Trump Facing Indictment and Arrest?

dogfart's Avatar
Also a little thing called the war in Ukraine has jacked food and gas prices. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
And, who started the war in Ukraine, and why is it still going? Let's see if you can pass this test.

Hint - it started before Biden and Trump.
TinMan's Avatar
I would concede if someone actually gave me a good reason why Biden was preferable to Trump in 2020. Shit like "I don't like Trump" isn't a valid reason because someone liking or hating him doesn't change the fact that shit was cheaper under him, I was getting paid more under him and yeah, there were no new wars under him. So, again. If anyone actually gave me a good reason, I would concede a point or two. But nobody has done this. You do not get to tell me I'm being too stubborn when nobody has yet to offering a counter point for me to concede to in the first place. It isn't my fault the facts are on my side. Originally Posted by Aoi
In the spirit of conciliation I’ll concede that outside of this thread I’ve read very few of your posts, so my perception of your willingness to concede a point is based on a statistically insignificant sample of your opinions consisting of a few posts on this thread. My infrequent forays into the Political forum (where this thread belongs) has convinced me that very few people on either side admit to being in error, so I easily reach that conclusion when I do find myself in one of those discussions. Maybe you’re one of the few who have.
In the spirit of conciliation I’ll concede that outside of this thread I’ve read very few of your posts, so my perception of your willingness to concede a point is based on a statistically insignificant sample of your opinions consisting of a few posts on this thread. My infrequent forays into the Political forum (where this thread belongs) has convinced me that very few people on either side admit to being in error, so I easily reach that conclusion when I do find myself in one of those discussions. Maybe you’re one of the few who have. Originally Posted by TinMan
Would not bet on that my tin friend. These conspiracy theory morons spend all day watching these whackadoodle videos that give them confirmation bias.

That they are still pushing that election day 2020 bullshit is so laughable. IF they had followed ANY of the Fox News Dominion lawsuit they would know Fox News LIES to get ratings.

They cannot understand logic, reason, or common sense. Basically, they are lost causes who should be dealt with. And while my methods seem harsh, they are effective.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-19-2023, 05:20 PM
Would not bet on that my tin friend. These conspiracy theory morons spend all day watching these whackadoodle videos that give them confirmation bias. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
This is coming from the guy who believes Ukraine is the reason why things are bad now, as if the time before didn't matter at all. Man, dude, the cognitive dissonance in you is unreal.

That they are still pushing that election day 2020 bullshit is so laughable. IF they had followed ANY of the Fox News Dominion lawsuit they would know Fox News LIES to get ratings.
Repeat after me. Russiagate. January 6. Black Lives Matter. Covid came from a bunch of dirty pigs. Masks block covid. Biden doesn't have dementia. Trump is a racist. You truly ARE smooth-brained. I gave you a list of shit that went wrong in 2020 and here you are, completely running away like a coward.

They cannot understand logic, reason, or common sense. Basically, they are lost causes who should be dealt with. And while my methods seem harsh, they are effective.
What's your method? Losing debates? Got me on that. Nobody loses debates like you. Except maybe Hog.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-19-2023, 05:23 PM
In the spirit of conciliation I’ll concede that outside of this thread I’ve read very few of your posts, so my perception of your willingness to concede a point is based on a statistically insignificant sample of your opinions consisting of a few posts on this thread. My infrequent forays into the Political forum (where this thread belongs) has convinced me that very few people on either side admit to being in error, so I easily reach that conclusion when I do find myself in one of those discussions. Maybe you’re one of the few who have. Originally Posted by TinMan
I mean, what exactly are we looking at here? I've given actual facts and stupid here has just thrown names around and is coming off looking mighty ignorant and uninformed. You can pretend there is an intellectual equivalency here, but, it takes nothing but a quick glance to see why I'm right and stupid here takes after his name.
I mean, what exactly are we looking at here? I've given actual facts and stupid here has just thrown names around and is coming off looking mighty ignorant and uninformed. You can pretend there is an intellectual equivalency here, but, it takes nothing but a quick glance to see why I'm right and stupid here takes after his name. Originally Posted by Aoi
What "facts" kid? You've thrown out a bunch of bullshit no one buys.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-20-2023, 10:20 AM
What "facts" kid? You've thrown out a bunch of bullshit no one buys. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
It’s bullshit to you who probably believes that Michael Brown was a gentle giant and had his hands up. Probably believe that trannys are real women.

