Would you see a provider that offers BBFS?

Guest091710's Avatar
LOL..THATS THE BEST YOU GOT? i mean seriously you had to resort to childish bullshit like that all because you could no longer intelligently make your point?

Let me educate you girlfriend..

I was sucking dick, fucking and taking it up the ass..selling pussy at a good level, well reviewed..touring, flying in and out of cities..I NEVER DROVE.. before you knew what selling pussy was

when you was still sucking dick for a big mac and ride to the movies I had done earned multiple spotless reviews and a reputation as one who could deliver the goods at a great price with the most extensive menu available..

while you was still laying down for some guy you met in a bar trying to con him into paying your fuckin drink bill I was busy building a stellar reputation as a provider..

Its called UTR.. i don't need reviews, don't need ads.. you can't find an ad I have posted.. yet i seemingly tour all of texas, florida, arkansas, memphis, shreveport among other places monthly.. flying in and out UTR.. thats what you can do when you build a little reputation.. you don't have to post a certain way and blow smoke up everyones asses in hopes your phone will ring and you can make a buck today..

i can be myself..post my opinions, be blunt and honest and yet still get good reviews, offer good service and have guys asking when i will be back.. hang around awhile.. maybe you will work your way up..

And atleast I have the balls to show my face.. atleast i ahve the balls to not take only flattering pics but show what i look like so guys can make an educated decision..

I mean i understand.. its the best you could do.. over 7 years of good reviews speak for themselves.. you had to resort to name calling, you really had no options.. you had expended all your arguments and where out of options..so like a child you resorted to this..

I understand you may be a little jealous.. I have my shit together.. i am one of the few girls that doesn't HAVE TO BE HERE.. everythign about this world for me for 7 years has been what i want people to know.. nothing more..

married 15yrs.. successful husband.. hell I don't even live in arkansas..shows how much you know.. im in florida lmao..have been for 3 years now.. i sell pussy cuz its fun, its taboo.. its fucking hot as hell.. it was never about the money.. it was about strange men paying me to fuck them.. the money was a bonus.. it was strange sex with strange men.. the money made it more taboo.. having been a swinger for 3 or 4 years prior to even knowing about being an escort.. getting paid was the next level.. so I understand this is what you "have to do".. you have to post a certain way in order to get business..you have to "say the right things" to get your phone to ring.. i am sorry for that for you.. really..

but next time..when you can no longer intelligently argue your point..just leave it alone Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
Honey i dont show my face bc its the smart intelligent move to make. Further more idc if Your in AR or Fl, makes not a damn to me. i wasnt the one who insinuated You were in AR. Further more i have a more then great reputation and 100% stellar reviews.

Your the one who has this strange fascination w me, and has for months, going around following me on the board. im too classy to sink to Your level, and i have received many PMS about You and Your disgusting demeanor. Not to mention You should wash that hair, and a little make up couldnt hurt. i have no problems showing my face. Really its one of my best attributes.

You have done enough damage by stating You go from guy to guy all 300 pounds w/o so much as a shower.EWWW and what is that on Your butt in those pics? WOW, i want to be just like You. im done there is no point to any of this. Seriously You activated my gag reflex and i can see from post where You are from, You do the same on Your local boards. Far from the Goddess you think You are. My menu is fine, i'm certain i have exceeded anything You could have imagined. No need to even go there.

Seriously i am by far not a tiny girl, but i assure You i show up well manicured from head to toe, and have a skill set that is 2nd to none. i certainly have freshly showered, inside and out, no sloppy seconds here. Here You go, full body and all natural collared even, so what have You got now? Thanks for the shameless prompt for this threAD though

Would you trust a hobbyist? Bet u don't. Originally Posted by Jack Nicholson
Sweetheart, I don't trust anyone. That being said, I found you to be charming and yes I would trust a nice gent like you.
Just found my way to eccie, is it always this intense around here?? I guess I don't understand why a provider would choose to offer bbfs. I can understand the motivation of the guys since there's a definate difference in sensation but why would a provider risk her health and the chance of being outed? I wouldn't think it feels that much different for the ladies. I don't hobby a lot and just haven't run into this being offered ever. btw just couldn't resist being underneath the lovely Heather.
FOR THE MONEY!! lmao..

to cilla.. girl.. its sad you have had to resort to the "your ugly" "your fat".. bullshit lmao.. you could no longer intelligently come up with ways to defend your stance on things.. so you have resorted to this childish banter.. surely that had to be beneath you.

