Behold! Cliven Bundy and "the Negro"

All this ^^^^^ is in response to a question about helping Bundy pay his fine. Originally Posted by JCM800
Did you truly expect anything else?

I didn't. That's what IB is. Originally Posted by Old-T
IBHankering is short for InBredHankering. I thought everybody knew that.

He and IFFY are the boards resident rednecks with related parents.

Of course, IBLying likes to accuse everyone of HIS OWN faults in order to distract from them.

Hence, his strategy of saying that JCM800 has sibling parents.

He hopes no one will mention that his own family tree doesn't branch. Just a straight line.
BigTits, with all due respect to your "Dad" (may he RIP despite of you) I suspect he was referencing penis size. Originally Posted by LexusLover

The truth finally comes out. LexiLiar is infatuated with "penis size." The sordid truth finally comes out.

Why am I not surprised?

<-----LexiLiar licking his chops while thinking about his preferable "penis size."
Munchmasterman's Avatar
you and other mindless Odumbo minions were being compared to feebleminded varmints that should be culled for the benefit of society.

Maybe when the BLM gets some free time they can deal with your ilk the way they dealt with Bundy's cattle,

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You finally just came out and said it.
You would treat people like cattle in the desert.
You would cull people......I mean feebleminded varmints.
That's one of the benefits of a strong central government. It keeps wack jobs like you and your ilk from trying to cull your political opposition.
IB Culling
Douche-bag Extraordinaire.
IBHankering is short for InBredHankering. I thought everybody knew that.

He and IFFY are the boards resident rednecks with related parents.

Of course, IBLying likes to accuse everyone of HIS OWN faults in order to distract from them.

Hence, his strategy of saying that JCM800 has sibling parents.

He hopes no one will mention that his own family tree doesn't branch. Just a straight line. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Let me give you some advice... little man exRINOer... flush the toilet paper... don't eat it... got it?
Let me give you some advice... little man exRINOer... flush the toilet paper... don't eat it... got it? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Your advice? So, you're speaking from experience, I take it?

In that case I will avoid eating TP.

Thanks for the heads-up. The voice of experience has spoken.
LexusLover's Avatar
The truth finally comes out. Originally Posted by bigtex
You wouldn't know it, if it bit you on the ass, while perusing the OP-ED pages in the Houston Chronicle. Your Bible.

BTW: I cursory look at my posts over the years, including ASPD, will reflect I never said I was "superior" to you. Since you have x-ray vision with the capacity to see beneath buildings and sand from 1000's of miles away, while reading the minds of people you have never met .... that would be foolish of me! Now wouldn't it?

And since I didn't vote for Obminable twice, like you did, ...

.... we know I'm not foolish! Now don't we?
LexusLover's Avatar

So, no, there is no infringement of state sovereignty. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You are not completely correct. When Congress legislated the admission of Nevada the only lands designated as "Federal" were those UNAPPROPRIATED "public lands" AND a portion of each section was "reserved" to the State.

Additionally, a % of the "sale" of land by the Federal government would go to the State. Since historically unharvested growth "attached" to the land is considered a part of the land, then the sale of grass (by charging for grazing rights) would legitimately be paid to the State.

The Federal government cannot "appropriate" subsequently that which was already "appropriated" and did not do so by Congressional legislation, which would be the taking of property without due process and just compensation.

Western land ownership litigation is rich with court decisions regarding land disputes founded upon the original Spanish land grants and their validity as it related to the "occupiers" of the lands, and those principles were later applied to descendants of the displaced Indians and those freed slaves who were provided land upon which to live and farm.

To say the least, the "waters" are murky and clouded with political overtones, which at times have been addressed in boundary disputes between States.

As for the BLM in recent years the Department of the Interior has been attempting to "flex" its "muscle" by taking land (I believe the current litigation involves a family living in a house in the mountains of Colorado?). In the past (I am personally familiar with an effort) a little over 30 years ago in which they were attempting to do so, but hesitated when faced with "push back." They have been emboldened by the current Administration, who has been led around by the nose by "green" extremists (it's ok to install a solar panel FIELD over the habitat of desert tortoises, but not allow grazing when Interior says its good for the habitat to graze the land).

Do they really think cow shit generates too much gas and is the cause of "global warming"? Or did dinosaur shit not generate gas?
You wouldn't know it, if it bit you on the ass, while perusing the OP-ED pages in the Houston Chronicle. Your Bible.

BTW: I cursory look at my posts over the years, including ASPD, will reflect I never said I was "superior" to you. Originally Posted by LexusLover
"Cursory look," that's a laugh! Are you auditioning for a job as a comedian? My personal "cursory look" over your posts through the years reveals dozens, if not hundreds, of LexiLiar inconsistencies. Your remarks now are as flawed as the position you took regarding the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq, (that you so strongly supported and still do).

