Ourhome2 down

Peyton Daniella's Avatar
Geez! This happens so often. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
If you link directly to the Dallas forum, it pops up. But yeah, main page is down. Originally Posted by TalliaThomas
Alternatively, if you directly land on one of the 40 regular ads, then it works, otherwise its "bad gateway".
TinMan's Avatar
If you link directly to the Dallas forum, it pops up. But yeah, main page is down. Originally Posted by TalliaThomas
What’s the URL for that page, if you would be so kind? I tried “www.dallas.ourhome2.net”, but got a “site can’t be reached” error (vs the “bad gateway” error in get when I try know links).
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-18-2025, 09:43 AM

I'm not getting through with it though.
TinMan's Avatar
Thanks! Me, neither, but good to have a link in case that becomes the best way to get in later.
Thats how I usually get in. I bookmarked the Dallas section and that has not been working today. It might have been back up for a second.. but yeah its still down for me. Im surprised there hasnt been more activity on this site since this started happening honestly lol. Yes I know.. cant advertise here.. but.. surprised not more "where to eat" or what not posts LOL
I've tried several bookmarks for different Dallas pages and one for Arkansas and none working.
corona's Avatar
502 is usually a host server down or unreachable error. Typically that means the host server is offline, or the web services on the server (what responds to your browser) isn't running. usually 502 means everything is down.
TinMan's Avatar
502 is usually a host server down or unreachable error. Typically that means the host server is offline, or the web services on the server (what responds to your browser) isn't running. usually 502 means everything is down. Originally Posted by corona
Ck1942 may have taken it down to prevent more damage until they could get things under control. When it was briefly up again last night I noticed certain notifications were not working.
corona's Avatar
Ck1942 may have taken it down to prevent more damage until they could get things under control. When it was briefly up again last night I noticed certain notifications were not working. Originally Posted by TinMan
likely. you can ping the server and it responds, but the web services aren't running on the box presently.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Keep trying folks....perseverance pays off. May be try PuffPuffGo browser.

Ladies, in the meantime, pls update your bio page/pics and start new threads about restaurants, food, things to do, fishing etc.
TinMan's Avatar
Keep trying folks....perseverance pays off. May be try PuffPuffGo browser.

Ladies, in the meantime, pls update your bio page/pics and start new threads about restaurants, food, things to do, fishing etc. Originally Posted by Aonegonexx
lol, that ain’t a bad idea. The Bio Page in particular. Hell, you don’t even have to start a new threAD to make it work for you, just post to an ongoing topic and horny guys will click on your Bio Page if they are interested, on the off chance you are one of the few who is keeping your updated.
Thats how I usually get in. I bookmarked the Dallas section and that has not been working today. It might have been back up for a second.. but yeah its still down for me. Im surprised there hasnt been more activity on this site since this started happening honestly lol. Yes I know.. cant advertise here.. but.. surprised not more "where to eat" or what not posts LOL Originally Posted by RickyG2002
Dang ….. on it 😂😂😂
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-18-2025, 02:22 PM
I'm surprised there hasnt been more activity on this site since this started happening honestly lol. Yes I know.. cant advertise here.. but.. surprised not more "where to eat" or what not posts LOL Originally Posted by RickyG2002

I am doing my best damnit!

nookiebandit's Avatar
i'm surprised no reputable provider has started a monthly "what are you doing" thread

-where other providers chime in with comments like "nothing, i have free time today between 12pm - 8pm... and just taking selfies"

-while posting a sexy selfie picture

-that might be hosted externally on a site like postimg

-and may have a filename such as 250hr_grapevine_special_friday .png

-and they have a link to their current website, twitter, p411 etc in their signature when they respond to the thread.