Trump announces he has COVID 19

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Biden is such a terrible candidate that I definitely think T R U M P still has a chance at winning, even if H E comes out tomorrow and tells everyone that H E injected bleach and beat the virus.

As far the pandemic thing. I think T R U M P didn't do so well communicating with the public, but other than that, I don't really see how H E could have done any better. The CDC is guilty of not communicating very well, too. They also developed shitty tests that screwed everything up. There was a test that was developed in China, but they decided to create their own, which turned out not to work. That fucked things up probably more than anything. Also their recommendation to not wear a mask during the most crucial time period for getting the virus under control also most likely fucked shit up more than any stupid thing T R U M P said. One could easily place the blame on the CDC for this mess. Listen to "The Science." They will just blame T R U M P for it, though.

I think T R U M P's approach was reasonable, except for allowing governors totalitarian control over the people and shutting down the economy. I can't understand why anyone would support a state government that exercises complete and utter control over every aspect of your life. I can't believe they are allowed to do that. I don't think we should sacrifice our liberty and resort to begging for rations from the government under any circumstance. It's fucking weak, and it will destroy the country.

And Joe Schmoe wants to do shit like that, but gives radical SJWs free reign to do whatever they want. The green new deal is about government control. The lockdowns and mask bullshit is government control. You are so blinded by your hate for T R U M P that you actually support the bullshit.
Big Daddy is back Yssup. So you and your other personalities on here can start crying again.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typhoid Twitler

winn dixie's Avatar
Spam and scatologies ^^^^^^^^^^
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump is fucking bonkers, a known side effect of the shit they gave him in the hospital.

He’s going to pop before Election Day.

And he should be placed under house arrest for the safety of the nation.

Anybody remember ex NBA player Vernon Maxwell? Trump should pay everyone he exposed. Except he’s got no dinero.

What a fucking clown.