Trump's First Year: An Amazing Success

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I wish average family income was 53k but it's not.

Recently it was announced by the Bureau of Census that the "median family income has reached a ten year high" of almost 58k.

That however is not true.

The truth is that wages are still way down from before 2009. So how do we "square" the new high "median" family income with the continuing low wages? Median family income is created by averaging all incomes, basically combining the total of all families' incomes and dividing by the number of families.

So what really happened is that the upper one tenth of one percent of all families in the last two years have had an amazing gain. But that's all. The tiny fraction at the top skyrocketed, and when averaged with all the other families raised the "median." It's an average, and it's skewed because of including the richest families.

Thanks to Trump Walmart and some others are increasing wages a bit, giving bonuses and the like, but that's just cosmetics. It's PR because it implies that their wages were lower due to high taxes and that's bullshit. They pay what they have to according to the market for labor, and taxes have nothing to do with it.

Last year worldwide 80 percent of all wealth created went to a fraction of one percent. If you think America is bad on this score just think what it's like in Russia, India and China. Two billion people live in China and India and except for a few thousand billionaires 90% of people there still live like dogs.

The worst robber barons are in Russia and communist China. The Chinese, with massive government subsidies, were trying to monopolize the world's photovoltaic supply but Trump has slapped their stinking commie asses! Originally Posted by pussycat
I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "median", Median income is not skewed by averages. It means that half the incomes in the country were above a level and half were below that level. If the top 1 or 2 percent of income earners doubled or even tripled their incomes it would have zero affect on the median. If the incomes of ALL the people in the top half doubled their incomes it would have zero affect on the median.

Dude, I should of mentioned that the analogy I used on Cory came from a black woman. She's in my political group. I'll pass on your thoughts to her.
And half the country hated living in Obama Land - where did I say they hated him as a person?

Half the country didn't hate Obama. That's a lie. And of the 43% or so that hated him in office, I bet a good portion of them would love to have him back after dealing with Trump. Again, Donald Trump lost the popular vote and would have done the same against Biden. He wouldn't have had Clinton's distrust hiding the low numbers he had in that department. He wouldn't have beaten Biden with the white working class. Those are facts. And then the big one again, he wouldn't have beaten Biden in Pennsylvania and he couldn't win without that. So yeah he doesn't beat Biden in 2016 and wouldn't in 2020. But keep lying to yourself.

Wow the down right slander to try to call him an abusive ex. Dislike him all you want but it’s ridiculous and tacky to say that. I could come on here everyday and call Trump a rapist or Hitler reborn. But that’s all hyperbole, that’s not facts. Cory Booker was passionate about a person lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee about something he said he was hurt by. But you wouldn't understand the hurt a person of color felt by the words of Trump. And for anyone to pretend they don't remember those words is ridiculous. Notice she never said Trump didn't say the racist words, just she couldn't remember. Notice that Dick Durbin pointed out Graham repeated what Trump said and that involved curse words and she agreed. She got in front of people and straight lied and pretended. So yes Booker was angry that anyone would pretend and allow that racism to continue. I'm sure the Republicans would love to run clips of that again, the big black man deeming the little white woman. She is the Deputy Security of DHS, she isn't a baby. We all say we are for the equal treatment for women, until it happens. Then people like you pretend that this was some assault on a woman. If it had been a man you wouldn't have felt the same way judging from your slander comparing it to an abusive ex. Booker responded to her like he would a man who lied. Maybe Democrats should run the clip of her rolling her eyes at a US Senator. I'm sure she was thinking the nerve of this black man to question me. Let’s give African Americans something to think about too. And yes I’m sure not all women like what he did but African American women will be just fine and that’s a demographic that has been key in these races. The other women who may have a problem with it didn't seem to have a problem with a man admitting to grabbing women by their vagina without consent. Or forcibly kissing them without consent. Or the number of women accusing someone of sexual misconduct. So if they are ok with that but not ok with Booker, I would venture it's because one man is white and the other is black.

