Sandra Bland, what really happened?

Vivienne Rey's Avatar
The America you apparently want is allowing criminals to go free ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
A thousand times this. It appalls me that this video has been out there as long as it has and people are STILL dismissing the facts.

There was nothing in that video that suggests he targeted her or that he "tailed" her, as she claimed. It was a legitimate stop. He planned on giving her a warning, not a ticket, as he did for the woman he stopped before her.

He was calm and composed, even as she treated him like a punk. He asked her, politely, to put out her cigarette. He had every right to ask her to put it out, just on the basis of it being bothersome. And, while she is free to smoke in her own car, it is not unlawful for him to order her to put the cigarette out. It is a safety issue. Perps have flicked their cigarettes at the police, in their faces, and put them out ON the officers' bodies. Yet, he asked her, politely. But he's out of line?

It is also not unlawful to tell her to exit the car to put out the cigarette, if that was his intention. But we don't know what his intention actually was to deem it unlawful. It is also not unlawful to cuff her before telling her why she is being arrested.

Another thing to consider. She saw him driving behind her. Yet, she still made the lane change without signaling. Why? My first guess, based on her behavior as a whole, is that she just wasn't very bright. But it is also possible she did it intentionally. By the end of that video, it was clear that she was posturing for a lawsuit.

Your attitude promotes a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality. That's not how America is supposed to work. Unfortunately, that is not the trend. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And your attitude enables the Sandra Blands of the world. This is not about America. This is about dealing with potential criminals. The psychology of criminal behavior dictates that they are to proceed cautiously. They're not there to trust people and cater to feelings and egos. They are there to maintain order.

Now, I would not have responded to the cop that way. My first statement would be "Am I being detained?" If he said yes, I'd ask why. If he had no reason, I'd tell him I am leaving. If he resists, I ask for a supervisor. If he gives me a reason, I'll cooperate, and ask for my lawyer. No violence, no shouting. But it is still up to the cop to respect me, not the other way around.
Why cooperate? Why not respond to him “that way”? Why not be violent and shout if you owe him no respect? Is he only worth a fig when he's saving you from someone who owes you nothing? Yes, they're public servants, but they're not your bitches. You are part of the problem.

She more than established a lack of regard for the law. If you can excuse her unacceptable, low rent behavior, surely you can give a man a pass for having lost his patience with said behavior. She could have gotten out of the car, or put out the cigarette, or not made an illegal lane change, or not killed herself. Man in the sky forbid she is responsible for anything that happened to her.
You'd be the unusually stupid jackass arguing that cops do not stake out a particular location that provides them a field of view of oncoming traffic; do not pick a place where they are likely to stop several offenders during the course of their duties; do not seek some concealment from oncoming traffic and always choose to park in the broad, unshaded daylight of a withering Texas sun, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Usual doublespeak from chicken dick when I said nothing about what your babble consists of. You usually whimper when you get bitch slapped chicken dick or make shit up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Usual doublespeak from chicken dick when I said nothing about what your babble consists of. You usually whimper when you get bitch slapped chicken dick or make shit up. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You'd the lying, non-substantive jackass that posted the unsubstantiated, asinine claim that the officer's sole mission was to stop young, black women for conversation, Ekim the Inbred Chimp:

... so he could "chat" them up ... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
cptjohnstone's Avatar
You really have a terminal case of the dumb ass, no stones the hillbilly. Best to put your dumb ass on ignore as you never have anything pertaining to the OP. How come you aren't at the special Olympics? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You'd the lying, non-substantive jackass that posted the unsubstantiated, asinine claim that the officer's sole mission was to stop young, black women for conversation, Ekim the Inbred Chimp: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Question never asked, and the officer does not report it, was what offence did he observe Bland doing to prompt him to make a u turn and swiftly come up behind her. Did he have his lights on then, or only after she changed lanes without a signal? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It is in the area of the black college, did he prey on young college women? How many "warning" tickets did he write compared to actual citations, so he could "chat" them up. I have relations on the job chicken dick, and am aware of procedures. Nice of your comment as it contained no actual facts. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I B Hankering's Avatar

... so he could "chat" them up ... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yes, that was the post that demonstrated that you're the lying, non-substantive jackass that made the unsubstantiated, asinine claim that the officer's sole mission was to stop young, black women for conversation, Ekim the Inbred Chimp:
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The officer was polite until she refused to obey him then he got ugly with her then she decided to obey him.

I did not see him harm her. And COG....this also happens to white women who don't put out their cigarettes when politely asked to.

She was suicidal before she was arrested.

It's a sad story but that's all it is.

Everybody go home and be kind to each other.
What does that have to do with anything, you stupid inbred fuck. As usual, IBchickenshit is in full-on hijack mode. Originally Posted by shanm
And you and woomby sure do know about " jacking " something ! It's what you all do whilst peter puffing down at the 'holes at Talleywackers. So you are BOTH rusty tromBONE players ? ! Or do you two alternate playing the "skin flute" and the rusty tromBONE in your little band ? Do you all call yourselves traveling " musicians " when you're traveling around tryin to establish more gloryhole franchises ? What kind of " play list " do you all have ? Bet you all can play EVERY ONE of the Village Peoples Greatest Hits !!!!
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1056995817]Yes, that was the post that demonstrated that you're the lying, non-substantive jackass that made the unsubstantiated, asinine claim that the officer's sole mission was to stop young, black women for conversation, Ekim the Inbred Chimp:[/QUOTE

Brian Encinia stopped Bland on University Dr in Prairie View, Tx.

