Unfortunate PM

  • romab
  • 02-14-2011, 11:20 PM
Just my 2 cents but how does she have time for work given all the verbage and posts. I write less on a 6 month project reports and final summary. To each his own but don't really see anything she brings as a provider that can't be obtained locally w/o the drama deluxe.

Call me old (only have to WD 40 the joints daily) but being 2X + older and having seen a lot more of the world and situations; I tend to not take myself so serious on the ebb and flow of life.

Wayward's Avatar
So you got your money right by agreeing with your boys ?

understand now? Originally Posted by carkido45
Carkiddo experience has taught us you seldom understand even the simplest concepts, you know what always happens when you go down this path. It never ends well. Would you like to talk of you getting your money right? We have tried in the past and you ran away putting your self appointed title of OASPDBB into question.
So you got your money right by agreeing with your boys ?

understand now? Originally Posted by carkido45

I'm sorry but WTF does that mean......

Are you assuming that the Lynch Mob pays my bills and thats why i agree with them.....please tell me your kiddn cuz that was some funny shit!!!
I don't hold my breath for anybody with tons of tats and bad hair extensions, that claims not to know the meaning of "WT", and that takes a handful of what guys on a silly hooker board say to heart and cancels a trip to Texas...and your grown...lol

theres alot of other forums.....if you don't like Houston forums......GTFO!!!

Carkido.....I cater right and wrong, i just pick my battles......did you not see my first post.....i was fixna go to bat for this chick and fukk up my money because i had had enough of her gettn picked on by what you call the lynch mob.....but looking back on all her post and the lynch mobs post....they were right!!

teach me to doubt my men of Houston again.....sorry guys never again!!! Originally Posted by babydollsnow
Well, as far as tats go, I believe you have several, am I wrong?...and my hair is fabulous ...I never said I "didn't know what WT meant"...ever...you're wrong yet again...I said I didn't realize it was such an explicit word, and you took what I said in this thread out of context.

Cancelling my trip because of a bunch of guys has nothing to do with me being "grown"...it has to do with self respect....you see, I have some....

It's not the Houston forums I don't like per say, it's the "Lynch Mob" is what I care not for...There are a lot of lovely gents here.

And since you continue to bring up the "grown" issue, you may want to re-examine your spelling and punctuation, there are quite a bit of errors. It took me a bit to translate it all...
Just my 2 cents but how does she have time for work given all the verbage and posts. Originally Posted by romab

I see Val has a fan all the way from Colorado.....see Val its not just Texas that thincks your full of Shit!!!
Just my 2 cents but how does she have time for work given all the verbage and posts. I write less on a 6 month project reports and final summary. To each his own but don't really see anything she brings as a provider that can't be obtained locally w/o the drama deluxe.

Call me old (only have to WD 40 the joints daily) but being 2X + older and having seen a lot more of the world and situations; I tend to not take myself so serious on the ebb and flow of life.

R Originally Posted by romab
You must either be used to cheap girls, or agency girls?...I have plenty of downtime, I don't work everyday, nor do I see 8 bloody clients the days I actually do work....I'll go ahead and break it down for you...For instance, I was in Manhattan a couple weeks ago working, I was there for 4 days, that's 96 hours....I saw 2 clients per day( some of which were multiple hour appt)...I came back with roughly 4800, and I only "worked" for around 13-15 hrs....13-15 hours out of 96 is nothing...and that is how I have time to do whatever else I fancy, including writing on here...make sense?
I see Val has a fan all the way from Colorado.....see Val its not just Texas that thincks your full of Shit!!! Originally Posted by babydollsnow
Sorry love...once again you're wrong, and please stop cussing at me, as I don't appreciate it....I just explained to my little Colorado friend just how I have time for a life outside of work.
Wayward's Avatar
You must either be used to cheap girls, or agency girls?...I have plenty of downtime, I don't work everyday, nor do I see 8 bloody clients the days I actually do work....I'll go ahead and break it down for you...For instance, I was in Manhattan a couple weeks ago working, I was there for 4 days, that's 96 hours....I saw 2 clients per day( some of which were multiple hour appt)...I came back with roughly 4800, and I only "worked" for around 13-15 hrs....13-15 hours out of 96 is nothing...and that is how I have time to do whatever else I fancy, including writing on here...make sense? Originally Posted by Valerie
There she goes turning on the charm again, I love this part.