I mean guess what.. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK what you think about my looks.. my pockets are lined with cash from guys that disagree.. guess what.. the same guys seeing you.. you know how i know.. cuz they use you as a freakin reference lmao.. get with the program girl.. im fat.. ok.. news flash..EVERYONE KNOWS..

im ugly.. OK.. i don't care.. lmao.. im so heart broken the cool kids don't think i'm cute .. i mean seriously..who gives a fuck what another provider thinks about another provider.. the fact you have to speak up about it and resort to that is pathetic..

you have attempted everything in the book from attacking the way you ASSUME i hobby to the way i look.. this isn't high school..the bell rung and dismissed your ass from class long ago..

like i said.. while you was hopping in the back of some dudes back seat to earn your ride to the mall..i was providing top level service amongst the pretty girls, the skinny girls, the cute ones the ugly ones the other fat ones.. etc etc etc..

guess what.. i don't care..thats what my personal life is for.. these guys don't have to like my looks..nor me like theirs.. we are there to have fun..ugly fat people can have fun.. many of us prove that every day.. im sorry your opinion and pathetic attempt to attack me doesn't offend me.. or matter in the least bit..

Im sorry that you have to post the "threADS".. im sorry that you can't be yourself and have to post certain ways since you are obviously jealous that I get to be ME..and have my own opinon and don't feel obligated to post a certain way to keep in the good graces and gain business.. i give my opinions.. guys like them or not..

most realize its NOTHIGN PERSONAL.. unfortunately this is obviously YOUR LIFE and you ahve taken it personally.. for most..this is a HOBBY.. and for me JOB.. not my life.. im sorry i am not one that runs off to bitch in the girls private areas..and moan and groan..i get to be myself and post my thoughts and feelings on subjects without fear..some on the other hand..like yourself..are constantly posting in hopes of casting a good shadow on yourself..

attack away.. the ugly fat girl has a life to get back to..im sorry you do not..

im sorry i don't resort to the childish im prettier than you are shit..i am grew up..like ended that shit in 5th grade
Guest091710's Avatar
hahaha You started it, i do believe You said i could only post pics that flatter me? UHM what part of my body did i fail to post? i think You said something about me not having the balls to post my face? Uhm there it is. i am perfectly fine with who i am, i am perfectly fine also being one of the curvy girls, doesn't mean jack shit. Strange You mention men seeing You who have used me as a reference. But strange ive had no call or PMs about said men. Guess that just means i clearly ranked higher then You.....

Whatever i agree with everything You said. Now fine another way to try to attack cilla, bc im obviously very okay with who i am. Try again..... and i didnt say You were fat or ugly, just that You uhm touched my gag reflex. The rest You said all on Your own. This post has inspired me to go to the gym a couple of hours, maybe You should try it some time.
LOL..you just can't quit when your ahead.. you keep trying to spin this into something that fits your needs.. so be it..

"you started it" seriously..are we fucking 4 years old? lmao.. grow up..put your big girl panties on and come talk to the grown folks when you grow the fuck up..

as i said.. your opinion of me..does not matter..i don't know what about that you have a hard time understanding..

its like you forget what you post.. i mean.. i have heard it all before..when someone can't win the argument on the subject at hand..the dumb ones resort to the "im prettier than you".. "your fat" "oh you made me gag" shit.. its nothing new.. its just pathetic some lack the ability to do anything else..

please explain to me how not getting a call or pm makes you better than me from said men? lmao.. hummm they used you as a freakin reference numbnuts.. i chose not to call you for a reference because your opinion..your board persona is pointless to me and "reference" is no good to me anyways.. however I have the EMAILS..the PM'S with more than a few guys giving you amongst other girls as references.. you simply hate that now you are not seperate from me.. yep..seeing the same guys.. damn the luck.. only difference is.. THEY ARE CONTACTING ME BASED OFF OF ABSOLUTELY NO ADS!! not one.. i don't have to advertise my services.. guys ask to be notified when i will be back in the area.. its called a client base..when you grow up perhaps you can have one (i know i know you will have the rebuttal that you do)..i expect nothign less..

its just sad..just pathetic.. you have now stooped to the "you started it" "im prettier"... "your ugly".. "i must be a better provider" bullshit that only the most pathetic of pathetic providers resort to when they have nothing left to argue with..

like i said.. im fat.. nothing new.. i may be ugly..to some..thats nothing new.. i may be the nastiest, most gross, provider ever known to man kind and these silly whore boards.. but i am still one that don't have to run off and bitch in the private sections, im still the one that gets to be herself and doesn't have to hide behind a persona.. im still the one that can tour any city, any time..no ads and be fully booked.. im the one that doesn't have to post a certain way and post bullshit things like "nice post" jsut to keep my name out there so my phone rings..

