Sars_CoV2 In Retreat

Wouldn't it just be better to try and salvage your dignity?
I don't know why anyone has not mentioned this before: THEY LIED TO YOUR FACE, JIGGERED THE NUMBERS, CENSORED DISSENT AND TRIED TO COVER IT AL UP! Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Watch this clip. I thought this was rather interesting. It took place in Canada.
  • Tiny
  • 07-30-2023, 12:59 PM
Wouldn't it just be better to try and salvage your dignity?
I don't know why anyone has not mentioned this before: THEY LIED TO YOUR FACE, JIGGERED THE NUMBERS, CENSORED DISSENT AND TRIED TO COVER IT AL UP! Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Thanks for that WYID. I took a look at the abstract. I didn't find a way to buy the paper. And also took a quick look at some other papers related to COVID vaccines and myocarditis. I wouldn't change any of my decisions about getting vaccinated as a result.

I'm not a doctor, but the Swiss study appeared to have a pretty loose definition of myocardial injury. They defined it as "acute dynamic increase in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) concentration above the sex-specific upper-limit of normal on day 3 (48-96 h) after vaccination without evidence of an alternative cause." That sounds to me like having your liver enzymes high for example. No big deal for me, they'd always go down when I stopped boozing it up. They also say the myocardial injury was "mild and transient."

No one had a major cardiac event during the study period. And none had ECG changes! The other papers, large population studies from the USA, UK and South Korea, showed abnormal ECG's in around 70% of people suffering from myocarditis.

Furthermore, interestingly the Swiss study showed a much higher level of "myocardial injury" in women than men, which is backwards of the large population myocarditis studies. 3.7% of the women, and 0.8% of the men (a grand total of two men) had the elevated hs-cTnT levels.

The most interesting paper I ran across was this one,

It looks at risk of myocarditis from both vaccination and disease. For men my age, it would have made sense to get the vaccine and boosters, even if you only looked at the risk of hospitalization and death from myocarditis, and ignored the much higher risks like respiratory and multi organ failure.

As I've said before, for me this was a no brainer. If I were younger, under the age of 30 or maybe 40, it would not have been. And people have died from the COVID vaccine. I think it's in the thousands in the USA, compared to hundreds of thousands of lives saved by the vaccines. And relatively few of those vaccine deaths were from myocarditis. Most were old people.

One interesting thing, the Swiss study looked at people who were boosted with the Moderna vaccine. The other UK study I linked to above indicated that vaccine related myocarditis was much more likely among younger men with the Moderna vaccine. Even though the myocarditis risk is very small in people my age, I'll probably get the Pfizer vaccine for my next booster, assuming the CDC recommends another shot after receiving the bivalent booster. (Right now they're not.)

So thanks for that too. Without your flagging our attention to this, I'd probably be looking at the Moderna shot if I get another booster.

The Revolver article is a piece of work. They appear to assume any younger person who died of a heart attack did so because of the COVID vaccine, regardless of whether they know if the person was vaccinated. And apparently if you believe the Swiss researchers when they say the myocardial injury was mild and transitory, then you're an up-in-arms liberal.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... I wouldn't change any of my decisions about getting vaccinated as a result... Originally Posted by Tiny
In actually reality - you can't. There are some people looking into a detox regimen, but those people were censored by your government some time ago. Apparently, they were not going along with the government narrative and were suggesting-- GASP! -- focusing on improving ones immune system's health. Oh! The humanity of those radical b'tards! Remember? Things like vitamin D, which about 80% of the population is deficient in? Also Zinc, again highly deficient in the vast populations, especially older persons.
... I think it's in the thousands in the USA, compared to hundreds of thousands of lives saved by the vaccines... Originally Posted by Tiny
Thinking is good. Proving is much harder though. Regarding ..."Most were old people"... I think you know, that I know, that we both know that the covid had an intense proclivity towards old people. Younger people had a near ZERO chance of sever outcome, let alone even having any real reaction to it. Why_Yes_I_Do recall the IFR discussions of this very topic in days gone by.

