Wash your Ass/Cock/Pussy Superthread - I've mentioned this before but, clean IT up!

Still Looking's Avatar
what if someone wanted a "poopy diaper" session?wouldnt that defeat the purpose? Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Poopy Diaper session? Some times I feel at a big disadvantage being normal!
I may be new to hobby, but I was curious if anyone else has faced the changes I have making the switch from civie dating to hobbying. This fact was really hitting me in the face today when I realized I was taking my fourth shower of the day. One in the morning, one predate for manscaping, one at the actual date so she knows I'm clean, and one to clean up afterwards. I'm likely to have one after working out before work tonight.....seems like I'm spending half my day in the shower these days. I never treated any of my SOs in the civie life with this level of cleanliness. I guess I'm curious if any other guys felt more dedicated to cleanliness in the hobby compare to civie relationships. The only reason I can ration this in my head is that I know sex is expected, rather than just hoped for. Any one else notice a change in themselves and wonder why they treat the women loving them for money better than those loving us for us?
Still Looking's Avatar
I noticed the same thing! So I combined working out and hobbying! I save on showers that way! I've always been a clean freak!
I was always a one shower a day kinda guy felt I never had an odor issue, I almost fear that providers would be more sensitive to even mild BO. I guess due in part in a romantic relationship I love woman's stink LOL. I used to attack my exwife mid workout all the time.....maybe that's why she put on all those pounds .....lol
Soonerman12's Avatar
lol.. I've noticed the same thing. But I will tell you what is worse.. when the provider stinks.. I walked out on a provider recently when she took off her panties and smelled up the entire hotel room. I still paid her before leaving. I told her that it was me and not her, but I was grossed out.

She sent me a text the next day telling me that she had a special and wanted me to come back. I didn't respond.
Still Looking's Avatar
lol.. I've noticed the same thing. But I will tell you what is worse.. when the provider stinks.. I walked out on a provider recently when she took off her panties and smelled up the entire hotel room. I still paid her before leaving. I told her that it was me and not her, but I was grossed out.

She sent me a text the next day telling me that she had a special and wanted me to come back. I didn't respond. Originally Posted by Soonerman12

And you paid her? Hummmmm I would have asked her if she smelled that? Smelled what? I don't know, it smells like a skunk fucking a dead tuna! Once that happens, I implement my exit strategy! Exit stage left! I take a show just before I go to a session without exception. If the provider has so little value or respect for me, well I'm out of there! Unless she is SUPER HOT! Then I would tell her to go wash her ass! And I'm sure you think I'm kidding, but it’s happened twice! But the few other times I just said there was some thing rotten in Demark and act like I'm getting sick. Fake throw up choking helps simplify the exit! LOL
Being the yes man that I am (especially when it comes to women), I would of probably done the same or asked for a non FS session. I've enjoyed quite a few Russian/bjhj sessions when things didn't feel right (providers who ask me to go buy condoms/alcohol during the session, hygiene issues, or just when I get the vibe she's litterally just finished the last session. I understand providers provide to others too, but I get a little creeped out if I feel like she hasn't even had time to cool her jets.

I think it all boils down to I sympathize with her being in the same situation as me. We're both going to fuck a near stranger today, l'll make sure and make it as pleasent for you as possible if you'll return the favor.
  • DinDC
  • 11-23-2011, 05:21 PM
I too have noticed how much more fastidious that I am with providers! But then again, they are more so than the civvy women whom I have known, so it makes sense...
Still Looking's Avatar
I too have noticed how much more fastidious that I am with providers! But then again, they are more so than the civvy women whom I have known, so it makes sense... Originally Posted by Another_Schnitzengruben?
Oh It's Twu, It's Twu! LOL
burkalini's Avatar
Love that movie.lol
I think the hygiene routine is based on seeing a new women, I'm not sure if guy's are in that mindset but when I am a getting ready I prep like it's "Our First Date" you always want to make a good impression on someone you met and pretty much guaranteeing you a great time. I think that what makes someone more diligent with hygiene when it comes to the hobby vs. being with a partner for years. With spouse it's different because you know them very well, you are used to their presence. Although you may love them dearly you might not stress so much about your hygiene and appearances as you would a lovely lady you are meeting for the first time.

Hope that is legible, I tend to babble.
burkalini's Avatar
Personally I disagree. I always no matter who or how many times I have been with them clean right before sex. Our bodies are capable of some pretty funky stuff and I don't want my partner thinking about that rather than how good it feels. Just me.
Still Looking's Avatar
I always take a shower and scrubadunbdub just before an appointment. In my personal life that was seemingly also the case. I shower every am and when I get home from the days activities. I don't ever go to bed dirty. So I’ve always been clean when having sex. Now I have had sessions that were let’s say sweat provoking. I knew the provider had an appointment after I left and we had run over so she was not going to have time for a shower. I had seen this provider several times. A few days later I read a review where the guy gave a no recommendation because of smell. He claimed it smelled of burnt rubber. I couldn't stop laughing! I thought to myself, I better slow down! LOL DATY? Never have, never will! Questions? LOL
Soonerman12's Avatar
I always take a shower and scrubadunbdub just before an appointment. In my personal life that was seemingly also the case. I shower every am and when I get home from the days activities. I don't ever go to bed dirty. So I’ve always been clean when having sex. Now I have had sessions that were let’s say sweat provoking. I knew the provider had an appointment after I left and we had run over so she was not going to have time for a shower. I had seen this provider several times. A few days later I read a review where the guy gave a no recommendation because of smell. He claimed it smelled of burnt rubber. I couldn't stop laughing! I thought to myself, I better slow down! LOL DATY? Never have, never will! Questions? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
This is hilarious! Did you PM the guy and let him know that you were the guilty culprit?
Still Looking's Avatar
This is hilarious! Did you PM the guy and let him know that you were the guilty culprit? Originally Posted by Soonerman12
No I didn't, but I laugh every time a provider tells me to slow down! LOL