TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I have many "friends" on Facebook who are politically Conservative and avid Trump supporters.

Can anyone tell me why the majority are so anti-Muslim? Today someone posted a meme showing House members Tlaib and Omar against a backdrop of the World Trade Centers afire on 9/11.

When I said "I have in no way forgotten (about 9/11) but to imply that either Tlaib or Omar share the same values as those who planned and executed the murder of thousands of people on 9/11 simply because they share the same religion is wrong."

the response was:

"what are u talking about? No, they didn’t pilot the plane but they empathize with the Muslims! Wake up! They ALL share the same ideology!"

Thinking like that is beyond my comprehension. Never have I heard someone considered Liberal express animosity like that towards religious or ethnic groups. Please explain.
Dev Null's Avatar
Just Google "Republican Islamophobia". Here are a few examples:

Not all Republicans have jumped on the anti-Muslim bandwagon. Former President George W. Bush spent much of his presidency calling Islam a religion of peace. The Texas Republicans who tried to kick a Muslim from their leadership ranks lost by a wide margin. And yes, Jeanine Pirro was briefly suspended for her anti-Omar comments.

But those are the exceptions. Mostly, Republican leaders have either been too cowardly to confront Islamophobia in their ranks, or in some cases, they've been happy to try to ride a wave of anti-Muslim prejudice to electoral success. Remember, Trump campaigned on a promised "Muslim ban."

The late Palestinian academic giant Edward Said, whose groundbreaking book Orientalism still illuminates how Arabs and Muslims are viewed in the Western world, once wrote, “I have not been able to discover any period in European or American history since the Middle Ages in which Islam was generally discussed or thought about outside a framework created by passion, prejudice, and political interests.” Although much of the meteoric rise of Islamophobia (and anti-Semitism) within American politics today squarely rests within the ideological political platform of the Republican Party, any intellectually honest conversation about Islamophobia must also concede that there also seems to be great disdain for Muslims within some prominent liberal political circles as well.

While the vast majority of conservative Islamophobia in the United States generally centers itself around an overall hatred of Islam, the specter of liberal Islamophobia seems to revolve around a disdain for the religious freedoms of Muslim citizens when they supposedly contradict with culturally relative Western liberal orthodoxies.

Perhaps more importantly, the ISPU study shows that those who hold negative views of Muslims are the ones least likely to actually know one. Given that about only one in three white evangelicals reported knowing an American who is Muslim, this finding reinforces the idea that Islamophobia is based almost entirely on the proliferation of negative stereotypes absent any real-world knowledge. The analysts further found that knowledge of the religion of Islam often had an even greater impact in reducing Islamophobia than personal relationships with Muslims. This means that it is not necessary to have a Muslim friend to combat Islamophobia. It also suggests that when the religion is negatively portrayed for political ends to voters with no knowledge of the religion, voters may be more easily swayed to hold negative views.

So in short, ignorance, cowardice, and opportunism, and it's not just Republicans. It's just mostly Republicans, and not all of them.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Thank you Dev Null.

I in no way intended to imply that all Republicans are anti-Muslim. But from my experience the overwhelming majority of those who are anti-Muslim are Republicans.

I have traveled on vacation to the predominantly Muslim countries of Jordan, Turkey, Morocco, the UAE, Malaysia and Indonesia. I was in several of those countries by chance during Ramadan, the Muslim's most holy time of the year. At no time did I feel threatened or prejudiced against. I was treated with the utmost respect.

This country was founded based on freedom of religion. You would never know it.
I think they mean "radical Muslims." There is a difference.
Islam is a religion of peace except for those that choose to interpret the Koran to fit their own purpose. Which is usually - Americans are the devils and must be destroyed. It's the same with any religion that has it's nut cases - Waco comes to mind. Johnstown is another one.
I don't like Talib and Omar - but it's not because of their faith.
I respect people of faith and I respect their right to practice their faith. Not all Democrats can say that. The case of the baker comes to mind. Thank God that America has freedom of religion....sorta.

I have many "friends" on Facebook who are politically Conservative and avid Trump supporters.

Can anyone tell me why the majority are so anti-Muslim? Today someone posted a meme showing House members Tlaib and Omar against a backdrop of the World Trade Centers afire on 9/11.

