trump the traitor

The guy who shot Gabby Giffords was a leftist. Look it up.

Most such assaults are committed by lefties.

This guy could have killed 20+ congressmen; the worst in our history. Most hate clearly comes from the left. Originally Posted by Zhivago52
winn dixie's Avatar
Bernie Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Amen, young lady
Bernie Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Nothing in Sander's platform advocated for violence; quite the opposite. Not a single part of his entire campaign promoted violence.Trump's did. Yet people will take the actions of this individual (one of millions) and use this incident to paint everyone who supported Sanders--and to a broader extent everyone with left-leaning political views--with a single brush.
Yet Trump invited Palin/Nugent to the Whitehouse.
Both of whom advocate violence.
How many days did it take Trump to comment on the stabbings/deaths of the two men in Portland who were defending the Muslim girl?

Really Ellen?
lustylad's Avatar
Wait where were you at when a white supremacist killed a guy just for being black? I've seen many people on here who post things that sound a lot like a person associated with that line of thinking... Originally Posted by Austin Dude
I call bullshit. Post those comments you saw on here, millsy. Let's see how they compare with Little Monster advocating for someone to kill the POTUS.
Little Monster's Avatar
Thanks, girls! I love your pseudo-elitist condescencion! Keep it up!

Insults, labels, stereotypes, and name-calling - that's your tradecraft, all you have. You can't help it, can you? Like moths drawn to a flame, you can 't help sneering at and pretending to be superior to everyone who dares to disagree with your lib-retarded pablum. Sad. You wear your pathetic, deep-seated insecurity on your sleeves!

But hey, keep trashing everyone! It soothes your weak self-esteem! Plus it's a real vote-getter! And it's baked into your libtard identity politics - see next post.

You go, girls! Originally Posted by lustylad
Now you wanna talk about a mentally weak individual. You don't even have enough self control to refrain from your usual insults when you're trying to call someone out for doing exactly what you just did. You are a typical conservative who cannot handle getting fed his own medicine. There's a reason your leader has historically low approval ratings, and it's mostly because of his weak minded supporters such as yourself.

You sir are absolutely NO challenge whatsoever. *smh*
lustylad's Avatar
Did this happen when Obama was president? ... Yes it did happen when Obama was president. They shot a Democratic congresswoman and 6 people died that day... Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Who are "they", millsy?

...the guy wasn't a leftist. He was a schizophrenic... But nice try. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
You mean this guy? He wasn't a leftist or a rightist. Just crazy as a loon. But you said "they" shot Gabby Giffords and killed 6 others. Now you're saying it was a lone schizophrenic? Please explain.

Little Monster's Avatar
Says the guy who's response to anything is: "you're a LIBTARD!" (so lame)

Your post is a classic crybaby response. You only talk about insults and labels because you are getting your ass kicked. You throw out the first insult (usually 'libtard' ad nauseam) and then cry foul when others take you down.

So grow a set of balls, you weak fuck.

Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch

And the funny part is Cap'n. He refer's to this forum as the "minor leagues" yet he gets his fucken ass beat constantly in this forum so what does that say about him?? If he can't even win in the minors I guess that would make him a "Pony Leaguer"

Little Monster's Avatar
Hahaha... shooting blanks again, crunchyass? Go ahead and insult away - I'll never "cry foul". I said insults are ALL YOU HAVE. My insults are interspersed between layers of substance.

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAA Now there's the fucken joke of the day!! NO, your insults are ALL YOU HAVE PERIOD END OF STORY!! They ain't layered in shit, because you never produce shit!! All you ever do is make the argument about Hillary and nothing more . You have NOTHING else

Yours cover up for a LACK of substance. Instead of trying to rebut my observation that you are stuck in a glum zero-sum world, you falsely label me as a blind Trump follower.

That would be because you ARE a blind Asshole follower

Instead of addressing why liberals cannot shed their self-defeating contempt for the middle class, you unleash a stream of insults and laughably proclaim to have kicked my ass. Insecure much?

Self defeating huh?? Nov. 2018 can't get here soon enough. Gonna love watching y'all get your sorry asses beat down. And it will happen. Sure do hope you Asshole supporters save that "Rigged Election" excuse

Either you're too afraid or too stupid to engage on substance.

Same could easily be said about you..

Chances are you don't understand the meaning of the term zero-sum, even though it implicitly infuses all your comments. And you're way too cowardly to contemplate the roots of your pathological need to hate anyone with a different opinion than your own. Haters gonna hate!

Perhaps you should learn to practice what you preach. Your posts contain far more hatred and negativity than anyone else's in this forum hands down

Evidently I have succeeded in pushing all the right buttons and exposing the shallowness and intellectual vacuity of the libtards who hang out in this forum!

Says the guy who does nothing but spit out insults

So keep up the insults, crunchyass! Keep dropping your pigeon poop! It's all you have! Originally Posted by lustylad

Once again you really are an easy opponent..
Little Monster's Avatar
Hmmm... what do Little Monster and James Hodgkinson have in common? Originally Posted by lustylad

And my wish still remains, get the fuck over it weak one....
lustylad's Avatar
You are a typical conservative who cannot handle getting fed his own medicine. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Well lookee here - it's James Hodgkinson's cheerleader! The guy who started a thread urging all the James Hodgkinsons out there to assassinate the POTUS! What a fine upstanding role model you are for the libtard community, Little Monster!

Listen you little fucktard, I can easily "handle" any of your lame-ass posts here. If your reading comprehension wasn't shot to hell, you would've seen I already told crunchyass the same:

Go ahead and insult away - I'll never "cry foul"... Originally Posted by lustylad
It's sad that you have to advocate violence out of frustration over your weak persuasive skills and inability to engage on substance. But hey, keep flailing and venting and ranting hysterically. It's fun to watch you bait the Secret Service. How about a post applauding the acts of your protege James Hodgkinson opening fire on Republicans at a baseball practice? Go ahead - show everyone you're not too weak-minded to cheer!
You live in a world much vaster than me all right - I guess having to make up another mandle so you can sneak back on here is part of that vast world you live in. You are pathetic. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
No response to the facts that showed you didn't know what you were talking about that's fine.

Hahahaha I could give a flying fuck that a 70 yr old, bad tan, horrible hair, wrinkled, dumb, over the hill provider thinks of me. Sad that when I sad world your mind went to here. Guess that's all you have is this board and that magical feeling you get from seeing Trump speak in the incoherent language you idiots speak. You think I'm pathetic based on a board? Funny. I think you're pathetic because you are a senior citizen who's obviously reaching those years of losing your faculties and you voted for a guy who's going to make it harder for you to get the help you need. I almost feel sorry for you. But then I remember you get what you deserve. Good luck with those issues you have coming. I really mean it.
Who are "they", millsy?

You mean this guy? He wasn't a leftist or a rightist. Just crazy as a loon. But you said "they" shot Gabby Giffords and killed 6 others. Now you're saying it was a lone schizophrenic? Please explain.

Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh I said "they" and yet you knew I was talking about one person by what I said in the post? Yet you try to lessen what I said. I guess you don't say we when you're talking about your favorite team? If you could tell I was talking about a person and still want to try to argue semantics.. you are weaker than you come off as. It's sad that you don't even live in this state, let alone this city, and you comment so much over here.

Oh and why didn't you call out the guy calling for the deaths of millions? Is it ok to kill liberals? Is it ok to threaten to kill people you disagree with?

I don't really need an answer. Those were rhetoric. I don't need a useless back and forth with you. You aren't going to say anything that sways me and I won't say anything to sway you. So I'm going to go about my day and block you. Bye.
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
Patrick Stewart hates Trump.