you don't get it.. my posting style offends many.. impresses others.. turns some on..but none of that matters.. all that matters is i get to be MYSELF.. not some made up, post what the guys wanna hear so my phone rings goofball that resorts to childish name calling and other antics when all other means of discussion have ended..

its unfortunate..only for you.. cuz thankfully i have a healthy life, kids, dogs, cats the whole nine yards..this board isn't my life..this board is a means to make money.. what guys or girls think of me here doesn't effect who i am, my life or anything else.. its their opinion.. they are entitled to it.. sadly you take everything so personally cuz "cilla" is who you are.. its personal..its just a silly whore board.. get a freakin life
Guest091710's Avatar
Actually staying busy for $150 hr wouldn't be hard for most of us. If i decided to go $150 hr id be booked 24/7 FIRST OFF! Thats where i started at. Secondly it isn't hard to stay booked constantly traveling, its staying in one place and staying financially sustained that is the trick, since so many are One time only. Wow and You claim to be giving some vital information? Yeah, not even hardly. What are Your special rates $100 hr and $50 1/2? And wow at $150 hr and no definition of in call or Out call? That's ridiculously low end dear, and while i do fully acknowledge some of the guys appreciate the value menu, i also know You do get what You pay for. You can have the last word, i am completely done here, we are not even in the same fucking league, there is no comparison. Having to travel at $150 hr to various states makes You pathetic not something to brag about. Minus travel expenses are You paying men to fuck You? If You've been working 6 years etc etc You should have a decent "home based" clientele that pay the bills, regulars is where its at. Something You apparently know nothing of. i honestly feel sorry for You to have to go from town to town selling Your goods at dirt cheap rates. Poor girl!

And OMG the argument You have a life, Yes dear i am fully aware. i also have kids a dog and 2 cats. What exactly would be Your point? That's right You have no point. Oh You do have a husband, hmmm i wonder what its like to have a man who pimps his wife out? and so fucking dirt cheaply.... gas, hotels,food, are all travel cost associated w travel. No, not really, im better off not knowing, i damn sure wont be supporting a man. Good luck w that, and this is what Your so proud of? i promise You when i have someone fucking this cat for free, i wont be a working girl anymore. Especially if he puts a ring on it!

And if Your just into the experience and Your so open etc etc then he'd be by Your side and You'd leave the money on the dresser! Other wise Your just a paid escort on the lower end of the scale, make no mistake about it. i have no issues being, or using the dreaded "w" word. At least im ok w it, to terms w it, i enjoy it. i am quite fantastic at it.

As far as clients using me as a reference and You not bothering to contact me, just more professionalism on Your behalf. i more then happily give references to all of my loved clients. i seriously doubt there was any truth to that anyways. As for going to any city and time w no ads and being fully booked, that's a down right lie. What do the stars align and spell "dirty nasty trash" lol?

Keep it up Your just making Your self look like an idiot. and i do promise You, i will not reply to another comment as bc You just keep rambling the same bs, over and over.Unless you find something worthy of me replying to. Really You were whoring while i was looking for a ride to the mall? Considering You list Your age at 31 which is a lie, but none the less that makes You whoring at what age? wow, i could keep going but Your not worth it! as far as me bitching in the powder room, ive only made a few post there and none about You. Saying what i think directly to Your face. Anything else?

DONE !!!
  • cg00
  • 07-27-2010, 03:55 AM
Let's try to steer this thread back to the original point.

I know shameless plug for girls on here that are not spinners and closer to BBW...

Note, this does not imply any of the big girls here offer BBFS only that many on here would probably not mind dating them outside the hobby for some BB fun. Hey it's outside the hobby, it has to be safe right?



ratboy jam's Avatar
The second pic...any links??
That girl next door look is usually pretty damn good on film!!!
Tobor the 8th Man's Avatar
Finally! I get this thread! I didn't really see any problem with Big Beautiful Full Service.

My Vote?
dearhunter's Avatar
Could we please refrain from the mentioning of "big girl panties" by the big girls...............bad visuals with that one.

I am hurt.............I thought I was the only one SH trusted.........now, she is stepping out on me.

Carry on.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
The second pic...any links??
That girl next door look is usually pretty damn good on film!!! Originally Posted by ratboy jam
I have to agree with you on that second pic... OMG... I agree with RatBoyJam... how could I have sunk so far...
why is there so much drama!!!
boardman's Avatar
dearhunter's Avatar
The red head is thincking "I look like a spinner next to these bitches"