Nobody is stopping you from nominating as many "clowns" as you want, retarded lenny. So go right ahead. Or are you too "insecure"? Originally Posted by lustyladNot my poll clown, or is that over your head . Like you think I give a shit about it.
EKIM the welshing EUNUCH claims others are " insecure ", yet WHO is it that returned to the forum with ANOTHER handle rather than honor a pre-election bet over who would win the election ??? Originally Posted by Rey LenguaYou like the others have come up with nothing bur an opinion. That and $3.89 will get you a latte.
If you don't give a shit, then why are you posting here and whining about who is or isn't included as a candidate?Oh, now only a select few may post on threads? I hadn't until my name was mentioned, so go fuck yourself.
You make no fucking sense. About anything. Ever. Originally Posted by lustylad
election day approaches! still time to self nominate!Lube for DOTY
the slate so far ..
Luke_Wyatt - currently banned, the reigning DIPSHIT
Yssup_Rider - the all-time champ! can he win it again??
WTF - who is the bigger dipshit.. WTF or Assup??
SpeedRacerXXX - is speedy a dark-horse doty winner??
Sistine_Chapel - so fake he's gotta be a white gay twink
Munchmasterman - because no one likes a drunk yelling
bamscram - aka bumscum - aka ekim the chimp!
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Not as bogus as your “new” account. Originally Posted by bambinoIf Bamscram is voted DOTY, he changes his handle then denies it again, so why bother?
What have ever done in life?. Have you contributed anything of value? Originally Posted by themysticIn or Out? Make a commitment to troll or don't. Don't troll and run.