Bloomberg 2020

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Unlike Trump who’s a complete fool and con man Bloomberg is the real deal.
He’s already spent around $350M on his campaign. He’s a very def threat. Yes, he’s put the cat amongst the pigeons with the DNC candidates but competition is good.
Trump can’t compete on the money front. No way even though he’s getting dark money.
Bloomberg is a very smart businessman. He didn’t get a golden handshake from daddy like Trump and even then he was a total failure at business .
But Trump is good at going bankrupt
Whereas Bloomberg is worth at least $55Bn with a bottomless pit of $$$ cash
And IMHO I believe that Trump is a Liar and not even a billionaire. He’s a fake and failure.
Trump is going to get a run for his money. But I believe he will become even more crazy as time unfolds. Not that he was wacko from the beginning.
Agent220's Avatar

What is the difference between Bloomberg vs Trump...they are the two sides of the same coin.

One was a Dem and now Republican while the other was a Republican and now a Dem...
Yeah - this guy is what the dems need. I thought he was "pro woman" "pro gay"- opps - only in front of the cameras. Got it.

‘Cokehead, Womanizing, Fag’: Michael Bloomberg’s Book of ‘Wisdom’ Resurfaces
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Obviously we have different opinions as to what it means to "reach across party lines".

I could agree with your interpretation but then we'd both be wrong. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The Oracle has pondered your assertions and find your points to be somewhat valid after all. In thinking about the prison reform law from your perspective, which seems to include these key tenants:
  • TRUMP2020 swiped a Demonicrat prison reform bill
  • Which was sponsored by an overwhelming majority of Demonicrats
  • Which had failed to pass with GOP support
  • TRUMP2020 got overwhelming GOP support
  • GEPOTUS got a stunning majority of Demonicrats to vote against their own bill
  • While keeping enough Demonicrats on board to get it to pass
  • TRUMP2020 signed the bill into law
So if your point is the Demonicrats are azzhats, I mostly agree. Though I think it demonstrates the Demonicrats are prolapsed azzhats. But hey, close enough.
Your second implied point seems to be that we need an assisted suicide law because Stage 5 TDS, aka Orange Man Bad Syndrome, is incurable not to mention it is an agonizing and slow, painful death - I see your point. But I'm against it and not just because it's a life ending proposition. Why deny us the entertainment value of watching the writhing and gnashing of teeth in slow motion?!? It just don't seem fair or bipartisan.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
And Republicans used to be so positive about market-based solutions... Originally Posted by Dev Null
Either I'm missing the commonality between government mandate (comrade), aka Nanny-state, and market based solution or you took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
Precious_b's Avatar
Yeah - this guy is what the dems need. I thought he was "pro woman" "pro gay"- opps - only in front of the cameras. Got it.

‘Cokehead, Womanizing, Fag’: Michael Bloomberg’s Book of ‘Wisdom’ Resurfaces Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You're quoting Yahoo?!
*shakes head*
Dev Null's Avatar
Either I'm missing the commonality between government mandate (comrade), aka Nanny-state, and market based solution or you took a wrong turn at Albuquerque. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Who said anything about it requiring a government mandate? Oh, yeah, that was you, Mr. Speculative Fiction.

Maybe there is a market for straws that don't strangle our favorite seafood items before they get big enough to harvest.

It's a win-win, except of course that it deprives right-wing nut-cases like you of yet another trivial thing to bitch about.
Well how about Fox news? Are you saying this is not true?

While promoting a $127M, three-year initiative to help minorities in the workplace in 2011, then-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg declared that there's "this enormous cohort of black and Latino males" that "don't know how to behave in the workplace" and "don't have any prospects." | Fox News

This guy is a piece of shit. This guy is also way worse than Trump. I'm getting a kick of the libtards trying to explain away his actions all the while condeming Trump for the same thing. This is just the baby tip of the iceberg. Can't wait for the "Me Too" women to join in. Where are they?

You're quoting Yahoo?!
*shakes head* Originally Posted by Precious_b
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Who said anything about it requiring a government mandate? ... Originally Posted by Dev Null

Well, hmmm... Let's see:
  • DC banned plastic straws
  • All of California banned them
  • Several cities in California have a ban on them seperately
  • Then there's Oregon, Washington
  • Almost forgot the Miami ban
Point being an imposed ban is not a market based solution. It's a politically based imposition. If fuzzy memory serves me correctly, plastic straw waste accounts for about 0.003 percent of plastic waste and only around 24% of plastic waste gets recycled at all. So all the hoopla because one sea turtle got one stuck up their nose?!?
Precious_b's Avatar
Well how about Fox news? Are you saying this is not true?

While promoting a $127M, three-year initiative to help minorities in the workplace in 2011, then-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg declared that there's "this enormous cohort of black and Latino males" that "don't know how to behave in the workplace" and "don't have any prospects." | Fox News

This guy is a piece of shit. This guy is also way worse than Trump. I'm getting a kick of the libtards trying to explain away his actions all the while condeming Trump for the same thing. This is just the baby tip of the iceberg. Can't wait for the "Me Too" women to join in. Where are they? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ah. Foxy Fiction is more like it.