I also remember the math of old people versus young people. In the 'entitlement' sense, aka Social Security, where it takes about 9 young, i.e. working, persons to cover the costs of one old person collecting Social Security - which they and their employers paid in to their entire working life. And No Virginia (Al Gore) there is no lock-box for that. As you might surmise, most of the lock-down prone countries had a similar math problem they were grappling with at that same time.
... I'll probably get the Pfizer vaccine for my next booster, assuming the CDC recommends another shot after receiving the bivalent booster. (Right now they're not.).. Originally Posted by Tiny
Your lucky day or what?!? The CDC dropped the booster thang. Ostensibly because only about 16-18% of people fell for it. They are retrenching and working on new marketing material (propaganda via Pravda media) for an annual shot, just like they do with the flu, which as you may recall has decades of data, including things like efficacy, consistency and a track record. Recall they take their Best "Educated?" Guess at which flu strain might be in existence and have averaged about a 42% efficacy rate - for decades. Well... except for 2020-2021 where there was no flu to be found. So how will they fair with an artificially enhanced bug-a-boo that seems to have mutated itself out already, i.e. in retreat as the OP claims?

BTW: Dang you to heck ;-) I was going to post an article showing that 9 out of 10 scientists, including Fauci the Fraudster, agreed the covid was an enhanced pathogen on Feb 1, 2020, in the AM and by night fall they published a paper saying it was not. Oh well... Tomorrow is another day I guess. Though we still don't know who made "the phone call" to change their obedient minds - yet.

Thanks for that WYID. I took a look at the abstract. I didn't find a way to buy the paper. And also took a quick look at some other papers related to COVID vaccines and myocarditis. I wouldn't change any of my decisions about getting vaccinated as a result.

I'm not a doctor, but the Swiss study appeared to have a pretty loose definition of myocardial injury. They defined it as "acute dynamic increase in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) concentration above the sex-specific upper-limit of normal on day 3 (48-96 h) after vaccination without evidence of an alternative cause." That sounds to me like having your liver enzymes high for example. No big deal for me, they'd always go down when I stopped boozing it up. They also say the myocardial injury was "mild and transient."

No one had a major cardiac event during the study period. And none had ECG changes! The other papers, large population studies from the USA, UK and South Korea, showed abnormal ECG's in around 70% of people suffering from myocarditis.

Furthermore, interestingly the Swiss study showed a much higher level of "myocardial injury" in women than men, which is backwards of the large population myocarditis studies. 3.7% of the women, and 0.8% of the men (a grand total of two men) had the elevated hs-cTnT levels.

The most interesting paper I ran across was this one,

It looks at risk of myocarditis from both vaccination and disease. For men my age, it would have made sense to get the vaccine and boosters, even if you only looked at the risk of hospitalization and death from myocarditis, and ignored the much higher risks like respiratory and multi organ failure.

As I've said before, for me this was a no brainer. If I were younger, under the age of 30 or maybe 40, it would not have been. And people have died from the COVID vaccine. I think it's in the thousands in the USA, compared to hundreds of thousands of lives saved by the vaccines. And relatively few of those vaccine deaths were from myocarditis. Most were old people.

One interesting thing, the Swiss study looked at people who were boosted with the Moderna vaccine. The other UK study I linked to above indicated that vaccine related myocarditis was much more likely among younger men with the Moderna vaccine. Even though the myocarditis risk is very small in people my age, I'll probably get the Pfizer vaccine for my next booster, assuming the CDC recommends another shot after receiving the bivalent booster. (Right now they're not.)

So thanks for that too. Without your flagging our attention to this, I'd probably be looking at the Moderna shot if I get another booster.

The Revolver article is a piece of work. They appear to assume any younger person who died of a heart attack did so because of the COVID vaccine, regardless of whether they know if the person was vaccinated. And apparently if you believe the Swiss researchers when they say the myocardial injury was mild and transitory, then you're an up-in-arms liberal. Originally Posted by Tiny
Ducbutter's Avatar
No one had a major cardiac event because all participants were monitored and warned if enzyme levels were elevated, including the control group.

When people with elevated enzyme levels unknowingly physically exert themselves they are at risk for cardiac events. Something like jogging or spirited sex with south american angels for instance.

The Basil clinic that did the study is one of the most highly credentialed on the planet. It was also done without big pharma influence.
1 in 35 participants were vaccine injured or 2.857%.
If you are up to 65 the mortality rate for Covid was .5 or less.
  • Tiny
  • 07-31-2023, 12:14 PM
....focusing on improving ones immune system's health. Oh! The humanity of those radical b'tards! Remember? Things like vitamin D, which about 80% of the population is deficient in? Also Zinc, again highly deficient in the vast populations, especially older persons. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I've got no problem with that. In fact I need to re-order the quercetin you recommended. But as Reddog says, vitamins, supplements, a healthy diet and exercise aren't going to cure gonorrhea, chlamydia, or COVID.

