Biden Family Crime Syndicate

.... Keep the faith there, mates...

You're already invested... Keep ignoring all the
Biden Corruption and maybe it will go away. ...

... Stay Tuned! ...

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Another ad click.

When no court cases are listed, the only thing being ignored is the request for posting such.
... Charges have NOT been brought yet, mate.
Comer asked them to DELAY indicting Hunter.

You must have missed that.

#### Salty
Man Salty for you ignorance truly is bliss. Comer asked that they delay charging Hunter because they wanted to make their big announcement, which was a real dud. Comer has nothing and even Fox News hosts are starting to point that out to him.

Stay ignorant mate.
Really now? Trump has been arrested for something he in fact did. He was also impeached for 2 things he, in fact, did. Arguments about Russia, Russia, Russia can be made, but the people around him surely had a lot of interactions with Russians and lied about them, rather than just coming clean and saying it wasn’t what it looked like. But be as it may, I suspect he was not completely clueless regarding the actions of those around him. Now the full extent of the Dossier appears filled with a mix of true and false statements, or rather provable and unsubstantiable statements.

Nonetheless, I never once said Trump should have been impeached for being unethical. That was him from day one. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Trump was never arrested he has no Criminal Record. Everything brought against him was Civil. It's all bullshit anyway.
Man Salty for you ignorance truly is bliss. Comer asked that they delay charging Hunter because they wanted to make their big announcement, which was a real dud. Comer has nothing and even Fox News hosts are starting to point that out to him.

Stay ignorant mate. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... They are peeling away the onion... You seem afraid
as they keep going... The corrupt forces with the
FBI/DOJ don't want to expose anything... They all
continue to lie as they protect The Bidens.

No need to be in such a hurry... Little by litte
more of the corruption is unveiled every other day.

WHO else may be involved?? ... STAY TUNED!

#### Salty
... Me political "insiders" keep showing the evidence:

One deal - over 1 Million dollars - involved 16 different
wire transfers and ran through 5 different bank accountes
before landing in Biden Family hands.

"Money laundering" is done this very same way.

A number of the "wire transfer" transactions surely happened
while Joe Biden was on as VP. ... Money $$$ from countrys
where VP Biden over-saw the policy decisions for the US.

Visiting Logs at the White House show Hunter's business
partners and clients visited VP Biden over 80 times
while Joe was on as vice-president.

.... Where-ever you go - whatever you do - Stay Tuned!

#### Salty

Sounds like bullshit Comer or Salty or whomever.
Redhot1960's Avatar

Sounds like bullshit Comer or Salty or whomever. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Sounds like bullshit Comer or Salty or whomever. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

.... No worrys there, mate.

... I'll remember your stance... solid footing on the deck.
No chance you'll "abandon ship"...

... The TRUTH is coming soon... the news media knows it.
Crooked Joe's poll numbers show it.

The Bidens will not be able to hide from all
the CORRUPTION. ... They will be forced to admit it.

And I surely hope you'll stay-about to see it happen.

... Stay Tuned!

#### Salty
Redhot1960's Avatar
Sad that ya'll idolize that piece of shit on the right.
ManSlut's Avatar
Sad that ya'll idolize that piece of shit on the right. Originally Posted by royamcr
Agree, makes you think back to All White Germany back in the 1920’s, 30’s, & 40’s- Clueless, sheep being led to the slaughter house, and I’m not talking about the Jews.
Agree, makes you think back to All White Germany back in the 1920’s, 30’s, & 40’s- Clueless, sheep being led to the slaughter house, and I’m not talking about the Jews. Originally Posted by ManSlut
... Yet-another sad attempt at a thread hi-jack from you.
Nothing of substance - just you once again trying
to get this thread closed.

#### Salty
... I DO have some questions for President Joe Biden.
Questions that the main stream news media - the losses
from the NY Times and Wash Post should be asking - but won't.

You can call me questions "The Salty Six"...
(Others in the media also want answers to these questions)

1) What exactly IS the Biden Family Business??
... What work do they do?

2) What actual work did the Biden Grandchildren perform?
... Foreign nations have sent them money.

3) Why is the money - that's been dispersed to family members
... - payed out in such a strange way? Some from one accounte
... and more from another accounte - and so on??

4) If this IS all legal and above-board, then WHY all the secrecy?
... Why attempt to HIDE it from the American people?

5) And WHY have you CONSTANTLY LIED about this? Saying that
... your family never made any money from China? And why have
.. you denied ever meeting any of Hunter's business partners?

and 6) Have YOU or any members of your Administration surely
.. . asked the FBI/DOJ to avoid any investigations into
... your family?

... Those are the six questions that I (and some o' YOU) would
like President Joe Biden to answer.

The FACT that Biden might be compromised by China or Ukraine
surely put the country at risk.

... Stay Tuned!

#### Salty