While on the subject of "cursory looks," your "posts over the years, including ASPD, will reflect" a constant reminder from you regarding your (self-perceived) superiority over every poster that dared to disagree with you. Need I remind you of your recent BLM reminder, just as the latest example? It is just one of many examples. You are without a doubt the most condescending, egotistical SOB that I have ever come in contact with! In fact, I suspect that you a Professional (self) Horn Tooter! In more ways than one!

Those are your better qualities, because you are also a liar. Other than that, you might be ok. Special emphasis on the "might be!" I actually doubt that you are but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt! That's just the way I roll!
LexusLover's Avatar
"Cursory look," that's a laugh! My personal "cursory look" over your posts through the years reveals as many LexiLiar inconsistencies as the position your took regarding the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq, (that you so strongly supported and still do).
Originally Posted by bigtex
You mean along with General Powell, Clinton administration, Bush, the Western ("NATO") countries, Iraqis, Saudis, Israelis, Russians, and Iran ... just to mention a few ...

"ill advised" ... by YOU, BigTits!!!!!

I like my company looking forward better than yours looking backwards.

Monday Morning quarterbacking is usually 20-20.

S.E. Asia? When did you start jumping all over the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

50 years later? Or were you with Kerry back then also?

"ill advised" ... by YOU, BigTits!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Tell me, where were those WMD's that were going to be so easy to locate, within close proximity of Tikrit and Baghdad?

How many WMD's has the Bush Administration found?

I will admit you were correct, when you tell me the exact location of a WMD in Iraq during the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Until then, the Patriarch of the Idiot clan, is just as wrong now as he was then! Idiot!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey, you avoided the Bundy question with an arsenic reference.

Do I have to provide you a link now for something you already posted? Originally Posted by JCM800
Notice how you didn't answer the question as you ignorantly and hypocritically demand an answer to your lame-ass, ignorant question, 1-800-JCM-DATO: the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM's soiled breechclout.

Unfortunately for you, folks can read your bullshit and have no problem spotting a racist, Confederate sympathizer like you.

You saw in Bundy a kindred redneck spirit.

Unfortunately, Bundy can't keep his mouth shut and stay below the radar. Originally Posted by ExNYer
One need only to live with and deal with the BLM for a short while to know that it's an overbearing government agency, and you have done neither, you exiled, city-dwelling Yankee fuck.

Bundy's an ass and has NO grounds to stand on.

He is just anti-government and these douchebags will make up ANY stupid rationale to defend him - starting with IBLying, the principal spin doctor. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You have yet to prove how Bundy's actions make the BLM right, you dumb Yankee retard.

IBHankering is short for InBredHankering. I thought everybody knew that.

He and IFFY are the boards resident rednecks with related parents.

Of course, IBLying likes to accuse everyone of HIS OWN faults in order to distract from them.

Hence, his strategy of saying that JCM800 has sibling parents.

He hopes no one will mention that his own family tree doesn't branch. Just a straight line. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You're lying and deflecting to cover your own intellectual failings, you benighted Yankee reprobate.

Your personal knowledge of and experiences with the BLM in New York City are well documented on a single blank page of paper, you very stupid and ignorant Yankee jackass.

You finally just came out and said it.
You would treat people like cattle in the desert.
You would cull people......I mean feebleminded varmints.
That's one of the benefits of a strong central government. It keeps wack jobs like you and your ilk from trying to cull your political opposition.
IB Culling
Douche-bag Extraordinaire. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Actually, MasterDickMunster, that was not what was posted. What was posted, MasterDickMuncher, addressed the possibility that lib-retarded Odumbo supporters could be treated to a little BLM hospitality such as that the BLM accorded to Bundy's cattle. After all, you bunch of fucking morons don't think the BLM can do any wrong.
LexusLover's Avatar

One need only to live with and deal with the BLM a short while to know that it's an overbearing government agency, and you have done neither, you exiled, city-dwelling Yankee fuck.

You have yet to prove how Bundy's actions make the BLM right, you dumb Yankee retard.

Your personal knowledge of and experiences with the BLM in New York City are well documented on a single blank page of paper, you very stupid and ignorant Yankee jackass.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There IS a group of whiners who believe that getting scuffed up while being arrested for a violation of a criminal statute is a "defense" to the violation.

Unfortunately, that myth is perpetrated by school districts around the country who will recommend that assault charges against a student for beating the crap out of a teacher be dropped in exchange for the student and/or the student's family dropping the civil suit they are about to file against the teacher for acting in self-defense and putting the turd down.

Unfortunately for Mr. Bundy he exercised his 1st amendment rights in an atmosphere in which he lost sight of the reality that no one really cared about his "thoughts" on slavery vs entitlement programs by an overreaching Government ... "fame" has a way of doing that to people. See Michelle Obama and her over the top comments about not being proud of the U.S.

I will give Hillary this .... and Bill ...

............................. they are as quiet as a mouse peeing on cotton.

Both are familiar with the 5th amendment.
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