Guested vs New Handles / Making the connection

Whispers's Avatar
I think you need to step up your grift to the Mods if you don't like their decisions. Originally Posted by Precious_b
I think your right.....

I'll set up qa night out and hire a few girls they can pass around.....
Whispers's Avatar
I have never knowingly been intimate with any mod or admin for free for any reason including the procurement of hobby board favors. Originally Posted by Leah Layada

hmmm.... Is the key word there "knowingly" your "get off the hook" term meaning perhaps you had a few too many to drink and want to pretend you don't remember?

or maybe the word "intimate"?

There were a couple of guys there that night that pulled out cameras and took pics and shot a little video of you and a MOD lip-locked and dancing in the aisle.....

or maybe that was just swaying back and forth......

Anyway.... It sure seemed "intimate" to me and up till that night you two used to fight like cats and dogs...
nuglet's Avatar
I think it's pretty well known here that I neither fuck or suck any of the MODs and instead choose to simply pay them and get them laid in the strip clubs. Originally Posted by Whispers
Uh, no,Actually it's not well know at all, but since you brought it up.........but I'm guessing you'd like us to assume that.
hmmm.... Is the key word there "knowingly" your "get off the hook" term meaning perhaps you had a few too many to drink and want to pretend you don't remember?

or maybe the word "intimate"?

There were a couple of guys there that night that pulled out cameras and took pics and shot a little video of you and a MOD lip-locked and dancing in the aisle.....

or maybe that was just swaying back and forth......

Anyway.... It sure seemed "intimate" to me and up till that night you two used to fight like cats and dogs... Originally Posted by Whispers
Morning sunshine!
You just now perkin' up after a night of whoopin' it up and leaving posts at all wee hours of the night?

"There were a couple of guys there that night that pulled out cameras and took pics and shot a little video of you and a MOD lip-locked and dancing in the aisle.....
or maybe that was just swaying back and forth......
Anyway.... It sure seemed "intimate" to me and up till that night you two used to fight like cats and dogs..."

Besides your 7th grade mean girl gossipy bitch ass,who gives a fuck what two consenting adults do?
You post up bloviating bullshit Penthouse Forum caliber stories about all the hawt young pussy you slay,yet give some gal grief about making out with someone somewhere?
Are you shittin' us!?
Cracker Barrel is open 'til 10pm tonite,waddle on down there and hit the trough...
Precious_b's Avatar
I think your right.....

I'll set up qa night out and hire a few girls they can pass around..... Originally Posted by Whispers
You can probably cut a deal with the newbie Mod before he finds out what he can get for his newly found position on the site.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-10-2016, 06:34 PM
You can probably cut a deal with the newbie Mod before he finds out what he can get for his newly found position on the site. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Now you KNOW that no MOD would take advantage of his position by offering preferred treatment or inferring that special favors could be had in exchange for sexual treats. Or that it was a mandatory right of passage {Its good to be the King} for new girls to see them first.

And of course I am not saying that Ynot would fall into that trap.
Now you KNOW that no MOD would take advantage of his position by offering preferred treatment or inferring that special favors could be had in exchange for sexual treats. Or that it was a mandatory right of passage {Its good to be the King} for new girls to see them first.

And of course I am not saying that Ynot would fall into that trap. Originally Posted by Toyz
The only "trap" he needs to look out for is Whispers gravy slathered quicksand of petty gossipy bullshit...
Ohhh you've been referring to that girl you are obsessed with Reya Sunshine. Yeah, I remember that because you posted obsessively about it then too afterwards!

If I recall correctly the only reason she was even in the same room as you and that person (who only later became a mod) was for charity. She's a nice girl and wanted to help other people you claimed needed it. She got ridiculously drunk and being the happy, lovey type drunk we all know her as was hugging that guy goodbye as he was leaving (attempting to hug really). For shits and giggles he kept his hands behind his back like "ewww a girl, gross" and like five cameras came out to take a photo of that moment.

Reya laughed it off and left with another guy that night (also not a mod) but nothing came of it because she threw up alllll in his nice new truck as he was taking her home. He was a sweetheart if I recall correctly; a real gentleman, and wouldn't accept the money she tried to give him to have it professionally cleaned.

So, yes...Reya once put her arms around the neck of a guy that later became a mod. at a charity event. while very drunk. Photos were taken of the best five seconds of his humble life and apparently still talked about by him and his friends literally years later. There was absolutely no kissing, fondling, dancing, or anything other than her arms briefly on his shoulders. If that's what you call intimacy...then ok?

It's ridiculous that other people even know these things because you post every detail on the board.

hmmm.... Is the key word there "knowingly" your "get off the hook" term meaning perhaps you had a few too many to drink and want to pretend you don't remember?

or maybe the word "intimate"?

There were a couple of guys there that night that pulled out cameras and took pics and shot a little video of you and a MOD lip-locked and dancing in the aisle.....

or maybe that was just swaying back and forth......

Anyway.... It sure seemed "intimate" to me and up till that night you two used to fight like cats and dogs... Originally Posted by Whispers
Scoreboard: Originally Posted by submarineracer
Buh-bye banned troll.

See you in the next life.
Can this thread die already?!?

Buh-bye banned troll.

See you in the next life. Originally Posted by saustin
Austin Staff....... 1
Know it all Troll....... 0 Originally Posted by submarineracer

Austin Staff....... 2
Know it all Troll....... 0[/QUOTE]
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-21-2016, 03:06 PM
4400 views and a month in existence for basically a "you a loser ,no YOU a loser" thread.

Whispers's Avatar
What can ya say? The community loves drama and Reya does it quite well.

She's no spring chicken and has a few pounds on some but compared to others she is not totally unpleasant on the eyes so she rallies some Wks..

Reya Sunshine.jpg
What can ya say? The community loves drama and Reya does it quite well.

She's no spring chicken and has a few pounds on some but compared to others she is not totally unpleasant on the eyes so she rallies some Wks..

Attachment 550526 Originally Posted by Whispers
Pointing out anybody's weight is the last thing you should be doing...
How bad and CONSTANT does bullying have to be for the victim of it to literally grow bored with it?! I'm tired of talking about the same lame shit to the same lame ass people that keep trying to pick the same lame ass fights over nothing.

To paraphrase Dostoevsky..."First they tortured me, drove me to fits of fear and rage. Then when that wasn't enough...they bored me. Oh God, how they bored me!"

If Dostoevsky seems too high brow maybe you can relate to Forrest Gump: