The Iranian side deals

Errr... okay what ever you say Pedro, if this is helping you save face have at it I am going to go play a round or two of golf, you can sit around and think of all the ways you can spend that $643.00 a month you get from the government. Have a great day, oh hey last time you forgot to weed eat the flower bed on the south side. Make sure you get it this time. have a great day Pedro. Originally Posted by dirty dog
$643 a month I make that much in a day, you fucking moron.

That's a good one, dipshit. Go play your old fucking man game. All you do is slap each other on the ass and sneak off in the trees for a quick blowjibber.
$643 a month I make that much in a day, you fucking moron.

That's a good one, dipshit. Go play your old fucking man game. All you do is slap each other on the ass and sneak off in the trees for a quick blowjibber. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So all those blowjobs and fudge packings and ATM sessions are paying off for you down at Talleywackers and the franchise ;holes, huh woomby ? !!!! Maybe you can do like another one of your heros, "Reverend" Al Sharptounge and your wetback gente and NOT pay taxes on that income, hey puto ? !! I'm sure odummer will let you "slide" if you "work your lip magic" on him ad MOOCHelle !!!
So all those blowjobs and fudge packings and ATM sessions are paying off for you down at Talleywackers and the franchise ;holes, huh woomby ? !!!! Maybe you can do like another one of your heros, "Reverend" Al Sharptounge and your wetback gente and NOT pay taxes on that income, hey puto ? !! I'm sure odummer will let you "slide" if you "work your lip magic" on him ad MOOCHelle !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You are a disgrace. To your service(if you even served) and to your country and family. What a foolish disgrace you are. Look at you. Look at what you say, over and over. You're an angry racist homophobe who obviously never achieved anything in life and now you're taking it out on the rest of us. Go tell it to a shrink. We're done listening to your bullshit.
You are a disgrace. To your service(if you even served) and to your country and family. What a foolish disgrace you are. Look at you. Look at what you say, over and over. You're an angry racist homophobe who obviously never achieved anything in life and now you're taking it out on the rest of us. Go tell it to a shrink. We're done listening to your bullshit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
" We're done listening to your bullshit. " What ? Is your candy ass puto self gonna put me on " ignore" again ? Like a liberal parent does to a child, putting them in "time out" ? And who is this WE that you are referring to ? What, are you gonna run to the mods AGAIN, because some one tells it like it is with your lying liberal self ? Typical thin skinned maricon y mamlon, hey puto ! You don't like being reminded of what a lying liberal failure that YOU are that can only get by from working on your knees at a gloryhole. Don't blame me for YOUR failings in life woomby. Typical lib that's angry with the world and looking to blame others for YOUR failings. Grow the hell up and get a life other than running your post count up on a whooker board and your "cocks serviced" numbers at the 'holes. Do you advertise those numbers like McDonalds' does on their signs,
" billions served " ? Is that the number YOU'RE shooting for woomby, to make your Momma / sister proud of YOU ? Go help your morbidly obese Momma / sister lose some of that weight. It's the least you could do for staying in her basement turning all of her bed sheets brown and crusty from your ATM sessions.
southtown4488's Avatar
hey Rey Lengua, if ur Hispanic what do u think of Trump characterizing Mexicans as rapists and drug dealers? BTW, when he says Mexicans im pretty sure he means Hispanics
" We're done listening to your bullshit. " What ? Is your candy ass puto self gonna put me on " ignore" again ? Like a liberal parent does to a child, putting them in "time out" ? And who is this WE that you are referring to ? What, are you gonna run to the mods AGAIN, because some one tells it like it is with your lying liberal self ? Typical thin skinned maricon y mamlon, hey puto ! You don't like being reminded of what a lying liberal failure that YOU are that can only get by from working on your knees at a gloryhole. Don't blame me for YOUR failings in life woomby. Typical lib that's angry with the world and looking to blame others for YOUR failings. Grow the hell up and get a life other than running your post count up on a whooker board and your "cocks serviced" numbers at the 'holes. Do you advertise those numbers like McDonalds' does on their signs,
" billions served " ? Is that the number YOU'RE shooting for woomby, to make your Momma / sister proud of YOU ? Go help your morbidly obese Momma / sister lose some of that weight. It's the least you could do for staying in her basement turning all of her bed sheets brown and crusty from your ATM sessions. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You're telling ME to grow up