When I said "I have in no way forgotten (about 9/11) but to imply that either Tlaib or Omar share the same values as those who planned and executed the murder of thousands of people on 9/11 simply because they share the same religion is wrong."

the response was:

"what are u talking about? No, they didn’t pilot the plane but they empathize with the Muslims! Wake up! They ALL share the same ideology!"

Thinking like that is beyond my comprehension. Never have I heard someone considered Liberal express animosity like that towards religious or ethnic groups. Please explain. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think they mean "radical Muslims." There is a difference.
Islam is a religion of peace except for those that choose to interpret the Koran to fit their own purpose. Which is usually - Americans are the devils and must be destroyed. It's the same with any religion that has it's nut cases - Waco comes to mind. Johnstown is another one.
I don't like Talib and Omar - but it's not because of their faith.
I respect people of faith and I respect their right to practice their faith. Not all Democrats can say that. The case of the baker comes to mind. Thank God that America has freedom of religion....sorta. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Thank you for the response but I refer you to my original post on the subject and the comment made to me:

"what are u talking about? No, they didn’t pilot the plane but they empathize with the Muslims! Wake up! They ALL share the same ideology!"

The people to which I am referring condemn ALL Muslims, not just the radical ones.
Speed, that kind of reply reflects a lack of education.

Thank you for the response but I refer you to my original post on the subject and the comment made to me:

"what are u talking about? No, they didn’t pilot the plane but they empathize with the Muslims! Wake up! They ALL share the same ideology!"

The people to which I am referring condemn ALL Muslims, not just the radical ones. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Thinking like that is beyond my comprehension. Never have I heard someone considered Liberal express animosity like that towards religious or ethnic groups. Please explain. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

It all adds up - time to get new friends.
Agent220's Avatar
Thank you for the response but I refer you to my original post on the subject and the comment made to me:

"what are u talking about? No, they didn’t pilot the plane but they empathize with the Muslims! Wake up! They ALL share the same ideology!"

The people to which I am referring condemn ALL Muslims, not just the radical ones. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
“Terrorists are not following Islam. Killing people and blowing up people and dropping bombs in places and all this is not the way to spread the word of Islam. So people realize now that all Muslims are not terrorists.”

“I am a Muslim and there is nothing Islamic about killing innocent people in Paris, San Bernardino, or anywhere else in the world. True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so-called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion.

Quotes by the late great Muhammad Ali.
Precious_b's Avatar
... It's the same with any religion that has it's nut cases - Waco comes to mind.
... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That is the most clear, concise, precise, perceptive comment you have ever made.
Precious_b's Avatar
Speed, that kind of reply reflects a lack of education. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
....AND the old ellen is back.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Just Google "Republican Islamophobia". Originally Posted by Dev Null

Apologies, getting older and prone to fuzzy memories, but wasn't the original observation about his liberal friends? But props to you for yet another nifty copy-pasta tirade.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Apologies, getting older and prone to fuzzy memories, but wasn't the original observation about his liberal friends? But props to you for yet another nifty copy-pasta tirade. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
My original comment was about my Conservative friends. I do not remember any of my Liberal friends on Facebook ever making negative comments about people based on color, religion, sexual preference or any other similar characteristics. Political comments yes.

The negativity, especially regarding Muslims, lies solely with my Conservative Facebook "friends".
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The negativity, especially regarding Muslims, lies solely with my Conservative Facebook "friends". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Notwithstanding my disbelief in you're having conservative "friends", acquaintances maaaaybe, see my previous math solution: It all adds up - time to get new friends.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Notwithstanding my disbelief in you're having conservative "friends", acquaintances maaaaybe, see my previous math solution: It all adds up - time to get new friends. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I do not pick and choose my friends based on their political beliefs. The old saying "Don't discuss religion and politics" comes to mind. I really don't even know the political leanings of most of my friends.

And if I do find out one's political leaning and it is different from mine, I don't care. Politics is a very small part of my life. However, if statements are made or posts are made which are either misleading or blatantly incorrect, I will respond.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The old saying "Don't discuss religion and politics" comes to mind. I really don't even know the political leanings of most of my friends. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Friend: a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
a member of the same nation, party, etc.
Acquaintance: a person known to one, but usually not a close friend.

A friend is exactly whom one talks to about religion and politics. Not to overlook internet monkey pooh flinging...