Val and this is just me trying to help again, posting your income on the internet might not be a really good plan, just sayin'
Well, as far as tats go, I believe you have several, am I wrong?...and my hair is fabulous ...I never said I "didn't know what WT meant"...ever...you're wrong yet again...I said I didn't realize it was such an explicit word, and you took what I said in this thread out of context.

Cancelling my trip because of a bunch of guys has nothing to do with me being "grown"...it has to do with self respect....you see, I have some....

It's not the Houston forums I don't like per say, it's the "Lynch Mob" is what I care not for...There are a lot of lovely gents here.

And since you continue to bring up the "grown" issue, you may want to re-examine your spelling and punctuation, there are quite a bit of errors. It took me a bit to translate it all... Originally Posted by Valerie
So Val what does WT mean where you are from, you say it is explicit, but your really not giving a meaning....when you post that word yesterday, you sure did know exactly what it meant.....and today you don't....wow stop bleaching your hair and yea those are real fabulous extensions.

Im glad you love my errors i do them just to annoy ppl....glad its working like i planned!!
posting your income on the internet might not be a really good plan, just sayin' Originally Posted by Wayward
It's kind of like displaying a fridge on the front porch. I hear that's what we do.
Wayward's Avatar
Sorry love...once again you're wrong, and please stop cussing at me, as I don't appreciate it.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Being full of shit means you are clueless or mistaken, well it's a little stronger than that... but it is very different than saying you are a piece of shit. Again just trying to help, we know Texan is a foreign language to you.
This has turned into an unfortunate thread.
So Val what does WT mean where you are from, you say it is explicit, but your really not giving a meaning....when you post that word yesterday, you sure did know exactly what it meant.....and today you don't....wow stop bleaching your hair and yea those are real fabulous extensions.

Im glad you love my errors i do them just to annoy ppl....glad its working like i planned!! Originally Posted by babydollsnow
To me WT means trashy....which in IMHO is pretty harmless especially when there are way worse words out there (ones they actually censor on telly)....I guess you're having a hard time comprehending things...Once again, I never said I didn't know what it meant, I said I had no idea it was considered so offensive....When I compare WT to similar words I think of words such as knobhead, cheeky bastard etc...(harmless non-curse words)....So get your facts straight love.

.Never said I loved your errors, why would one constantly make grammatical errors simply to annoy people? Seems a bit juvenile.

I have no complaints about my hair ....If it offends you so, then perhaps you should stop looking at my pictures or click the ignore button, actually, I'll save you the trouble, I can't be bothered to try and translate your posts anymore.....TaTa
  • romab
  • 02-14-2011, 11:57 PM
Oh the yippy dog jumps way to quick. Did my 25yrs & a major war before you were a gleam in your parents eyes. My statements were based on written and visual info based on my opinion. You however don't know jack about me so watch your lip. Never judge w/o knowledge. Funniest thing I ever saw was a 5'5" 150lb SAS take down a 6'5 230lb Ranger in about 3 seconds and not spill his pint.

You don't like Houston; great stay away. Best of luck. I am out and what I say I mean.
And you? Out, not out, out, ....

It's kind of like displaying a fridge on the front porch. I hear that's what we do. Originally Posted by Ansley
Have you been to my trailer girl, i knew that was you stealing my beers from fridge last night....at least you know where its at, right next to the couch....................on the porch!!!

Ignore....Since I'm on ignore 'love' then you wont mind me saying this....

You call me trashy, then put me on ignore....I could of swore Brits were better than that....dayum i just keep being wrong when it comes to my London Lady....if i promise to not write in slang and such....will you promise not to call me trashy....

i just wanna be friends