Encounter: Brand-new PERFECT and rare unicorn Catholic nympho spinner at Blue: Expert Lover, 21 yrs old, pretty, fit & tight, 90 lbs (w/ compliant pics here & noncompliant nude action shots avail to friends upon request)

Chung Tran's Avatar
I love the pics and it proves my point about the girls ages.

I actually appreciate his posts for that reason even if he does fudge the ages I just wish everyone else who actually sees her would report the correct age. Originally Posted by friendly fred
it's not about liking or not liking the pics, from my POV.. they feed LE ammunition that we don't need in the current environment. Hell, they can skip the Robert Kraft secret camera in Dallas, these pics do a lot of the work for the Fuzz. our own Robert is putting himself at significant risk, and ECCIE as well. ironic that some of you who beg for "the pics" are the same guys who worry about a Cop walking in on you, while you are "balls deep" inside an AMP lady.
Got the pics Bobman! awesome stuff, keep it up
it's not about liking or not liking the pics, from my POV.. they feed LE ammunition that we don't need in the current environment. Hell, they can skip the Robert Kraft secret camera in Dallas, these pics do a lot of the work for the Fuzz. our own Robert is putting himself at significant risk, and ECCIE as well. ironic that some of you who beg for "the pics" are the same guys who worry about a Cop walking in on you, while you are "balls deep" inside an AMP lady. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Kind sir, those pics prove very little to LE.

However, if sex trafficking is going on and the ladies are being forced, they do not need to setup cameras and do months long investigations - they should intervene immediately to protect the victims, not allow them to be coerced into sex 10 times a day for several weeks.

How is it ethical for law enforcement to knowingly allow sexual slavery for months just to bust a few harmless Johns?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Kind sir, those pics prove very little to LE. Originally Posted by friendly fred
ff, I didn't say the pics proved anything. but as a piece of a larger puzzle that LE puts together, "action" pics can be a major aid to an investigation. they don't need to set up secret cameras, the work is done openly and brazenly for them. the desire to promote is out of control. no longer is long-winded "she's-the-best-fucking-AMP-lady ever"! reviews enough.

you may not realize that both Blue and Nagoya have posted signs everywhere, saying any recording device usage is strictly forbidden. yet BM gets action pics every visit, and offers them to guys on this site. why do you think the "no devices rule" doesn't apply to BM? this is why.. Fan Boys who beg for pics serve a promotional purpose.. they get Bobby's reviews noticed. but the pic beggars consist of second handles and bit players who never see ladies, and never review themselves. information sharing gets lost, who wants to wade through pages of "pics, please", and "BobbyMann you fucking rule"! responses?
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 03-02-2019, 10:23 AM
I actually did see Perfect last night (review coming later) and yeah, she's pretty damn hot.

21? Ehhh. But, if she's in her mid to late 30's, she's got superior 20-something-looking Asian genes going on. And she was generous enough to let me snap some candid shots of her.
Ghostrider's Avatar
Nice AOI....I haven't seen Perfect yet due to the line around the building. soon though
Ghostrider's Avatar
ff, I didn't say the pics proved anything. but as a piece of a larger puzzle that LE puts together, "action" pics can be a major aid to an investigation. they don't need to set up secret cameras, the work is done openly and brazenly for them. the desire to promote is out of control. no longer is long-winded "she's-the-best-fucking-AMP-lady ever"! reviews enough.

you may not realize that both Blue and Nagoya have posted signs everywhere, saying any recording device usage is strictly forbidden. yet BM gets action pics every visit, and offers them to guys on this site. why do you think the "no devices rule" doesn't apply to BM? this is why.. Fan Boys who beg for pics serve a promotional purpose.. they get Bobby's reviews noticed. but the pic beggars consist of second handles and bit players who never see ladies, and never review themselves. information sharing gets lost, who wants to wade through pages of "pics, please", and "BobbyMann you fucking rule"! responses? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
As far as I know the picture were consensual. Those signs are for those that video without consent. A fine line yet a line that should not be crossed. I don’t take my phone in so I am SOL on the picture thing although I was requested to take pics a couple of times to post(which I did).

No doubt BM has a gift to write. He is comparable to the greatest one I have ever read Logan!
needingmilking's Avatar
so where are the pics?
a larger congregation of suck-ups has rarely been assembled...or so it would seem.
BobbyMann's Avatar
Just spent another hour with her; she's the paradigm young spinner, in my book.

She again confirmed her age as 21, certainly not the absurd 30's (including 35 and 37!) being peddled by the usual haters.
4'-9"? My God. This may get me off the fence. Would love to see pics compliant or no. Thanks

  • Daddy
  • 03-12-2019, 03:52 PM
Great Review Bobby!
  • OZGT
  • 03-13-2019, 06:36 AM
Good review, would like to see the pics.
Damn again Bobby. The pics are awesome and Hot! Thank you!
Awesome review! Would love to see the pics. I’m looking to treat myself for my birthday this weekend!