Ward and June Cleaver

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  • 03-06-2010, 07:12 AM

I choose to prepare her for, and lay the groundwok for, her to travel either route. Nothing more, and nothing less. In the end, both of them get you to Shreveport. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
And that is what I heard BOTH of you saying!

Like I said, my hat is off to ya. That is our primary job as a humans IMHO.

Now you boys be nice, I'm off to go make another deposit on med school for a lady not quite as fortunate in the parental department!

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I'm off to go make another deposit on med school for a lady not quite as fortunate in the parental department!

Originally Posted by WTF
...Selflessly giving of himself until they will take no more....
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  • WTF
  • 03-07-2010, 07:35 AM
...Selflessly giving of himself until they will take no more.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy

Just doing my part for future health care providers in this country... Now that is Healthcare Change I can believe in!