Thinking is good. Proving is much harder though. Regarding ..."Most were old people"... I think you know, that I know, that we both know that the covid had an intense proclivity towards old people. Younger people had a near ZERO chance of sever outcome, let alone even having any real reaction to it. Why_Yes_I_Do recall the IFR discussions of this very topic in days gone by. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
OK, yeah, I can't prove that. The Commonwealth Fund estimates the COVID vaccine saved over 3 million lives in the USA so far. In fact, they put the range at 3.09 to 3.41 million, inside a 95% confidence interval. I suspect that's high. And much of the medical establishment would ridicule my guess that thousands have died in the USA from the COVID vaccines. I get that by the way from ramping up the estimates from a Norwegian study of deaths in nursing home patients.

I also remember the math of old people versus young people. In the 'entitlement' sense, aka Social Security, where it takes about 9 young, i.e. working, persons to cover the costs of one old person collecting Social Security - which they and their employers paid in to their entire working life. And No Virginia (Al Gore) there is no lock-box for that. As you might surmise, most of the lock-down prone countries had a similar math problem they were grappling with at that same time.Your lucky day or what?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
If you're looking for a good way to kill old people, neither SARS-CoV-2 nor the COVID vaccine makes a lot of sense. The virus puts a lot of stress and expense on your health care system and the vaccine kills very, very few. Gas chambers, lethal injection and the like are much more efficient.

The CDC dropped the booster thang. Ostensibly because only about 16-18% of people fell for it. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Nah. They recommended most people get the bivalent booster, which became available around September of last year. So it hasn't been that long since the brave and wise (like me) got our last booster. And COVID cases have fallen off a lot.

They are retrenching and working on new marketing material (propaganda via Pravda media) for an annual shot, just like they do with the flu, which as you may recall has decades of data, including things like efficacy, consistency and a track record. Recall they take their Best "Educated?" Guess at which flu strain might be in existence and have averaged about a 42% efficacy rate - for decades. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I get the flu shot annually and never get the flu, that I know of. I don't have to do all that shit that Levianon and Jacuzzme do, like climbing rope and running with 50 pound rucksacks.

So how will they fair with an artificially enhanced bug-a-boo that seems to have mutated itself out already, i.e. in retreat as the OP claims? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That's probably one of the reasons why they haven't suggested people get a second bivalent booster.

BTW: Dang you to heck ;-) I was going to post an article showing that 9 out of 10 scientists, including Fauci the Fraudster, agreed the covid was an enhanced pathogen on Feb 1, 2020, in the AM and by night fall they published a paper saying it was not. Oh well... Tomorrow is another day I guess. Though we still don't know who made "the phone call" to change their obedient minds - yet. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Hopefully COVID is history. The eccie brain trust needs to devote itself to more important matters IMHO. We've got to break our COVID posting addiction WYID!
  • Tiny
  • 07-31-2023, 12:19 PM
No one had a major cardiac event because all participants were monitored and warned if enzyme levels were elevated, including the control group.

When people with elevated enzyme levels unknowingly physically exert themselves they are at risk for cardiac events. Something like jogging or spirited sex with south american angels for instance.

The Basil clinic that did the study is one of the most highly credentialed on the planet. It was also done without big pharma influence.
1 in 35 participants were vaccine injured or 2.857%.
If you are up to 65 the mortality rate for Covid was .5 or less. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
It's a small study. Again, only two men in it had the elevated enzyme levels. And the damage was "mild and transitory." Based on the large population studies, people aren't dying left and right because of vaccine induced myocarditis. Honestly, I would not hesitate to engage in carnal relations with a South American hottie because of the vaccine.
  • Tiny
  • 07-31-2023, 12:29 PM
So hamsters can be infected by SarsCov2? Do you really believe that? How did these Hamsters contract the virus in the first place? Jamming two cages together each populated with Hamsters one with sick Hamsters and one with healthy Hamsters doesn't really prove much. It's not a real world scenario. So it's highly speculative in terms of airborne transmission. But it may sound compelling. Originally Posted by Levianon17
If you look at the photos in the paper, the cages aren't jammed together. There's space between them. The transmission could not have occurred by contact without airborne transmission unless they really fucked up in their procedures.