Jerry Brown isn't winning. You aren't a Democrat or have the views of a Democrat so idk that you would know what the party would want. We can count Jerry Brown out. He wouldn't be third in a race for his own state. Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris would beat him. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
You're cracking me up.

The wall will slow illegals down by several minutes.
" 30 seconds" is a liberal exaggeration.
Mic drop.

Trump/Palin 2020! Originally Posted by Groovy Johnson
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You do know if Biden had run against Trump in 2016, Trump would have lost right?

Let's see: Trump wouldn't have had the Clinton emails to keep talking about. He wouldn't have had a person that people didn't like or trust as much or more than him to deflect to. He couldn't talk about the elites and not understanding white working class voters against Biden. He wouldn't have had the Clinton Foundation to deflect to. And maybe key of all, he wouldn't have won Pennsylvania which means he doesn't win the electoral college.

As for 2020:

Biden would still hold all those advantages over Trump he would have had in 2016 and he could have even more with the way Trump's presidency is going.

Cory Booker would appeal to young voters who are leaning Democratic. He would energize the African American voters even more than they are now. He would be able to unite the progressives like Bernie and the more moderate Democrats. Oh and what will Trump be able to say about him?? You are an elitist who only looks out for those people? This is the guy who as mayor actually implemented policies that reduced crime. He actually went out and shoveled the driveway for an elderly man. He actually saved a woman from a burning building, suffered second degree burns and smoke inhalation. He invited people who lost homes during Sandy to stay at his home. He saved dogs, he literally saved dogs. He has served in the the Senate and holds positions that the progressives will like. And when Trump tries to talk about his "friends" or "donors" being elitist or whatever, Booker can just say oh are you talking about Jared and Ivanka?

Jerry Brown is too progressive to win the nomination. He would be a good running mate for someone if they weren't seen as progressive enough.

All that is to say, whoever runs for the Democrats will have a lot going for them in the form of so many people hating the current president. And the fact that he keeps doing things that pushing independents and moderates further from him and his base. Also, I don't think we will see the large number of voters sitting out this time like we saw in 2016. Trump's ineptitude in running the country has woke them. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Cory Booker intrigues me. I know little about him. Young. Went to Stanford. Rhodes scholarship to Oxford. Yale law school. Newark mayor during which he doubled the amount of affordable housing and reduced the city's budget deficit from $180 million to $73 million. In 2013 became the first black U.S. senator from N.J. Has gotten praise from the right and the left for pushing bipartisanship.

I'm sure that opponents will dig up some negatives on him but at first blush he seems like a very possible candidate in 2020.
New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker

The New Jersey senator has seemingly long groomed himself for a presidential run, and at 48 years old he represents a younger generation of party leaders.

Booker has strong support on Wall Street, in Silicon Valley, and among the party establishment. But he'll have to overcome a critical left, which paints him as "an avatar of the wealthy elite, a camera hog, and a political cipher."

His bold testimony against Attorney General Jeff Sessions' nomination and his frequent appearances in support of social-justice issues could help in that effort.

I think Biden would be a great candidate but he is 4 years older than Trump. And Sanders is a year older. Being POTUS at the age of 80 scares me.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Dude, I should of mentioned that the analogy I used on Cory came from a black woman. She's in my political group. I'll pass on your thoughts to her.
And half the country hated living in Obama Land - where did I say they hated him as a person? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Actually Obama left office with a 59% approval rating. After his first year in office it was at about 48%. Not great but better than Trump's 36%. And there is no correlation between disapproving of the POTUS and hating the country. I disapprove of Trump but I love this country.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Let's see- If Biden ran that would be going back to Obamaville. And half the country hated living in Obama land so there's that.

And good ole Cory - yeah, he wasn't looking too bad until he looked like an abusive ex husband and acted like one when she was trying to answer a question. Nope - all women won't like that at all. All the Republican party has to do is play that scene over and over - And please, Donald Trump has done more good deeds that anyone gives him credit for - don't worry I won't list them.

And Jerry Brown - yeah, but I wouldn't count him out just yet. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
As I said, from what I've read about Cory Booker he seems like a pretty good candidate for POTUS. I searched for articles on him being an abusive husband and found nothing. From what I can find, he has never been married!! Maybe I misunderstood the meaning of your post.

Would you please cite a link for the "bad" Cory Booker.
Dude, I should of mentioned that the analogy I used on Cory came from a black woman. She's in my political group. I'll pass on your thoughts to her.
And half the country hated living in Obama Land - where did I say they hated him as a person? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Where did I say that you said they hated him as a person? I just pointed out that your half the country comment was a lie.

Now on this Booker stuff and your methods:
(1) It doesn't really mater who used the analogy the first. It was slander and it is still ridiculous. Again, we can all come on here and say Trump is a pee sipping, closet Aryan, but what does that do? If the black woman in your political group uses the n-word, does that make it ok for you? Why does the fact that a black woman said it make it any less slanderous? Why does it mean it's a good point for you to make? How many black women have said that Trump is a racist, why don't they have any effect on you? I don't get the point of bringing up that it was a black woman. You could have just said a woman in my group. Her race doesn't help with the slander of calling him an abusive ex.

(2) It's still the view that Republicans want, a black man supposedly deeming a white woman. Otherwise why is it an issue? She is a Deputy Security (so high ranking official) who was lying or "misremembering" something that was racist and it was a African American man who was hurt by that and he expressed that. And we preach about equal treatment for women, so why is it worse? And again, African American women are going to vote strongly against Trump no matter what. Booker would only strengthen that and bring out more of the male population in our community.

(3) Back to this supposed black woman you tried to use as a deflection. Why do you constantly try to use videos, tweets, or memes of black people to try to strengthen your arguments? Especially when the people you use represent less than 90% of the views of our community? It doesn't make your point any stronger. Yet you continue to do it. There are plenty of white Americans who say the same things in videos, etc. but you like to post the African Americans ones. I've noticed this recently and I don't get the purpose behind it. Maybe you don't realize you are doing. Maybe you think it means more. Idk but it's a weak move that doesn't help make a point since we overwhelmingly disagree with the stuff you are posting about anyway.
As I said, from what I've read about Cory Booker he seems like a pretty good candidate for POTUS. I searched for articles on him being an abusive husband and found nothing. From what I can find, he has never been married!! Maybe I misunderstood the meaning of your post.

Would you please cite a link for the "bad" Cory Booker. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

She was talking about him being angry with a lying Deputy Secretary of DHS at a committee hearing. She wanted to compare his anger at her lying about racist comments to that of an abusive ex husband. Then tried to say it was first brought up by a black woman. It's something that Republicans will try to use against him if he ran, while also talking up a man who has said he grabs women by the vagina and kissings them without their consent. So a real menace to women vs. a man who was angry with a woman lying about racist comments. That's how she sees it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
She was talking about him being angry with a lying Deputy Secretary of DHS at a committee hearing. She wanted to compare his anger at her lying about racist comments to that of an abusive ex husband. Then tried to say it was first brought up by a black woman. It's something that Republicans will try to use against him if he ran, while also talking up a man who has said he grabs women by the vagina and kissings them without their consent. So a real menace to women vs. a man who was angry with a woman lying about racist comments. That's how she sees it. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Are we talking about Kirstjen Nielsen? IF so, I doubt that there will be very much negative to say about Booker's impassioned grilling of Nielsen.
Wow, I really don't know what to say to this. You are actually stating that you know how I see things. That's unreal.

She was talking about him being angry with a lying Deputy Secretary of DHS at a committee hearing. She wanted to compare his anger at her lying about racist comments to that of an abusive ex husband. Then tried to say it was first brought up by a black woman. It's something that Republicans will try to use against him if he ran, while also talking up a man who has said he grabs women by the vagina and kissings them without their consent. So a real menace to women vs. a man who was angry with a woman lying about racist comments. That's how she sees it. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
And just for the record Dude- I post things with A.A.s because I respect what the person - let me repeat this - THE PERSON - has to say in whatever post they are in. You are the one bringing race into everything I have to say. You act like you are the spokesperson for all African Americans. You are not.

Where did I say that you said they hated him as a person? I just pointed out that your half the country comment was a lie.

Now on this Booker stuff and your methods:
(1) It doesn't really mater who used the analogy the first. It was slander and it is still ridiculous. Again, we can all come on here and say Trump is a pee sipping, closet Aryan, but what does that do? If the black woman in your political group uses the n-word, does that make it ok for you? Why does the fact that a black woman said it make it any less slanderous? Why does it mean it's a good point for you to make? How many black women have said that Trump is a racist, why don't they have any effect on you? I don't get the point of bringing up that it was a black woman. You could have just said a woman in my group. Her race doesn't help with the slander of calling him an abusive ex.

(2) It's still the view that Republicans want, a black man supposedly deeming a white woman. Otherwise why is it an issue? She is a Deputy Security (so high ranking official) who was lying or "misremembering" something that was racist and it was a African American man who was hurt by that and he expressed that. And we preach about equal treatment for women, so why is it worse? And again, African American women are going to vote strongly against Trump no matter what. Booker would only strengthen that and bring out more of the male population in our community.

(3) Back to this supposed black woman you tried to use as a deflection. Why do you constantly try to use videos, tweets, or memes of black people to try to strengthen your arguments? Especially when the people you use represent less than 90% of the views of our community? It doesn't make your point any stronger. Yet you continue to do it. There are plenty of white Americans who say the same things in videos, etc. but you like to post the African Americans ones. I've noticed this recently and I don't get the purpose behind it. Maybe you don't realize you are doing. Maybe you think it means more. Idk but it's a weak move that doesn't help make a point since we overwhelmingly disagree with the stuff you are posting about anyway. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Wow, I really don't know what to say to this. You are actually stating that you know how I see things. That's unreal. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Wait where was I wrong? You called said he looked and acted like an abusive ex when talking to her. So not wrong there. He was angry at her lying about racist comments, not wrong there. You compared that anger to an abusive ex, not wrong there. Then you did say a black woman at said it first, not wrong there. So idk what's unreal there. I didn't state how you see things. I literally mapped what you said in other posts. You then tried say that all the Republican Party has to do is play that over like that's worse than Trump (who you support and voted for) saying he grabs women by the vagina and kisses them without their consent. Where was I wrong on that? You support Trump and he said those things and yet you think all they need to do is show him angry at her and that's bad?
And just for the record Dude- I post things with A.A.s because I respect what the person - let me repeat this - THE PERSON - has to say in whatever post they are in. You are the one bringing race into everything I have to say. You act like you are the spokesperson for all African Americans. You are not. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Yeah yeah you respect the person but like I said there are plenty of white American Trump supporters who say the same things. You are the one who needed to express that it was a black woman. You are the one who keeps throwing up the same black woman over and over again and the same black man's videos. And pretend that those are the opinions of my community, when they are the extreme minority view. And I don't act like I'm the spokesperson for all African Americans. I am however one of the few African Americans posting here and I would be doing a disservice if I let people spread falsehoods about how the majority of my community feels. I'm African American and guess what my voice is equal to the people who you post on here. But the difference is, I share the views with over 90% of our community. So when I'm saying something, it's probably more on par with the community than the people you post.

Also, Trump supporters don't listen to those who are representative of the black community anyway. So miss me with telling me I'm not the spokesperson. If I were, you still wouldn't care what I have to say because it's not kind to the person you love so much.
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
Imagine if Obama had walked onto his inauguration stage with 5 children from 3 wives.
What would the conservative/GOP reaction be?
GiovaniDosSantos's Avatar
The wall will slow illegals down by several minutes.
" 30 seconds" is a liberal exaggeration.
Mic drop.

Trump/Palin 2020! Originally Posted by Groovy Johnson
ajajaj @ it's only gonna slow it and not stop it?..this trumptards