Tucker Carlson reports

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
if yous say so

just remember that even Nazis have the right to free speech on a whore board in Trump's America. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

  • oeb11
  • 06-16-2020, 07:43 AM
how does a socialist define a "Nazi" - "Anyone with a different opinion" , Of course.

"Freedom of speech" is only for socialist speech - anything else is nazi hate speech - right 9500!!!!!

Socialist DPST's do hate Carlson and hannity - because they point out their blatant hypocrisy and Marxist beleifs - that most of the followers cannot understand what it is they are rioting for.

and - Tucker, laura Ingraham, and Hannity will be among the first to go to the wall and be shot when Biden's anti-Fa takes over.

Thanks for the useless meme and waste of bandwidth -9500.
HedonistForever's Avatar
how does a socialist define a "Nazi" - "Anyone with a different opinion" , Of course.

"Freedom of speech" is only for socialist speech - anything else is nazi hate speech - right 9500!!!!!

Socialist DPST's do hate Carlson and hannity - because they point out their blatant hypocrisy and Marxist beleifs - that most of the followers cannot understand what it is they are rioting for.

and - Tucker, laura Ingraham, and Hannity will be among the first to go to the wall and be shot when Biden's anti-Fa takes over.

Thanks for the useless meme and waste of bandwidth -9500. Originally Posted by oeb11

And thanks for not re-posting it.
HedonistForever's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zjzZKy874o Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Ain't that the truth. "What's applicable to you, isn't for me" The mantra of the Left.

If one is non-White, you may be an unbridled bigot and be applauded for it by the Left.

How much of this crap White people will be willing to take, remains to be seen. What, to provocative? To racist? Well, I am White so I guess to the Left, you must be right.
HedonistForever's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22j_OhbnW20 Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

How can one voice be so right, so often. In a sane world, this guy would be given the Pulitzer in Journalism but then, we aren't living in a sane world any more. We are living in a far Left, BLM, Antifa construct and how long it will last is anybodies guess.
  • oeb11
  • 06-16-2020, 10:19 AM
HF - i hear You - the LibDPST's are successful in staging the debate as "White Racism" v their every four year pat on the head plantation groups.

Any disagreement with the LibDPST agenda is - to them - inherently Racist.

The Hypocrites cannot see how harmful their Non-equality under the law Racism stance is to our constitutional representative democracy. They are deliberately fomenting civil war in an effort to take over.

and - when the Anti-Fa is in power and police disbanded - the country will come to know what "Fascism" really is.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Tucker Carlson. interesting guy. he's a Swanson Foods heir. meaning he's very rich and certainly does not need the money or the job. apparently he likes doing it; saying whatever he wants.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Tucker Carlson. interesting guy. he's a Swanson Foods heir. meaning he's very rich and certainly does not need the money or the job. apparently he likes doing it; saying whatever he wants. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

So is this fag. Do you know the hag?

HedonistForever's Avatar
Tucker Carlson. interesting guy. he's a Swanson Foods heir. meaning he's very rich and certainly does not need the money or the job. apparently he likes doing it; saying whatever he wants. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I did not know that, interesting. He sure is putting his chin out there. He said tonight that his opening on Black Lives Matter got him the highest rating of the night and the biggest audience he has ever had. I think the word is spreading among Conservatives and Independents, that this is the guy worth listening to. I had dismissed him last year when he was interviewing idiots not worth listening to but he has really found his voice as they say and knocking it out of the park each and every night. The truth is a powerful weapon.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

So is this fag. Do you know the hag? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Anderson is from a rich family. I don't know her. all I know is that his mother is filthy rich. (old money)
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Anderson is from a rich family. I don't know her. all I know is that his mother is filthy rich. (old money) Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Business and socialite aristocracy.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

So is this fag. Do you know the hag?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
get yer breakin' news here! the Nation of CHAZ is now the nation of CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized (or Occupied) Protest.)