I was surprised that you took a slightly left leaning media source. To be fair, you did not rule out Yahoo as a vetted media site when I asked you which ones were trustworthy. And double surprised when I saw they were pretty close to center. So I shouldn't knock them but still an eye opener that you referenced Yahoo.

But back to Foxy Fiction. And you are asking me about the veracity of a quote you give and a video that is barely a snippet? ellen, respect yourself. If you are going to supply a link, make sure it is of the complete Q@A or an entire segment of such. You must believe/eat up everything as the god given truth that David Daleiden put out with Planned Parenthood.

And the way worse than trump statement. You are stating trump is bad than? I know that is going to stick in your throat. But until some substantiated people come forward on reliably vetted news media, I know it will be hard but don't buy into it. At least it was by trumps own words you heard how he operates. Locker room talk or not. Wait for Bloomies smoking gun. trump has already removed all doubt he is what you describe in your last paragraph by the recording of his own voice. Bloomie you have to be in doubt of until you hear it from him.
Dev Null's Avatar
Well, hmmm... Let's see:
  • DC banned plastic straws
  • All of California banned them
  • Several cities in California have a ban on them seperately
  • Then there's Oregon, Washington
  • Almost forgot the Miami ban
Point being an imposed ban is not a market based solution. It's a politically based imposition. If fuzzy memory serves me correctly, plastic straw waste accounts for about 0.003 percent of plastic waste and only around 24% of plastic waste gets recycled at all. So all the hoopla because one sea turtle got one stuck up their nose?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That's the tip of the iceberg. You forgot corporate bans and the global picture:

But the question that I raised and that you dodged is why are you such a sour-puss about a market-based solution, like biodegradables that have all of the advantages of plastic with none of their disadvantages?

My conclusion is that it would give right-wing nutjobs like you one less trivial thing to bitch about, and your response just confirms my point.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...But the question that I raised and that you dodged is why are you such a sour-puss about a market-based solution, like biodegradables that have all of the advantages of plastic with none of their disadvantages?
My conclusion is that it would give right-wing nutjobs like you one less trivial thing to bitch about, and your response just confirms my point. Originally Posted by Dev Null
So wait, lemme see if I got you right: You are saying the paper straw, which is biodegradable, was just invented yesterday? Ima say nope and Ima say the paper straw existed before plastic straws and most likely before plastics in general. Step one in the journey. Step two, what was the advantage to plastic straws?

Then and only then can you begin to ponder why they/us/we/you went to plastic straws. Or you could simply guess. Ima guess, you will guess. Likely a swing and a miss at that. So which came first political bans or corporate bans?

My conclusion is that it would give left-wing nutjobs like you one less trivial thing to bitch about through your echo chambers in compliant corporate media and social media, and your response just confirms my point.
Dev Null's Avatar
The advantage of plastic straws is rigidity, much like Putin's penis when you pleasure him.

And public opinion predated any bans and will eventually lead to more demand for bioplastic straws with the same advantages as petro-plastic ones, even in places where there are no bans. Hence a market-driven solution, which you refuse to acknowledge because it deprives you of yet another trivial thing to bitch about.

Personally I could give a rat's ass, no more than when you pleasure Putin's penis. To each their own.
Precious_b's Avatar
I have to say that if i'm to be compared to a liberal in one sense, I don't like to waste things. And straws are one thing. I don't accept them on take out items, in restaurants with meals and I avoid them on take out coffee for stirring.
I find myself trying to eliminate using anything that is used once and thrown out (disposable cups, lids to cups, plasticware, styrofoam takeout plates, etc.)
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The advantage of plastic straws is rigidity... Originally Posted by Dev Null
Well... if straws make it hard for you, that's your own thing. Personally, I thought Vlad made it hard for you. But nice enough try limp one. Think market based as to why plastic straws became popular.
...public opinion predated any bans... Originally Posted by Dev Null
You mean public opinion amplified via echo chambers in compliant corporate media and social media. That public opinion?!? Given the infinitesimal participation of plastic straws in the waste stream - why the hubbub, as amplified via echo chambers in compliant corporate media and social media? Could a single sea turtle with a straw up it's nose be ballyhooed into more than it is to a "public" that is easily manipulated? Take your time to ponder it over a Popeye's chicken sammich and a big gulp soda, with that new fangled paper straw or one of them prototype bioplastic jobbies.
...bioplastic straws with the same advantages as petro-plastic ... Originally Posted by Dev Null
Missed that scientific advancement. You get in on the ground floor on that investment already? Is it a Bloomingburger company?
...pleasure Putin's penis... Originally Posted by Dev Null
You sure are fixated on Putin's schlong. You have a review on it on this board somewhere as you seem to know an awful lot about it? Which were your favorite activities? BBBJ, Doggie (you or him on top?).