Sorry. It's too late. With the lack of interest for it, I threw it in the fireplace. I'm not proud of myself right now. But I did what needed to be done.
You're not a piece of property. It's a shame that you look at yourself that way. You really just don't get it. I understand the context with your rates, but nobody can "afford" another person regardless of their occupation.
You talk about money a lot. I've never met a single person who actually has real money who talks about it. Have you ever read a single word about how much money I make?
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
All kidding aside in this trainwreck, these are such poignant words that I wish more people around here really thought about it. Before I retired from my real life profession to go back to school (again) and writing full time (shocking, I know with my horrid diction), I was in an occupation where you are definitely defined by your bill rate. I'm sure you have people in your organization in that situation. This job is so similar in many ways that I many times don't know whether to laugh or cry when I talk to ladies who are struggling or ones who are thriving.
I like your words so much, I am doing to start a new thread - maybe people will speak, maybe not. I am going to start it in National. I hope you will join me.