Jesus Christ, that's a good one, you illiterate buttfucker. At some point, after you've mentioned gloryholes for, oh I don't know, the 18K time, I have to wonder what the fuck you're all about. You've got problems, obviously, or you wouldn't ramble on about such bullshit.
You're telling ME to grow up

Jesus Christ, that's a good one, you illiterate buttfucker. At some point, after you've mentioned gloryholes for, oh I don't know, the 18K time, I have to wonder what the fuck you're all about. You've got problems, obviously, or you wouldn't ramble on about such bullshit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
My "problem" is with sanctimonious lying liberal cum guzzlers like you who try to force everyone else to "do as I say, not as I do " . And your post from MONTHS before I entered the political forum a replete with comments relating to your gay proclivities. So you cry like the three year old that you are mentally when anyone points them out. And go so far as to put people on "ignore' like a preschooler thinking that ignoring something that you don't like ( the TRUTH about you posts and your lifestyle) will make things "all good". I don't give a rip about what YOU think of me, GET IT. I'm NOT here to be your "internet friend" or be convinced by a lying loser puto like YOU about how being a liberal or a social dumbascrap is " better" for me. When you spew your lies in a public forum ,be prepared for disagreement, you pinche eunuch . Go get Big Sir or assup or shammy to be your "Doctor Phil" or Doctor Drew" . I know that you're a lost cause, so I won't even waste my time to try to help you. You'd be better off going to the Huffington Post and getting all the adulation that you yearn for with your spew. Your kind thrives on the type of lies and talking points that you're so ready to put out as "facts". Go be THEIR hero if you don't want your ass handed to you here EVERY day. And not just by ME. But I don't mind giving it to you like you liberals do to ANYONE that disagrees with you. And YOU can't handle that. That's YOUR problem woomby, NOT mine.
My "problem" is with sanctimonious lying liberal cum guzzlers like you who try to force everyone else to "do as I say, not as I do " . And your post from MONTHS before I entered the political forum a replete with comments relating to your gay proclivities. So you cry like the three year old that you are mentally when anyone points them out. And go so far as to put people on "ignore' like a preschooler thinking that ignoring something that you don't like ( the TRUTH about you posts and your lifestyle) will make things "all good". I don't give a rip about what YOU think of me, GET IT. I'm NOT here to be your "internet friend" or be convinced by a lying loser puto like YOU about how being a liberal or a social dumbascrap is " better" for me. When you spew your lies in a public forum ,be prepared for disagreement, you pinche eunuch . Go get Big Sir or assup or shammy to be your "Doctor Phil" or Doctor Drew" . I know that you're a lost cause, so I won't even waste my time to try to help you. You'd be better off going to the Huffington Post and getting all the adulation that you yearn for with your spew. Your kind thrives on the type of lies and talking points that you're so ready to put out as "facts". Go be THEIR hero if you don't want your ass handed to you here EVERY day. And not just by ME. But I don't mind giving it to you like you liberals do to ANYONE that disagrees with you. And YOU can't handle that. That's YOUR problem woomby, NOT mine. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Who is forcing you to do anything? Disagreement over ideas is one thing. What you're doing is something else entirely and speaks to your unhinged mental state. You're a disgrace. If you have any kids, you're a disgrace to them and the rest of your family. Read your post above back to yourself. You're foaming at the mouth. Full-on meltdown. As for my 'gay' activities, that was me fucking with IB, because he's a gullible chickenshit. You took it and ran with it.
Who is forcing you to do anything? Disagreement over ideas is one thing. What you're doing is something else entirely and speaks to your unhinged mental state. You're a disgrace. If you have any kids, you're a disgrace to them and the rest of your family. Read your post above back to yourself. You're foaming at the mouth. Full-on meltdown. As for my 'gay' activities, that was me fucking with IB, because he's a gullible chickenshit. You took it and ran with it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I "took it and ran with it" and you haven't quit making statements that show your affinity for being gay. You can puff all the peters you like and get your fudge packed every 5 minutes for all I care ! Just don't come expecting sympathy when you need help for something that develops due to YOUR gay lifestyle. You can lie to yourself and your fellow liberals all you want to woomby. But I and others on this site will call you out IN THIS PUBLIC FORUM when your lies are out there for everyone to see. If you can't take it maybe YOU need to go somewhere that will "appreciate" your lying ways and allow you to be "the big man" in your feeble, lying mind. And you keep saying to me "you're a disgrace" . Is that what your Daddy / brother said to you when you told him about your "career decision" of working at the 'holes ? Was Momma / sister proud of you ? With your pathological desire to lie and be accepted, it's no wonder that you are a lying liberal with no morals . You fit right in with them !
I "took it and ran with it" and you haven't quit making statements that show your affinity for being gay. You can puff all the peters you like and get your fudge packed every 5 minutes for all I care ! Just don't come expecting sympathy when you need help for something that develops due to YOUR gay lifestyle. You can lie to yourself and your fellow liberals all you want to woomby. But I and others on this site will call you out IN THIS PUBLIC FORUM when your lies are out there for everyone to see. If you can't take it maybe YOU need to go somewhere that will "appreciate" your lying ways and allow you to be "the big man" in your feeble, lying mind. And you keep saying to me "you're a disgrace" . Is that what your Daddy / brother said to you when you told him about your "career decision" of working at the 'holes ? Was Momma / sister proud of you ? With your pathological desire to lie and be accepted, it's no wonder that you are a lying liberal with no morals . You fit right in with them ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You're a disgrace to yourself and your family. My dad is dead, you fucking jackass. So thanks for bringing that up. Pathological desire to lie? Like you and going on and on about the gloryholes? Jesus Christ. You and IB are such gullible chickenshits. No morals? Like the morals of someone who goes around talking about gloryholes and blowjobs and assfucking all day? Like you? You are a disgrace and you're every single thing that is wrong with this country. An uninformed and braindead electorate that couldn't think their way out of a fucking paper bag.
dirty dog's Avatar
$643 a month I make that much in a day, you fucking moron.

