European Union Backing Off Tariffs

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Obama couldn’t fart without widespread outrage, even here as I recall.

Trump, being as smart with the best words as he claims to be, might have “heard things from people” on Fox, which he watches half the day.

So I guess that’s not really a valid point. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

"here" isn't the main stream press. press coverage of Obama was mostly positive, that is if you take Harvard as a valid academic source. if Obama did fart the press would claim it smelled like rose petals.
MT Pockets's Avatar
"here" isn't the main stream press. press coverage of Obama was mostly positive, that is if you take Harvard as a valid academic source. if Obama did fart the press would claim it smelled like rose petals. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Since You and a few others have claimed to know everything , can you site a thread on "here" that mentions Obama doing it? Immigration has been a hot topic for a decade. One would think it would have been brought up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I beg to differ, An intelligent person would know that it is not a binary issue. Under Obama they used discretion when separating families.
Under Sessions, I mean Trump they spitefully do it along with tricking folks with a promise of a Visa.

Then we get back to the Deficit and budget issue. Obama did not double the budget. And the deficit is a combination of Budget and economy. You know the economy that failed under Bush. Not blaming Bush it was greed on both sides that caused it. Had Bush been in for another term I imagine he would have done pretty much the same things Obama did. And you know that Phil Gramm was the catalyst to the recession.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You really need to listen to Jeh Johnson, and this time take your fingers out of your ears, because Johnson said it happened as a consequence of enforcing the law and protecting those unable to defend themselves from adult predators ... just the same as it happened earlier this year.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
There are hundreds of kids being detained who have not yet been reunited with their parents.

Parents not properly informed they could wait with their kids and seek asylum.

A huge mess.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There are hundreds of kids being detained who have not yet been reunited with their parents.

Parents not properly informed they could wait with their kids and seek asylum.

A huge mess.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A mess of their parents making -- not the U.S. taxpayers, and that's a fact.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I agree it's not the taxpayer's fault. However, it IS the administration's fault. The ACLU is fighting this misleading and cruel effort.

As a taxpayer, I don't appreciate how they're wasting my money trying to clean up messes they cause and repeatedly bungle.

You want to keep paying for this?

Separated parents unknowingly gave up reunification rights, lawyers say
Nation Jul 26, 2018 6:37 PM EDT

In more than a dozen testimonies provided in court Wednesday, migrant parents separated from their children at the border said they were pressured by immigration officials to sign forms waiving their reunification rights in a “coercive and misleading manner.”

The testimonies were among more than 100 pages of personal declarations compiled by attorneys who have worked closely with detained parents who were directly affected by the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy it rolled out in early May.

The declarations detail several examples in which parents were not given enough time to make sound decisions, including having “only a few minutes to decide whether or not to leave their children in the U.S.,” a decision that one lawyer’s declaration said has been done in a room of up to 50 other people.

The PBS NewsHour read through all of the declarations and pulled several takeaways from the latest filing that offer a look at what the ACLU called a “mess” in the ongoing fight to reunify families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It is, and always has been, the parents' fault!

And any parent in this country that similarly endangered the life of a child as those illegals did would consequently have their children taken away from them ... and you wouldn't -- don't -- hear a whimper from a lying dim-retard about the children separated from a parent who has been jailed a common offense such as burglary.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I agree it's not the taxpayer's fault. However, it IS the administration's fault. The ACLU is fighting this misleading and cruel effort.

As a taxpayer, I don't appreciate how they're wasting my money trying to clean up messes they cause and repeatedly bungle.

You want to keep paying for this?

Separated parents unknowingly gave up reunification rights, lawyers say
Nation Jul 26, 2018 6:37 PM EDT

In more than a dozen testimonies provided in court Wednesday, migrant parents separated from their children at the border said they were pressured by immigration officials to sign forms waiving their reunification rights in a “coercive and misleading manner.”

The testimonies were among more than 100 pages of personal declarations compiled by attorneys who have worked closely with detained parents who were directly affected by the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy it rolled out in early May.

The declarations detail several examples in which parents were not given enough time to make sound decisions, including having “only a few minutes to decide whether or not to leave their children in the U.S.,” a decision that one lawyer’s declaration said has been done in a room of up to 50 other people.

The PBS NewsHour read through all of the declarations and pulled several takeaways from the latest filing that offer a look at what the ACLU called a “mess” in the ongoing fight to reunify families separated at the U.S.-Mexico border. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

so what's your point here? that the US is going to "confiscate" these illegal immigrant minors? that's a stretch and you know it.

remember this was policy under Obama. where was the ACLU then? where were you?

want to really stop this?

how about .. "The US is CLOSED today. and tomorrow and the next day after that"

No Visa No entry. rules are rules yeah?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sure ... the parents are at fault for trying to enter this country illegally.

But this is something totally different.

The administration was ordered by the court to reunify these families and detain them together until their case was settled. That did not happen.

The ACLU is arguing that the administration willfully misled these immigrants. That is not the parent's fault.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sure ... the parents are at fault for trying to enter this country illegally. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's where this whole situation starts and finishes. Everything else is a consequence of those parents making bad faith decisions and actions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you're saying it's OK to deliberately treat asylum seekers cruelly because "they knew what they were getting into?"

Sounds like a Trump condolence call to a military wife.

Consequences have their consequences.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So you're saying it's OK to deliberately treat asylum seekers cruelly because "they knew what they were getting into?"

Sounds like a Trump condolence call to a military wife.

Consequences have their consequences. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

how are they being treated cruelly? are they not fed? not given shelter? tortured? it wasn't cruel under Obama but is under Trump?

you know perfectly well that 99% of these illegals do NOT meet the standard for political asylum. being unlucky enough to be born in a shithole nation isn't a reason for asylum. not that you'll ever admit it but that doesn't change the facts that these people do not meet the criteria and are trying it anyway.

Laws have consequences too.
I B Hankering's Avatar
how are they being treated cruelly? are they not fed? not given shelter? tortured? it wasn't cruel under Obama but is under Trump?

you know perfectly well that 99% of these illegals do NOT meet the standard for political asylum. being unlucky enough to be born in a shithole nation isn't a reason for asylum. not that you'll ever admit it but that doesn't change the facts that these people do not meet the criteria and are trying it anyway.

Laws have consequences too. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It's truly disconcerting how certain individuals -- who actually vote -- lack the fundamental intellectual skills to discern that illegals receiving medical care, clothes, temporary shelter, etc, -- the very definition of humane care -- is infinitely better than being raped, murdered or abandoned by those employed to guide them to die of starvation and thirst in the desert. Those same, deluded individuals possessing mediocre intellectual skills champion the continued abuse of those too young to defend themselves by parents who use those too young to defend themselves as currency to pay coyotes to help these adult illegals violate U.S. laws. It's truly a sad state of affairs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy Underwear Batman!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Sure ... the parents are at fault for trying to enter this country illegally.

But this is something totally different.

The administration was ordered by the court to reunify these families and detain them together until their case was settled. That did not happen.

The ACLU is arguing that the administration willfully misled these immigrants. That is not the parent's fault. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

bear in mind that there are 2 courts giving conflicting orders.

one is trying to enforce its ruling the court made in late 1990's

the other, of course, is trying to undo that ruling.