How do you explain the transmission of an influenza virus in ferrets separated by 10 feet and guinea pigs separated by 3 feet?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I've got no problem with that. In fact I need to re-order the quercetin you recommended. But as Reddog says, vitamins, supplements, a healthy diet and exercise aren't going to cure gonorrhea, chlamydia, or COVID. .. Originally Posted by Tiny
Weights and measures R us. Ounce of prevention versus a pound of cure much?
...OK, yeah, I can't prove that. The Commonwealth Fund estimates the COVID vaccine saved over 3 million lives in the USA so far. In fact, they put the range at 3.09 to 3.41 million, inside a 95% confidence interval. I suspect that's high. And much of the medical establishment would ridicule my guess that thousands have died in the USA from the COVID vaccines. I get that by the way from ramping up the estimates from a Norwegian study of deaths in nursing home patients... Originally Posted by Tiny
Are you asking me whether the estimate was compared to a model by Neil Furguson? WYID.
...If you're looking for a good way to kill old people, neither SARS-CoV-2 nor the COVID vaccine makes a lot of sense. The virus puts a lot of stress and expense on your health care system and the vaccine kills very, very few. Gas chambers, lethal injection and the like are much more efficient.... Originally Posted by Tiny
I'm sure that would be popular to some twisted folks, but a bit too obvious, to say the least. Seems they put a bit too much Peter in the Wolf. As such, the hard question will be the next time they try to roll out more tyranny over the next bug-a-boo beeswax. MonkeyPox much? Wonder what the take rate for that one was?
...Nah. They recommended most people get the bivalent booster, which became available around September of last year. So it hasn't been that long since the brave and wise (like me) got our last booster. And COVID cases have fallen off a lot... Originally Posted by Tiny
Were there many "cases" as you call them? Or was it just present? Put another way, seeing whereas THEY LIED TO YOUR FACE, JIGGERED THE NUMBERS AND TRIED TO COVER IT ALL UP, you still think trusting them is the best and brightest idea out there?
...I get the flu shot annually and never get the flu, that I know of. I don't have to do all that shit that Levianon and Jacuzzme do, like climbing rope and running with 50 pound rucksacks... Originally Posted by Tiny
If I may ask, hasn't the flu vaccine been in existence for decades with copious amounts of track record data, which averages out to about a 42% efficacy over the many years. How many mRNA gene therapies are in circulation over how many years to compare with?

I too have a vigorous exercise campaign, though I'm more of a sprinter. I dash from my air conditioned house to my air conditioned car, then into the air conditioned store then reverse the whole process during the excruciating heat. On the upside; the covid seems to have added entire floor competitions of mental gymnastics to many peoples routines.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I don't like the way any of this sounds. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Let this one rattle around in your ear-balls a might.
Mysterious lab discovered in Fresno, Calif., ‘at least 20 potentially infectious agents” detected along with mice engineered to spread pandemics
08/01/2023 // Ethan Huff

An "unlicensed laboratory full of lab mice, medical waste and hazardous materials" has been identified in the warehouse city of Reedley, Calif., near Fresno.

Code enforcement officers in the right-leaning area of California first investigated the warehouse back in March, which prompted local and federal authorities to get involved and launch a multi-agency investigation.

"It was pretty clear right off the bat that something was going on we didn't have a business license for," said Reedley City Manager Nicole Zieba. "They didn't have any city approvals; that building was supposed to be vacant."

Officers ultimately left the property because they did not have a warrant to do anything further after discovering a suspicious garden hose and numerous other covid violations, which rendered the site unsafe.

The city of Reedley did post "Unsafe to Occupy" signs around the property and ordered all individuals present to vacate. They then contacted the Fresno County Department of Public Health (FCDPH).

"That phone call launched an investigation that would eventually involve the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the FBI, the State Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), the State Department of Health, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and FCDPH, and would lead to the discovery of a lab that had been operating illegally in the city since October 2022," reported the MidValley Times about what transpired.

Reedley warehouse workers caught developing pregnancy, covid tests in violation of law

After testing the various substances identified at the lab, authorities detected "at least 20 potentially infectious agents," according to NBC News.

The location at 850 I St. in Reedley is believed to have been producing medical devices that were being developed on-site. Such devices include tests for pregnancy and covid.