That's a good one, dipshit. Go play your old fucking man game. All you do is slap each other on the ass and sneak off in the trees for a quick blowjibber. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I doubt that, but who cares we both know your a broke dick. I am not sure how you play golf, but the way I play does not in anyway involve touching a mans ass. I guess you must be talking about rainbow golf and I will have to defer to your experience with that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're a disgrace to yourself and your family. My dad is dead, you fucking jackass. So thanks for bringing that up. Pathological desire to lie? Like you and going on and on about the gloryholes? Jesus Christ. You and IB are such gullible chickenshits. No morals? Like the morals of someone who goes around talking about gloryholes and blowjobs and assfucking all day? Like you? You are a disgrace and you're every single thing that is wrong with this country. An uninformed and braindead electorate that couldn't think their way out of a fucking paper bag. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You'd be the chickenshit faggot that bragged about sucking cock and fucking guys in the ass, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Just like I know every time you open your mouth, the cum from your customers at the truck stop gloryhole dribbles out. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Nope. I swallow. Originally Posted by WombRaider
... my boyfriend does complain, about my dick being too wide, not my ass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Dick AND tits? Is it christmas morning? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You'd be the chickenshit faggot that bragged about sucking cock and fucking guys in the ass, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
As I've told you 100 times, you got trolled, you fucking idiot. You're gullible, so I say outrageous shit because I know you're just stupid enough to fall for it.
I doubt that, but who cares we both know your a broke dick. I am not sure how you play golf, but the way I play does not in anyway involve touching a mans ass. I guess you must be talking about rainbow golf and I will have to defer to your experience with that. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I'm about as far from broke as you are from handsome, fella. Your face looks like someone lit it on fire and tried to put it out with a weedeater. As for golf, we all saw what was going on behind the bushes on 15. C'mon buddy. Never played a day it, myself. Too faggoty for me. Walking around with sticks, hitting a tiny, white ball? Yeah, you can keep it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
As I've told you 100 times, you got trolled, you fucking idiot. You're gullible, so I say outrageous shit because I know you're just stupid enough to fall for it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The fact remains, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, you did post it, faggot!!!

Just like I know every time you open your mouth, the cum from your customers at the truck stop gloryhole dribbles out. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Nope. I swallow. Originally Posted by WombRaider
... my boyfriend does complain, about my dick being too wide, not my ass. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Dick AND tits? Is it christmas morning? Originally Posted by WombRaider