Trump Card

Rudyard K's Avatar
You waited 3 weeks for a chance to use that line, didn't ya?. Originally Posted by Doove
Actually about 3 hours.

I have no idea Originally Posted by Doove
That's getting to be a recurring preamble to most of your posts.
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  • 05-03-2011, 02:19 PM
Actually about 3 hours.

That's getting to be a recurring preamble to most of your posts. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
So.....immediately after i used a "fixed that for ya" joke using one of your posts, you go back to a 3 week old post of mine to do the exact same thing....and then you follow that up by editing/butchering another quote of mine in an attempt to make another joke. And neither of them were even all that funny.

Maybe you should just take a bit of a break.
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  • 05-13-2011, 08:25 AM
Actually it might be funny to hear what Trump and his nutty ass followers that cried for two years about a birth certificate , have to say about the death of Osama. Will they want a proper Death certificate? Originally Posted by WTF
OK, 25 people voted for Trump in this poll of PJ's. Anyone care to out yourself?

What has happened to the Donald?

Better yet, Where are all his supporters?

Come on folks, I make no bones about my support of Howard Dean in 2004.

Do your comb over and show your support for the most thin skinned man in the running.

Anyone see him at the correspondent dinner? It was sad. Man can't laugh at himself will not be long in politics.
The poll was conducted before Donald started taking himself seriously.

In the poll, I voted for drinking heavily -- which BTW, you will note finished second to the Donald and above the Anointed One.
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  • Doove
  • 05-13-2011, 02:07 PM
In the poll, I voted for drinking heavily -- which BTW, you will note finished second to the Donald and above the Anointed One. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Which just goes to show how idiotic most of the opinions in here are.
You're right -- with a choice between Obama and Trump, drinking heavily should have won in a landslide.
You're right -- with a choice between Obama and Trump, drinking heavily should have won in a landslide. Originally Posted by pjorourke
That's how I voted -- and I don't even drink that much!

(But the specter of either four more years of Obama's economic policy proposals or four years of Trump in the White House could sure drive me to it!)
Trump not running for president in 2012.
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  • 05-16-2011, 05:27 PM
Trump not running for president in 2012. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Don't worry PJ, there's always Michele Bachmann.
Herman Cain is my current pick:
Herman Cain is my current pick: Originally Posted by pjorourke
He's been my pick for quite some time. I think I might have sent you a link to his website. I know that I sent several people to his sight.
I don't recall if you pointed him out to me or not. But I saw this in a recent interview and loved it:

"The chain (Godfathers Pizza) was losing money and seemed headed to failure when Cain took over in 1986. If you listen to Cain describe how he analyzed Godfather's problems, how he came up with solutions, and how he implemented those solutions -- listen to that and you'll hear the pizza version of what Cain says he would do as president.

"I spent the first 60 days of my time at Godfather's listening, to figure out what we needed to do," Cain says. "It wasn't complicated: get back to basics."

"Number one, we had too many products on the menu. We had gotten away from our core product. We had too many crusts. We had the original Godfather's pizza crust, we had the original Godfather's pizza, and then we had three imitations that looked like Pizza Hut, Domino's, and Little Caesar's. I got rid of the three imitations, and we got back to focus on the one we were good at."

"Number two, we simplified the operations, because if you simplify the operations, you make it possible for the people in the restaurant to execute exceptionally well every day. When you've got too much stuff, they can't execute."

"Number three, we instilled in the company that we could, in fact, win again."

Cutting an organization down to its core mission, sharpening the focus of its employees, and then re-energizing those employees -- it's a strategy that has obvious resonance for a man who wants to run an overextended and deficit-ridden United States government. "So in your view," I said to Cain, "America has too many crusts?"

"Yes!" Cain exclaimed, breaking into a long laugh. "America has too many crusts! And we've got to simplify things, clarify things so that we can achieve real progress."

"You get it!" Cain beamed.

Our fundamental problem is too damn much government!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 05-17-2011, 10:03 PM
Herman Cain is my current pick: Originally Posted by pjorourke
Hot Damn PJ....stay away from the Preakness! You just throwing your money away on a bunch of nags of late!
atlcomedy's Avatar
I don't recall if you pointed him out to me or not. But I saw this in a recent interview and loved it:

"The chain (Godfathers Pizza) was losing money and seemed headed to failure when Cain took over in 1986. If you listen to Cain describe how he analyzed Godfather's problems, how he came up with solutions, and how he implemented those solutions -- listen to that and you'll hear the pizza version of what Cain says he would do as president.

"I spent the first 60 days of my time at Godfather's listening, to figure out what we needed to do," Cain says. "It wasn't complicated: get back to basics."

"Number one, we had too many products on the menu. We had gotten away from our core product. We had too many crusts. We had the original Godfather's pizza crust, we had the original Godfather's pizza, and then we had three imitations that looked like Pizza Hut, Domino's, and Little Caesar's. I got rid of the three imitations, and we got back to focus on the one we were good at."

"Number two, we simplified the operations, because if you simplify the operations, you make it possible for the people in the restaurant to execute exceptionally well every day. When you've got too much stuff, they can't execute."

"Number three, we instilled in the company that we could, in fact, win again."

Cutting an organization down to its core mission, sharpening the focus of its employees, and then re-energizing those employees -- it's a strategy that has obvious resonance for a man who wants to run an overextended and deficit-ridden United States government. "So in your view," I said to Cain, "America has too many crusts?"

"Yes!" Cain exclaimed, breaking into a long laugh. "America has too many crusts! And we've got to simplify things, clarify things so that we can achieve real progress."

"You get it!" Cain beamed.

Our fundamental problem is too damn much government!
Originally Posted by pjorourke
I really haven't made up on my mind on Cain. Like a lot of non-politicians or outsiders, we don't know a whole lot about them and have guess what they'd actually do if governing...

I haven't seen a Godfather's in longer than I can remember....very regionally clustered I I looked at their website.

Anyway, ironically, they are back to four crusts:
Golden (Pan)
& Gluten-free

I don't know if that is simple irony or something more...

Cain's story about the crusts is wonderful and makes a point very well, but I wonder if there isn't another lesson to be learned:

We can go back to basics and simplify, but over time we invariably take on more and revert to complexity.....
You'll note that he no longer runs Godfathers -- hence the four crusts. The damn Liberals must have taken over there again.