An open, heartfelt apology to a couple members here

QUOTE=YummyMarie;1057998790]Maybe he's a squirter....there's always more where that came from...[/QUOTE]

It's just pee.

I could see toomature boiling a bunny. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Clever. I like it. Carry on.
The elephant is a pawn??? Sweet baby tebo say it ain't so.........
Good lawd you have lost whatever game you claim you had.

R Duke Originally Posted by rduke4923
He wants me to say nasty shit about dearhunter. I shan't. He is aiding the anti-Bunny mob. So why would I? Maybe he will run interference now. Don't know. I enjoy Uncle dh. I find him worthy so I'm good either way.
Originally Posted by Lorde
Pedestrian - the meme and the edit. And you running full throttle without all the facts. Either that or you are a second handle trying to muck up the works. Enjoy your day.
I could see toomature [nice adjective meaning old and feeble]boiling a bunny. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I'm not wrinkled. I'm old. That's for sure. But I'm not wrinkled. And, from your perspective, I can understand where you'd say I'm annoying. On the other hand, I find you amusing. But, that's from my perspective of course. Originally Posted by armature

Look closer, Hasenpfeffer is not cooked whole with fur took the bait and ran with it. Laughing at you.

Look closer, Hasenpfeffer is not cooked whole with fur took the bait and ran with it. Laughing at you.
Originally Posted by Lorde
I fully endorse cb's nickname. It's funny. Some advise, even at the end of your chain, you still don't know what's going on. Oh, and you're apology is accepted. I can't speak for cb though.
Find your reading glasses old geezer, I didn't give you an apology for being

A hunter will chase the rabbit down the hole........... ar'manure.

chicagoboy's Avatar
And, with that post, the Lorde guested.
  • cr76
  • 04-08-2016, 07:41 PM
with the way things are going, you would think people would move on with their lives after vacation. The come back and try and get banned as fast as possible.
It's mathematics mama sweet booty there's no wisdom gained from something u already knew. If I say" dam this bitch is fat" it does nothing but mirror the obvious . No a true hatful troll only wants they're negative views to bring them a positive response ........cause they're Lonely.

Not all are true hateful trolls takes a special breed. Originally Posted by maineblame
Don't be such a in the Box thinker baby. Expand your mind.

[Look at all that White power] Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
And this my darling, is the post that made my day. Damn Dorian!
rduke4923's Avatar
We're all pawns here to some degree...I have complete autonomy, right up until I don't...y'all're getting played every second you start a love Wakeup thread, or post a love Wakeup comment.

It's fucking glorious... Originally Posted by Wakeup
It is no big secret elephant and most of us know it.
You are a (fill in the blank with your favorite) here for one purpose only and that is to drive traffic. You have Everlast painted on your head because that is what you are. A guy on a keyboard people want to punch, Assigned to stir up hate, drive up keystrokes and Clicks.
The hilarious part is you do it. How fucked up is that.

In the end how fucking sad are you.

R Duke
Wakeup's Avatar

That theory concerning me has already been the site owners...

Try again...
rduke4923's Avatar

That theory concerning me has already been the site owners...

Try again... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Really Elephant?
I am the site owner paying a trivial amount to a loser to stir shit, am I really going to admit it? Lawd your lack of effort makes me laugh!


SURE........I see them saying that. You are the pawn working for the man.
What a sad little troll you are.


Ta for now, that belly laugh was the perfevt end to the day.

R Duke
dearhunter's Avatar
Someone not into NASCAR will thinck it is retarded to watch a bunch of cars turn left all day.

Someone not into baseball will thinck watching a game on tv is like watching paint dry.

If you are entertained, it is all good.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Someone not into NASCAR will thinck it is retarded to watch a bunch of cars turn left all day. Originally Posted by dearhunter
The fun starts when one of them turns right.