The democratic party of 1865 is not the democratic party of today. The party's switched. Most blue dog democrats from the south left the democratic party and joined the republican party.
David Duke the former grand dragon of the Louisiana KKK is just one example of a southerner who was in the democratic party but left to join the republican party in 1988.
When LBJ was trying to get the civil rights bill passed in 1965 he had to cut deals with republicans to get them to vote for it. Senator Stom Thurman (a republican) used the filibuster against the civil rights bill. You remember Strom Thurman the former dixie crat and stauch segregationist who had a child with a black woman.
Southern democrats of the 1860's put in Jim Crow laws. However,it is the republican party of 2021 that is trying to keep those voting laws on the books.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
Denial , deflection and 'quota checkbox' ideology Uber Alles
'a' - the liberal screams about Voting 'rights ' - means extending teh vote to anyone who can be brought to America and vote DPST!!!!!
you and lm and the rest support the Groupthink and doublespeak of Orwell - that anyone who opposes Voting rights for CITIZENS Only - is 'r....."!!!!
That is the DPST reality - and it is the new Ku Klux DPST - exemplifying Hatred for anyone not progressive totalitarianin in league with Bernie, AOC, and soros .
the DPST.ccp party is even more 'r....t' now than in their KuKlus Klan days - just with a different Hate target - Caucasians and Republicans and Conservatives!
you are a sadly deluded minion of XiNN,
so Sad for America and freedom!!!!
Armed revolt will be the consequence of teh DPST totalitarian power grab to disenfranchise those law-abiding American citizens who are not DPST fools!