Prior to that he stopped a college sophomore,.During this stop he asked her personal questions like--What year is she in college? Is she taking summer classes? How many classes is she taking? The girl did not want to chat with him so he left, saw Bland turn on to University Dr pulls a fast uturn,speeds up and follows her closely.
Here is your ass go sit down. (Yes it was a warning ticket)
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
[QUOTE=i'va biggen;1056996063]
Yes, that was the post that demonstrated that you're the lying, non-substantive jackass that made the unsubstantiated, asinine claim that the officer's sole mission was to stop young, black women for conversation, Ekim the Inbred Chimp:[/QUOTE

Brian Encinia stopped Bland on University Dr in Prairie View, Tx.

Prior to that he stopped a college sophomore,.During this stop he asked her questions like--What year is she in college? Is she taking summer classes? How many classes is she taking? The girl did not want to chat with him so he left, saw Bland turn on to University Dr pulls a fast uturn,speeds up and follows her closely.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There is nothing to indicate he made the u-turn because he targeted her. He didn't speed up. She was at a red light. Obviously, she was driving slower than he was when the light changed. And he was about 2-3 lengths behind her when she made the illegal lane change. If he followed her closely, so what? Did he target her to give her a warning?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Brian Encinia stopped Bland on University Dr in Prairie View, Tx.

Prior to that he stopped a college sophomore,.During this stop he asked her personal questions like--What year is she in college? Is she taking summer classes? How many classes is she taking? The girl did not want to chat with him so he left, saw Bland turn on to University Dr pulls a fast uturn,speeds up and follows her closely.
Here is your ass go sit down. (Yes it was a warning ticket)
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The first traffic stop was obviously for speeding and, subsequently, for driving without proof of insurance, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. There's no evidence that that driver behaved like a bitch, and that exchange was mutually respectful and ended amicably, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.

Regarding Bland, that the officer caught up to Bland so quickly had less to do with the officer "speeding to catch up" than it did with her being stopped by a red light until he caught up, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. He wasn't chasing her, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. The rest of your conjecture is puredee bull shit such as what you like to lick off your shit kickers, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
The first traffic stop was obviously for speeding and, subsequently, for driving without proof of insurance, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. There's no evidence that that driver behaved like a bitch, and that exchange was mutually respectful and ended amicably, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.

Regarding Bland, that the officer caught up to Bland so quickly had less to do with the officer "speeding to catch up" than it did with her being stopped by a red light until he caught up, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. He wasn't chasing her, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. The rest of your conjecture is puredee bull shit such as what you like to lick off your shit kickers, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are whimpering like a little bitch again chicken dick, see if you can't blame your source again....
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are whimpering like a little bitch again chicken dick, see if you can't blame your source again.... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Keep licking your shit kickers, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, the officer wasn't chasing anyone until Bland made an illegal lane change.
A thousand times this. It appalls me that this video has been out there as long as it has and people are STILL dismissing the facts.

There was nothing in that video that suggests he targeted her or that he "tailed" her, as she claimed. It was a legitimate stop. He planned on giving her a warning, not a ticket, as he did for the woman he stopped before her.

He was calm and composed, even as she treated him like a punk. He asked her, politely, to put out her cigarette. He had every right to ask her to put it out, just on the basis of it being bothersome. And, while she is free to smoke in her own car, it is not unlawful for him to order her to put the cigarette out. It is a safety issue. Perps have flicked their cigarettes at the police, in their faces, and put them out ON the officers' bodies. Yet, he asked her, politely. But he's out of line?

It is also not unlawful to tell her to exit the car to put out the cigarette, if that was his intention. But we don't know what his intention actually was to deem it unlawful. It is also not unlawful to cuff her before telling her why she is being arrested.

Another thing to consider. She saw him driving behind her. Yet, she still made the lane change without signaling. Why? My first guess, based on her behavior as a whole, is that she just wasn't very bright. But it is also possible she did it intentionally. By the end of that video, it was clear that she was posturing for a lawsuit.

And your attitude enables the Sandra Blands of the world. This is not about America. This is about dealing with potential criminals. The psychology of criminal behavior dictates that they are to proceed cautiously. They're not there to trust people and cater to feelings and egos. They are there to maintain order.

Why cooperate? Why not respond to him “that way”? Why not be violent and shout if you owe him no respect? Is he only worth a fig when he's saving you from someone who owes you nothing? Yes, they're public servants, but they're not your bitches. You are part of the problem.

She more than established a lack of regard for the law. If you can excuse her unacceptable, low rent behavior, surely you can give a man a pass for having lost his patience with said behavior. She could have gotten out of the car, or put out the cigarette, or not made an illegal lane change, or not killed herself. Man in the sky forbid she is responsible for anything that happened to her. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
+ 1 !!!
Smoking and the possession of certain illicit substances just prior to being stopped and detained by LE also creates, in some, delusions and a sense of extreme paranoia. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In this case trooper Encinia is the one who could best determine if Ms. Bland was under the influence of illicit substances during that fateful traffic stop. He would have no qualm to riddle her with DUI, DWI, and all other drug related charges if possible since he's poised to "light her up" at the slightest showing of disrespect.

But it seems like no stones should be left unturned here, why don't we explore a bit further?

"Authorities also released an initial toxicology report for Bland on Monday, a report that two experts who reviewed it for The Associated Press said raises the possibility that Bland may have used forbidden substance while in custody."