I hear most of these guy talk with such bitterness in their tone about the state of government it makes me wonder if they just woke up out of a coma for the last 20 years. You have a congress hell bent on making sure everything the president wants fails and you wonder why the jobless rate is so high. Your giving tax breaks to people in this country who make more in a day than most people make in a year and you wonder "Why is the debt so high?". I wonder what would happen if everyone would start working together?
Originally Posted by jhende3
Thats right, why tax the rich. its like biting the hand that feeds ya. The very rich in this country contribute to the funding of what this Government ultimately seeks and that is World Government. Its really a scheme for the elite in this country and beyond. Iam sure everyone has heard of the term " New World Order" well its really an Old World Order. What the elite want is for people to gripe about the president cause then it keeps people from thinking about whats really going on. Think about the history of this country. Don't just set your sights on whats happening now. It didn't just happen recently or with Obama. Obama is just a vehicle in the next step of Bankrupting our economy, abolishing the constitution and causing our government to be inherited by Big Banks which are mainly controlled by wall street and the Feds. Who's responsible, Three major groups with members from our government and foreign. The Bilderburg Group, Trilateral commission and Commission on Foreign Affairs. nothing that is happening in our Government is taking place by mistake or poor decisions, it's taking place by design.