6 degrees game

gman44's Avatar
Tracey Ullman was in Pret-a-Porter with Jean-Pierre Cassel who was in Oh! What a Lovely War with Sir Lawrence Oliver

Tom Hanks and Meg Tilly
O'Mike's Avatar
Tom Hanks was in "The Bonfire of the Vanities" with Kim Cattrall.
Kim Carrtall was in "Masquerade" with Meg Tilly.

Two poker players.............

Daniel Negreanu to Jennifer Tilly
gman44's Avatar
Daniel Negreanu was in The Grand with Estelle Harris who was in Home on the Range with Jennifer Tilly

Jon Bon Jovi and Jon Favreau
O'Mike's Avatar
Joh Bon Jovi was in "U-571" with David Keith.
David Keith was in "Daredevil" with Joh Favreau.

How about a real man, and an actor who modeled a character after that man?

Joaquin Jackson and Nick Nolte.
gman44's Avatar
Joaquin Jackson was in Palo Pinto Gold with Roy Clark who was in Gordy with Frank Welker who was in Dirty Little Billy with Nick Nolte

Etan Hawke and Owen Wilson
O'Mike's Avatar
Ethan Hawke was in "Search and Destroy" with Christopher Walken.
Christopher Walken was in "Wedding Crashers" with Owen Wilson.

This should prove interesting.

Kinky Friedman to Rick Perry.
gman44's Avatar
Kinky Friedman was in Mars with Garry Peters who was in The Wendell Baker Story with Stephen Moffatt who was in Man of the House with Rick Perry

Darryl Hannah and Ron Jeremy
O'Mike's Avatar
Daryl Hannah was in "Eldorado" with Brigitte Nielsen.
Brigitte Nielsen was in "Cobra" with Ron Jeremy.

How about Ron Jeremy to evangelist Pat Robertson?
gman44's Avatar
Ron Jeremy was in American Virgin with Kristin Minter who was in The Temple of Phenomenal Things with Pat Robertson

Ethan Hawke and Ethan Embrey
O'Mike's Avatar
Ethan Hawke was in "Reality Bites" with Renee Zellweger.
Renee Zellweger was in "Empire Records" with Ethan Embry.

Renee O'Connor to Renee Zellweger.

gman44's Avatar
Renee O'Connor was in the Adventures of Huck Finn with James Gammon who was in Cold Mountain with Renee Zellweger

William Shatner and Will Smith
O'Mike's Avatar
William Shatner was in "Star Trek: Generations" with Whoopi Goldberg.
Whoopi Goldberg was in "Made in America" with Will Smith.

Hattie McDaniel to Denzel Washington
gman44's Avatar
Hattie McDaniel was in He Got Game with John Turturro who was in Animals with the Tollkeeper with Mickey Rooney who was in The Big Wheel with Denzel Washington

how about Marvin the Martian and Mickey Mouse
monkish's Avatar
Okay, you guys are freaks when it comes to 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. Very impressive. I haven't even heard of half the movies and actors. But can you do it without using wikipedia?
lol.. I know, my head is spinning.