Sugar Daddys


I have been with escorts and SB's. There is a difference. That difference will never be understood by an escort/hooker/prostitute. It is what it is. Originally Posted by molnar
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  • iggy
  • 09-27-2012, 06:25 AM
Lina just proved your point ! Hookers will never get it !!
ForumPoster's Avatar
Actually with none of mine money is never exchanged hands. Just gifts with the name Prada, Coach, Jimmy Choo or what ever the new "must have" thing is that month. So might want to back that train up a bit. And yes there is a lot of sex... And yes they are ages 22, 21, and 24 so young yes... Barely legal.. No.. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Prada, Coach or Jimmy Choo have never been and never will be "must have" for me. Designer clothing and accessories are a WANT not a NEED

Well most already have done the same with various "Baby daddy's" so... The difference is?? Originally Posted by bladtinzu
THAT is the ultimate dumbness elevated to entirely new level lol

And providers will never get it that the rainbow they are chasing by even attempting to be a SB has not the pot of gold at the end.. Just a full outhouse with the strong taint of composting shit... Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Every one of us is chasing his/her own rainbow. Some find it, some do end up in that outhouse. And this applies to both ladies and gents.

I can understand why SOME providers want to switch to SB routine vs being actually providers, but if they think they will find one here or on any SDSB dating sites they are mistaken. What I can not understand is why you guys are taking this so damn seriously

bladtinzu's Avatar
Prada, Coach or Jimmy Choo have never been and never will be "must have" for me. Designer clothing and accessories are a WANT not a NEED Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
They are young.. Didn't claim they were mature. So whatever new fashion must have that comes out.. Yes they think they NEED it..

THAT is the ultimate dumbness elevated to entirely new level lol Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Oh well like I care

Every one of us is chasing his/her own rainbow. Some find it, some do end up in that outhouse. And this applies to both ladies and gents. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Agreed.. But escorts as SB's is an epic FAIL unless you totally quit the escorting.

I can understand why SOME providers want to switch to SB routine vs being actually providers, but if they think they will find one here or on any SDSB dating sites they are mistaken. What I can not understand is why you guys are taking this so damn seriously

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
And I fail to understand why you women keep saying it is nothing except the guys getting cheap trim... If the ladies are so offended and see it as potential competition then possibly one would take the "bull by the horns" and adjust rates seeing that some of you feel so threatened by it.. I mean even I had to adjust my hourly rates when new strong competition came into the realm of my business. Sucked going from $1,500 an hour to $1,000 but you gotta do what you gotta do. Beats loosing accounts.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Agreed.. But escorts as SB's is an epic FAIL unless you totally quit the escorting. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
Saying "escorts as SB is an epic fail" is same as saying that men who see escorts are a giant fail as SD. Same as when men say "oh i would never marry a former hooker". Dude, you are on a HOOKER BOARD, do you want someone to say "once a trick always a trick" ?

Many people fail to understand that "hooker" is a job. For some it may be state of the mind, but for many of us it is simply how we pay our bills. Nothing more nothing less. Once we take our garters off and put on our jeans, we are just regular every day women, with same wishes, desires, requests and delusions as any other woman you will ever meet.

And I fail to understand why you women keep saying it is nothing except the guys getting cheap trim... Originally Posted by bladtinzu

Ahhhh could it be because of all the stuff you guys were saying on your private board that got published on last year? I will be more than happy to link you up if you wish .... incredibly fascinating read. Unfortunately there were no updates since March to SD/SB forum.... oh well it was fun read as I said.

And I fail to understand why you women keep saying it is nothing except the guys getting cheap trim... If the ladies are so offended and see it as potential competition then possibly one would take the "bull by the horns" and adjust rates seeing that some of you feel so threatened by it.. I mean even I had to adjust my hourly rates when new strong competition came into the realm of my business. Sucked going from $1,500 an hour to $1,000 but you gotta do what you gotta do. Beats loosing accounts. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
I can't talk about all the women here, i can only talk about myself. The HYPOCRISY of some men who say here how precious their SBs are to them and then om SDSB forum exchange tips on how to get a girl to do a "trial run" ..that is my issue with the whole concept of SD/SB discussions on ECCIE.

I have no desire or inclination of ever switching to SB world. Been there, done that, moved on. The entire discussion in itself is extremely amusing. I do not see SBs as competition. I don't see other providers as competition. Web Cam girls, Strippers, Hookers, Sugar Babies ... we are ALL sex workers who have their target market.

Oh, and if you had to drop your rates 30 percent due to competition that means your services are a COMMODITY and are easily replaced by someone with same set of skills. Brand yourself apart from any potential competition and you won't need to cut your rates another 30 percent when next crop of the young and the hungry pops up.

Sonya Playmate's Avatar
i need a sugar daddy!! Originally Posted by carmencums

He he me too
Gotyour6's Avatar

I have been with escorts and SB's. There is a difference. That difference will never be understood by an escort/hooker/prostitute. It is what it is. Originally Posted by molnar

Just wanted to make sure everyone saw this seems how it sums it up for this site.

I pay more for my SB than I ever have with a hooker.
I am not looking for cheap pussy, I dont care if she loves me and we get along just fine.

