Need only to compare what Trump has actually done to Odumbo's apology tour to prove that Trump has trumped Odumbo, masterdickmuncher. Originally Posted by I B HankeringIt's difficult to understand what you're saying with that apology tour cum in your mouth. Here is something to wash it down.
"Our ruling
Once again, Romney has accused Obama of beginning his presidency "with an apology tour."
Our reviews of Obama’s 2009 foreign travels and speeches showed no such thing. While he criticized past U.S. actions, such as torture practices at Guantanamo, he did not offer one apology.
It’s ridiculous to call Obama’s foreign visits and remarks "an apology tour." We rate this statement Pants on Fire!"
Now that we've settled that you're full of shit about your tour, I'll list some bills (no reason to list them all).
All of these are important.
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which promotes fair pay regardless of sex, race, or age.
Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 reauthorizing and expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009;
Omnibus Public Land Management Act
Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009
Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act
Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act
Credit CARD Act
That stinging red face of yours isn't caused by the eczema you have covering the rest of your body.
It's caused by your visions of non-contestability being crushed once again.
Now retreat to your step-father's basement to prepare your irrelevant and off-topic retort, bitter-bitch-boy.
You can go now.