A second American Civil War is coming.

matchingmole's Avatar
if we have another civil war

my hope is the military remains a neutral observer and just lets us go for it

with whatever we have on hand

lets see

the cops
the cowboys
the construction workers
the oil patch
the rust belt workers
the coalminers
and many other similar people


college professors
wall street types
maybe some gang members
silicon valley
the news media

first mistake the college professors would make is let all the prisoners out of prison in their areas, and then that eliminates college professors and most of the Hollywood women from being an effective fighting force Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

ttrumptard army on depends
Lapdog's Avatar
I've been called many names in my life but never a "wart". Thanks for that. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Lucas, I think you should embrace your new found wartness, and wear it proudly, as you have earned it by having it bestowed upon you by no less a luminary than the veritable Cornhole himself. You will do yourself and your fellow warts all throughout wartdom proud. An achievement such as this does not come but once in a lifetime. Congratulations!
winn dixie's Avatar
Lucas, I think you should embrace your new found wartness, and wear it proudly, as you have earned it by having it bestowed upon you by no less a luminary than the veritable Cornhole himself. You will do yourself and your fellow warts all throughout wartdom proud. An achievement such as this does not come but once in a lifetime. Congratulations! Originally Posted by Lapdog
Not even close to being clever or funny.
Lapdog's Avatar
You're just jealous because you've never been called a wart, Big Shitter. I doubt that you'll ever even graduate past being a hemorrhoid.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Lap, I'm kind of used to just being called an asshole or a jerk so "wart" is a nice change to me. I have no idea whether it is an upgrade from what I am usually called, but change is good. But just not to the extent that the change of president we are about to have is good... sorry blouses, but wave bye bye to your loser one term president.
winn dixie's Avatar
You're just jealous because you've never been called a wart, Big Shitter. Originally Posted by Lapdog
more scatologies from the potty training pup
Lapdog's Avatar
Yep. THAT will be a welcome change, indeed Lucas. Mission accomplished! How sweet it is!
Lapdog's Avatar
more scatologies from the potty training pup Originally Posted by winn dixie

Big Shitter, you can find help for that preoccupation with excretion and excrement if you just take the time to search it out. It's out there, believe me.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Lap, when you get insulted; just take that love in and smile because they have nothing logical to say. I love when people try to insult me. That's when you know they are done when they go that route.

Calling a man like me names is such a waste of time that it is comical to me. Yet many of these bitches will RTM my posts and play the victim when I return the favor. I'll never RTM their insults to me so why the fuck do they RTM my shit? What a bunch of old sensitive cunts. I don't roll like that.
Lapdog's Avatar
These amateurs in here are all pathetic lightweights when it comes to insulting. Shit, my goddam cockatoo could cut 'em a new asshole when it comes to insults, plus he's not a fucking Trump supporter either!
winn dixie's Avatar
These amateurs in here are all pathetic lightweights when it comes to insulting. Shit, my goddam cockatoo could cut 'em a new asshole when it comes to insults, plus he's not a fucking Trump supporter either! Originally Posted by Lapdog
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eccieuser9500's Avatar
These amateurs in here are all pathetic lightweights when it comes to insulting. Shit, my goddam cockatoo could cut 'em a new asshole when it comes to insults, plus he's not a fucking Trump supporter either! Originally Posted by Lapdog

It takes a good vocabulary to be a pro at insulting. I feel left out. Please, people - feel free.


Ripmany's Avatar
The president won't matter both parties are just to cause problem.
Lapdog's Avatar
Big Shitter probably dropped out of listening to this as soon as he found out that Mr. Bean could talk.
winn dixie's Avatar
Big Shitter probably dropped out of listening to this as soon as he found out that Mr. Bean could talk. Originally Posted by Lapdog
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