You lost the debate.
It’s bullshit to you who probably believes that Michael Brown was a gentle giant and had his hands up. Probably believe that trannys are real women.
You lost the debate. Originally Posted by Aoi
There was no debate u stupid mo fo, you still have no facts to back your bullshit...must suck being a total loser and failure who blames that mean old guvment for fucking you.

I suggest u avoid going out in public. You might run into someone like me.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-20-2023, 12:01 PM
There was no debate u stupid mo fo, you still have no facts to back your bullshit...must suck being a total loser and failure who blames that mean old guvment for fucking you.

I suggest u avoid going out in public. You might run into someone like me. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

Here you go. Don't run from me.

The people who aren't completely smooth-brained.

The people who know that Biden barely campaigned.

The people who know that damning evidence of Biden's corruption was COMPLETELY BANNED from being talked about on social media. ONE OF WHICH HE LITERALLY ADMITS ON CAMERA THAT HE BLACKMAILED FOREIGN POWERS.

The people who know that the election laws just happen to change right before the election.

The people who knew that Biden associated himself with the KKK.

The people who found it sus that the coronavirus death counter disappeared the day after the election.

The people who saw that Trump was up 100k votes in some of the key states up to something like 3AM in the morning, then saw he was behind the morning they woke up.

The people who have a hard time believing that there was sprinkler damage in the stations.

The people who found it curious that Biden backed out of a debate.

The people who clearly saw that Biden has dementia.

The people who clearly heard that Biden was going to go after oil and gas as soon as he won - which he did. How you liking them gas prices?

If you voted for Biden, you have no right to complain about the shit state of this country now. Originally Posted by Aoi

You're right. There was no debate. You didn't bring anything to this discussion except childish name-calling. I gave you an actual list of shit that went wrong in 2020 and you STILL haven't addressed it. You probably believe everything Joy Behar tells you from the View, I bet. Or cuck boy Jimmy Kimmel. You have no talking point. You are a brainlet mouthpiece for whatever the catchphrase is for the day. Wonder how much money you gave to Zalenski.

I responded to everything you have levied at me. You replied to none. You lost this exchange.

I don't want to run into someone like you, you're absolutely right. I would hate for your ignorance to be within any planetary radius of me.
Here you go. Don't run from me.

You're right. There was no debate. You didn't bring anything to this discussion except childish name-calling. I gave you an actual list of shit that went wrong in 2020 and you STILL haven't addressed it. You probably believe everything Joy Behar tells you from the View, I bet. Or cuck boy Jimmy Kimmel. You have no talking point. You are a brainlet mouthpiece for whatever the catchphrase is for the day. Wonder how much money you gave to Zalenski.

I responded to everything you have levied at me. You replied to none. You lost this exchange.

I don't want to run into someone like you, you're absolutely right. I would hate for your ignorance to be within any planetary radius of me. Originally Posted by Aoi
You mean your list of lies with no backing? Amazing what a delusional fuck u are kid. Even Fox News knew in 2020 Trump was full of shit, but you're still sucking that orange cock aren't u?

What a joke u are kid.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I feel like we're pretty close to working it all out and coming to a peaceful agreement on everything.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-20-2023, 08:24 PM
You mean your list of lies with no backing? Amazing what a delusional fuck u are kid. Even Fox News knew in 2020 Trump was full of shit, but you're still sucking that orange cock aren't u?

What a joke u are kid. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Twitter files.

You lost. Get off the internet.
Twitter files.

You lost. Get off the internet. Originally Posted by Aoi
No bitch, you were never in the game. You're a pathetic conspiracy theory dork with no life, no brains, and no future. So how does that orange dick taste bitch?
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 05-21-2023, 07:45 AM
No bitch, you were never in the game. You're a pathetic conspiracy theory dork with no life, no brains, and no future. So how does that orange dick taste bitch? Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Hey everyone, this is how you lose a debate.
Hey everyone, this is how you lose a debate. Originally Posted by Aoi
You're too fucking stupid to even know what a debate is little punk ass bitch