I suspect you're referring to my harsh comment to Alexa on that thread last month. Since you have NO CLUE what you're talking about, that was an inside joke between the two of us that she actually found quite funny. You don't know me, and clearly don't know when I'm kidding or when I' m serious, so it'll probably be better for you to stay out of my shit. Goodnight and sleep well.
Originally Posted by Island_Gent
A, You'd be amazed at the things I know. B, If I can't tell what is a joke and what isn't, I'm sure potential customers of hers couldn't have either. And, C, didn't you give Alyssa a yes recommendation?
But to paraphrase the old adage, it's better to be quiet and thought of as a hooker with a heart of gold, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt that you are in fact a manipulative, self-aggrandising hooker bent on wrangling a few mod reviews for their cachet.
Originally Posted by Island_Gent
Two things come to mind. One, Are you suggesting that she shouldn't have the choice? And two, didn't you give the lady a favorable review? Did you feel manipulated? Did she brow beat you into your review or otherwise coerce you into a review? Do you now feel part of her "agenda"? Or is it you are just trying to fit in around here?
And I think it's safe to assume that there were no mod takers so you deploy your minion to bitch about mods and free cooch. And that same minion gets called out by, I don't know, say someone like the OP for example, who having the temerity to challenge the minion's premise is unceremoniously cut off from the cooch.
Again all this is purely speculative of course. [/COLOR]
Originally Posted by Island_Gent
Do you honestly think this is what happened? Are you calling the OP a minion? He's not. He's actually a cool dude. Do you have a clue?
P.S. - And forgive me OoB you know I dig you the most, but Alyssa seems cool too.