"Certain rooms of the warehouse were found to contain several vessels of liquid and various apparatus," court documents explain.

"Fresno County Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and thousands of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material."

These same court documents explain that the hundreds of mice found at the site were being kept in inhuman conditions. All 773 of them were captured by the city and euthanized, while another 175 were found already dead inside the building.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes were among the 20 potentially infectious agents identified and outlined in a June 6 letter released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

It turns out the tenant at the building is Prestige BioTech, a Nevada-registered company whose alleged president is someone named Xiuquin Yao. Some suspect that the lab is Chinese owned and created to secretly operate in the United States.

The building contained covid and pregnancy tests, various vials of blood, and trace levels of multiple viruses including malaria, E. coli, and hepatitis.

"The lab was shut down immediately but investigators still have no idea where the test were being used," someone familiar with the matter tweeted. "The question now is why was a Chinese lab running in California without regulation, and did Newsom and his administration know anything about it?"

Officials in Reedley have repeatedly attempted to speak to representatives at Prestige, but to no avail. Neither Reedley nor the FCDPH has been able to obtain any substantive information from Yao about Prestige or why the infectious agents and mice were being stored at the facility other than to claim that the company was "developing diagnostic testing kits."
Shoot howdy. Diagnostic test kits you say? I would want to see the hard drives to see if there's a significant database of DNA test results from PCR tests, some of which our government says was accidentally exposed previously.
If you look at the photos in the paper, the cages aren't jammed together. There's space between them. The transmission could not have occurred by contact without airborne transmission unless they really fucked up in their procedures.

How do you explain the transmission of an influenza virus in ferrets separated by 10 feet and guinea pigs separated by 3 feet? Originally Posted by Tiny
Well first of all what was the scientific method used to determine the Ferrets indeed had influenza? You can't just say "I have some sick Ferrets so it must be Influenza".
  • Tiny
  • 08-01-2023, 12:11 PM
Well first of all what was the scientific method used to determine the Ferrets indeed had influenza? You can't just say "I have some sick Ferrets so it must be Influenza". Originally Posted by Levianon17
Here's the paper,

I haven't read it. You can make your own judgement.
  • Tiny
  • 08-01-2023, 12:15 PM
Put another way, seeing whereas THEY LIED TO YOUR FACE, JIGGERED THE NUMBERS AND TRIED TO COVER IT ALL UP, you still think trusting them is the best and brightest idea out there? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
They were definitely wrong from time to time. And prone to exaggeration when they thought it would protect public health, even though their advice was decimating the economy. But terming that "lying" is a bit harsh. In my community the hospitals were overloaded. One had to built a tent to house all the patients. Another bought a portable morgue, where it could put the dead bodies.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Occam's Razor would be the lab leak, every other attempt at rationalizing a narrative is Olympic level mental gymnastics - IMMHO.
Proof officials knew Covid came from a Lab; the plot to bury the Lab Leak Theory
By Rhoda Wilson on July 30, 2023

How was propaganda at the beginning of the pandemic carefully crafted to hide the truth? At what lengths did officials go to bury the truth? This should raise serious questions surrounding the true agenda at play.

Recently published documents shed light on deliberations among scientists in the earliest days of the pandemic. Was the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper influenced by Fauci and other government officials who wanted to bury any discussion of a probable lab leak?

US House Republicans investigating the origin of covid inadvertently released a trove of new documents that shed light on deliberations among the scientists in the earliest days of the pandemic.

On 11 July 2023, the subcommittee on the origin of covid held a hearing on the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper, in which they questioned Dr. Robert Garry of Tulane University and Dr. Kristian Andersen of Scripps, two of the paper’s authors.

On 1 February 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci convened a conference call with nearly a dozen scientists. Their scientific consensus was that SARS-CoV-2 appeared to be genetically engineered and that the pandemic was likely the result of a lab escape.

Later that day, several of the authors drafted a paper that drew the opposite conclusion. ‘The Proximal Origin of Sars-Cov-2’, a letter to the editor, was published in Nature Medicine on 17 March 2020. It ended up being widely cited by corporate media as evidence of a scientific consensus that the virus emerged naturally and jumped species.

According to a 12 July 2023 article by Ryan Grim published by The Intercept,1 US House Republicans investigating the origin of covid “appear to have inadvertently released a trove of new documents … that shed light on deliberations among the scientists who drafted a key paper in February and March of 2020.”

