  • 03-30-2020, 05:53 PM
Clinton Foundation is just a slush fund for the crooked Clintons.

i might say "teflon Clintons - they have gotten away with their lies and graft - but eventually - Like Gotti - they will take their fall .
tia travels's Avatar
Not really the opposite. This unlike preparing food is a very fluid situation and if you start going with worst case scenarios you are going to induce major panic.

You think the groceries and supplies got wiped out with the first 2 week announcement, think of what would have happened had Trump said 3 months right then and there. People would have been killing each other in the aisles.

You seem pretty level headed and wouldn't have panicked with a long term announcement, but others would, and sadly others would have been preying upon them too. Originally Posted by eccielover

@eccielover... I see your point. True.

@Jaxson66... thanks for the nice reply.
Clinton Foundation is just a slush fund for the crooked Clintons.

i might say "teflon Clintons - they have gotten away with their lies and graft - but eventually - Like Gotti - they will take their fall . Originally Posted by oeb11
Well they certainly won't take a fall from this Virus. Luciferians don't get sick, they are already dead like all Liberal Politicians.
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