The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine

Far more kids drown in swimming pools than from coof. Maybe we should require swimming lessons to attend school. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
700,000 Kids drown in swimming pools in a little over a year, never heard that on the news.
bambino's Avatar
700,000 Kids drown in swimming pools in a little over a year, never heard that on the news. Originally Posted by bypass
700,000 kids haven’t died from Covid. That’s why you haven’t heard it. Comprehension isn’t your strong point.
Nobody gets rich off of natural immunity. Originally Posted by bambino
Funeral homes are
bambino's Avatar
Funeral homes are Originally Posted by earthlink
Not really. Death rates from prior years are comparable. Numbers are tricky. How many died “with” Covid as opposed to “from” Covid.
lustylad's Avatar
700,000 kids haven’t died from Covid. That’s why you haven’t heard it. Comprehension isn’t your strong point. Originally Posted by bambino
Neither is looking up the facts online before making himself look stupid.
berryberry's Avatar
Should we have a choice on what vaccines we have to get Originally Posted by bypass
No one should have to get any vaccine if they so choose. Their body, their health, their decision. Fuck the government making health care decisions for individuals

And to clarify - a person can go unvaccinated against polio, tetanus, hepatitis, measles and mumps, but the communist Democrats like Senile Biden wants to make it if they refuse this one experimental mRNA shot for a virus with a 0.2% IFR that doesn’t stop transmission and requires boosters every few months, they can’t go to public spaces and may lose their job.

how dumb do people have to be to think that policy is ok?
berryberry's Avatar
This unvaccinated teacher says NYC's vaccine mandate for public school staff is "psychological warfare."

"I've been in school this whole time. All of a sudden, at some arbitrary date, I become a danger to the children?"
berryberry's Avatar
I thought Senile Biden had a plan to shut down the virus? And yet surpassing all covid deaths from 2020 in only 9 months of 2021 under Senile Biden, with 3 vaccines available, doesn't seem like shutting the virus down, as he promised.

US coronavirus deaths by month
Feb 2020: 1
Mar: 3,767
Apr: 58,960
May: 42,099
June: 23,416
July: 26,164
Aug: 30,234
Sept: 23,341
Oct: 23,691
Nov: 37,172
Dec: 77,124

Jan 2021: 96,377
Feb: 72,880
Mar: 39,393
Apr: 25,413
May: 18,357
June: 9,775
July: 8,541
Aug: 27,194
Sept: 58,062
bambino's Avatar
Don't blame Biden for everything, blame your people you worship for not getting the vaccine and then making all the fake comments about it. Like the ElmerFudd bullshit, besides you who reads or watches that? I don't, how much more of a joke could that be, nor do I read all the other news from the fake groups you guys follow. That is all on you guys trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. That makes you guys real Crooked Trump followers. He would be very proud of all of you.

It is what it is. You people love this chaos that is happening. You are not praying for people to either stay home or get vaccinated, you are promoting don't get the vaccine and giving false reports. So don't pass the blame on anyone else except the people you follow and would die for.

I said this before and I will repeat, I could give a fuck who gets the vaccine. I got two of them and am looking to get the third. I know tough guys like all of you that promote don't get the vaccine and when they or someone they love get it, it is the worst disease in the world.

So my words are don't get the vaccine that way there will be even more democrats to vote next time. Instead of only 7 million votes it will be a lot more. Don't go on with the dead people scheme either, once again you have been proven wrong.

One other thing you guys shouldn't forget to send Trump more money maybe they can get all his lawyers that got barred from practicing back in business again. What a shame, what people do for there Idols.

Love to all, don't forget to go to church today and bless what you have and are able to do, a lot have innocently died from this virus in the past year. Keep them in your prayers.
berryberry's Avatar
Don't blame Biden for everything, blame your people you worship for not getting the vaccine and then making all the fake comments about it. Originally Posted by bypass
LOL - How soon you forget you and lots of other lefties were blaming Trump for all the deaths. Now that there are more deaths in 2021 with Biden who was handed three vaccines, you don't want him blamed. That is quite hypocritical.

And it isn't "my people" not getting the vaccine. As has been shown here many times, the demographics of the unvaccinated cross political spectrums, rural vs urban, black vs. white, etc. For example, in NYC the two biggest unvaccinated groups and blacks and hispanics. So you are just spreading misinformation again, par for the course with you
lustylad's Avatar
I said this before and I will repeat, I could give a fuck who gets the vaccine. Originally Posted by bypass
Hmmm... I think you mean to say "I couldn't give a fuck who gets the vaccine.'

Which is untrue, because if you didn't give a fuck you wouldn't have started this thread titled "The reason people don't want to get the vaccine".

You really ought to stop posting if you can't figure out how to stop contradicting and tripping all over yourself every time you post.
AmishGangster's Avatar
When even the teacher unions are fighting against Dem policies its a pretty good indication those policies suck
I see a lot on here are in that stage of their lives of trying to be right all the time. You will grow out of that one day, hopefully. Some don’t. We have all been there at one time in our lives. Usually it comes with your voice changing and getting a little deeper. Some call it trying to become a man, others say they have a low self esteem.

If it is low self esteem you will notice it only makes you feel good about yourself for maybe 15 minutes. Then after that time it is back to the same old you, you don’t feel like an equal. I have worked with guys like that. The snide remarks, trying to be political correct, know everything, everyone is wrong except them. Getting punked down daily. Some grew out of it some didn’t.

On here for now and being I am not near anyone, go for it. I don’t mind. If you feel better about your self’s for those 15 minutes, I am cool with that. It don’t bother me for the ones on here looking to be right.

That is probably why you guys love Trump so much. He was stupid he actually read with his finger, I seen that for myself.

So if making fun of me and others you don’t agree with makes you feel better. Go for it, make fun. I see it every day. If you feel you need to post a lot to get things off of your chest or need a reaction from our colleagues to feel better, do it. We can save you money from getting a hooker to make yourself feel better.

The main topic on here that some ignore is how can we get people vaccinated or whatever it takes so we can go places like we use to without worrying of giving it to anyone including the older and younger people or getting the virus ourselves.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
If I’m understanding this right, the protected need protection from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to take the protection that didn’t protect the protected. Makes perfect sense.