This is just another excuse. "Well it's not as in your face as it used to be but it's still there. They just know how to hide it now." Does that about sum it up? How about quit whining and try to be a respectable member of society. Quit looking for an excuse. You will never change anyone's mind by whining and destroying shit. Act like an adult with and quit giving these thugs a pass.
Originally Posted by Budman
At some point an excuse isn't an excuse anymore. It's just the truth. The problem is not with the people who are tearing things up. It's with the people who do everything right and don't 'whine' as you say, and they still can't get a leg up. That's the people we're talking about.
You go straight to the rioters and the people tearing things up, because it's easier for you to denigrate them and explain away why they aren't achieving anything. What about the people who do what they're supposed to do and because of race, don't achieve the same as a white person with equal credentials? Those are the cases that you can't simply explain away by claiming they're not productive members of society.