When I ask her to go to lunch she doesnt give me a rate per hour.
We are going to an apple farm this weekend and then a haunted house.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Just wanted to make sure everyone saw this seems how it sums it up for this site.

I pay more for my SB than I ever have with a hooker.
I am not looking for cheap pussy, I dont care if she loves me and we get along just fine.

When I ask her to go to lunch she doesnt give me a rate per hour.
We are going to an apple farm this weekend and then a haunted house. Originally Posted by Gotyour6

What is that expression? Turnaround is a fair play? In that case may be we want add this to the "summation"

I have been with clients and SD's. There is a difference. That difference will never be understood by a client/trick/john. It is what it is.


Haha. Let's agree to disagree. We will each return to our own fantasy worlds.

ForumPoster's Avatar

Haha. Let's agree to disagree. We will each return to our own fantasy worlds.

TFF. Originally Posted by molnar
How about we agree that hookers are different from sugar babes just like tricks are different from sugar daddies?
bladtinzu's Avatar
Saying "escorts as SB is an epic fail" is same as saying that men who see escorts are a giant fail as SD. Same as when men say "oh i would never marry a former hooker". Dude, you are on a HOOKER BOARD, do you want someone to say "once a trick always a trick" ? Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Hit a nerve there did I? Serioulsy like I even care.

Many people fail to understand that "hooker" is a job. For some it may be state of the mind, but for many of us it is simply how we pay our bills. Nothing more nothing less. Once we take our garters off and put on our jeans, we are just regular every day women, with same wishes, desires, requests and delusions as any other woman you will ever meet. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

Job? More like a Commody which is eaisly replaced. By someone else with a lukewarm hole and a heartbeat.

Ahhhh could it be because of all the stuff you guys were saying on your private board that got published on last year? I will be more than happy to link you up if you wish .... incredibly fascinating read. Unfortunately there were no updates since March to SD/SB forum.... oh well it was fun read as I said. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

Kind of like the feed I got form the ladies private board. Rather interesting what you gals say about your "best clients" behind closed doors.

I can't talk about all the women here, i can only talk about myself. The HYPOCRISY of some men who say here how precious their SBs are to them and then om SDSB forum exchange tips on how to get a girl to do a "trial run" ..that is my issue with the whole concept of SD/SB discussions on ECCIE.

I have no desire or inclination of ever switching to SB world. Been there, done that, moved on. The entire discussion in itself is extremely amusing. I do not see SBs as competition. I don't see other providers as competition. Web Cam girls, Strippers, Hookers, Sugar Babies ... we are ALL sex workers who have their target market. Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Never said they were anything to me besides human. Fact is if one grows too attached she is gone. I lack the emotions it takes to actually give a shit about people in general. Each one granted is human and has feelings (which I could really give a damn less about) but fact is they are just yet another piece of ass to me. Just like escorts. Just a piece of ass. Just business...

And the smartest thing every to dribble form your mouth has to be the statement you would never switch to the SB world. You have your niche market selling the alure you actually care. Me I can't do that. We meet it is simply business. No small talk, not trivial bullshit like that. Simple business to fill a need. Nothing personal just business. I cannot understand how some guys buy into the whole allure thing. Then they start thinking of you as their "friend".. Seriously it is just a piece of ass.. Business nothing more.

Oh, and if you had to drop your rates 30 percent due to competition that means your services are a COMMODITY and are easily replaced by someone with same set of skills. Brand yourself apart from any potential competition and you won't need to cut your rates another 30 percent when next crop of the young and the hungry pops up.

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
No.. I just did not want to risk loosing two 48 million dollar contracts in one year which were up for renewal. When a competitor comes in a low balls the market one must adjust accordingly. I'm sure you get this all the time from the BP girls doing 120 hours ect. And anyway the profit margin was already 68% at the time so yeah I was getting a little greedy. But then again I still plan to retire at age 41 (2 years from now) so got to keep the income level high untill then.
Lina, Tap Out. U can' t win.
Lina just proved your point ! Hookers will never get it !! Originally Posted by iggy
I assume some few seem to be deluding themselves and replacing harsh reality with bubble pink fantasy dreams . I assume , IF anyone gets this , then WE HOOKERS are the first to "get it" )
How about we agree that hookers are different from sugar babes just like tricks are different from sugar daddies? Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
and how we agree on the fact that escorts "sell" love and SBs also "sell" love? It was an "inside joke", sorry... just a point about people deluding themselves..

There is no difference between SDs and clients and SBs and escorts. None. It`s just words! And interpretations . But - well, if you get down to the core... tomato tomato , as we all know.

Is there an SD out there NOT screwing an SB? I doubt it. Sooooo ????????? ?
ForumPoster's Avatar
@ bladtinzu Would love to give you detailed response, but unfortunately you seem to miss a point of what makes a good debate. My bad, i should have realized a while ago that psychopaths (people who "lack the emotions it takes to actually give a shit about people in general" ) have their own unique logic. And before you come up with another reference to out house or something equally full of hatred for women you have to pay to get laid ... keep in mind that for every derogatory statement you make, there are at least two to be made back. Unlike you I simply choose not to go that route.

@molnar who said there is winning or loosing? Like i mentioned before - it is hilarious to see you guys defend your self delusions with such seriousness. Lighten up .. or better yet get laid