The paper in question is ‘The Proximal Origin of Sars-Cov-2’,2 a letter to the editor of Nature Medicine published on 17 March 2020. This letter ended up being widely cited by corporate media as evidence of a scientific consensus that the virus emerged naturally and jumped species.

The House Subcommittee on the origin of covid devoted an entire report to this paper, showing how the authors presented a false conclusion to the public while privately believing the virus had escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”).

The report was published on 11 July 2023, the same day the subcommittee also held a hearing on the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper, in which they questioned Robert Garry, PhD, of Tulane University and Kristian Andersen, PhD, of Scripps, two of the scientists involved in its creation. The Intercept explains how more information than intended ended up out in the open:3
According to the metadata in the PDF of the report, it was created using ‘Acrobat PDFMaker 23 for Word,’ indicating that the report was originally drafted as a Word document. Word, however, retains the original image when an image is cropped, as do many other apps …

The Intercept was able to extract the original, complete images from the PDF using freely available tools, following the work of a Twitter sleuth. All the files can be found here.4
The original subcommittee report has now been taken down.


On 1 February 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-director of the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (“NIAID”) and Dr. Francis Collins, then-director of the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”) convened a conference call with 11 scientists to discuss covid-19.

On that conference call, Drs. Fauci and Collins were warned that covid may have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”) – and that the virus appeared to be the result of genetic engineering. Minutes from the call reveal a lab escape was in fact the consensus among the gathered experts on that day.

Yet later that very day, a first draft of the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper had been written, and three days later, on 4 February, Fauci was sent a copy for editing and approval. The authors have maintained that new information changed their minds, but what, exactly, could they have learned in that short time? As it turns out, nothing.

According to The Intercept, “Slack messages and emails show that their initial inclination toward a lab escape remained long past that time.” So, as initially suspected, the ‘Proximal Origin’ paper appears to have been nothing more than an attempt to control the narrative.

Zoonotic Origin Pushers Suspected Lab Leak

“In a Slack exchange on 2 February 2020, between Andersen and Andrew Rambaut of the University of Edinburgh’s Institute of Evolutionary Biology in the School of Biological Sciences, it becomes clear how seriously the authors took the hypothesis that covid may have leaked from a lab … before they ultimately became dedicated to publicly dismissing it,” Grim writes.5

Here's the paper,

I haven't read it. You can make your own judgement. Originally Posted by Tiny
You haven't read it, but the basically it's attempting establish that Influenza A is transmissible through the air. It stated droplets from a cough or sneeze are large but due the force as they are expelled from the body fragmentation and evaporation takes place causing them to become smaller and lighter thus they linger in the air for several hours which would allow a healthy host to come in contact with them through respiration which would ultimately cause disease. That sounds interesting but is that all there is to it? From what is know about viruses, how would a virus be able to flow freely in the air make it's way into a healthy animal or person's Nose, eyes or mouth travel all the way to the target cell hijack the cell's machinery, replicate and cause disease and damage within the body, all this while being nonliving?
  • Tiny
  • 08-02-2023, 08:22 AM
You haven't read it, but the basically it's attempting establish that Influenza A is transmissible through the air. It stated droplets from a cough or sneeze are large but due the force as they are expelled from the body fragmentation and evaporation takes place causing them to become smaller and lighter thus they linger in the air for several hours which would allow a healthy host to come in contact with them through respiration which would ultimately cause disease. That sounds interesting but is that all there is to it? From what is know about viruses, how would a virus be able to flow freely in the air make it's way into a healthy animal or person's Nose, eyes or mouth travel all the way to the target cell hijack the cell's machinery, replicate and cause disease and damage within the body, all this while being nonliving? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Yes, you’ve got it. You said it better than I could. I think you’re hung up on the definition of “alive”. Is a virus alive? How about a seed? Or a neuron, which is a cell that doesn’t reproduce? How about pollen, which like the influenza virus floats through the air, then lands on another plant and fertilizes it? Hell if I know. But viruses contain RNA or DNA, which is what’s needed to reproduce. And as you said, by hijacking cells’ machinery they replicate, spread and can cause disease.

Yeah it’s complicated, but no more so than starting with building blocks of nucleic acids and other chemicals billions of years ago, and ending up with humans today.