
Buzzkill ! Maybe send them in with pellet guns ? They can still hobby without an eye !
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Let's dial the personal vitriol back and stick to your own reasons and rationale for your POV. It has nothing to do with villages, or missing idiots, etc. If you can't debate like civil human beings, I am gojng to issue you each assualt rifles with several 30 round magazines, turn you loose in an enclosure guarded by an electrified fence and let you go at it. Wouldn;t that be interesting!

Oh wait!! I forgot to add that there would be no ammo in the magazines.


AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Not to argue with you, but I know you visit on occasion the National Sandbox. Calling someone an "idiot" there would be a compliment compared to the other name-calling. I questionned the name-calling once and was told that it is a sandbox and pretty much anything goes. I, personally, will refrain from further name-calling, no matter how warranted.
It really isn't the name calling per se in these political threads as much is the steady increase in emotions until it does degenerate into something resembling a free for all. This one was headed that direction. I know it is a polarizing subject so I really don't want to end it, just get us back to the real subject at hand and not whose village is or is not missing their idiot because when these threads really get in the ditch, we need him to bring the IQ measurement in the thread(s) up to a level above imbecile.

Anyone can engage in a mud slinging match, but it takes really intelligent and well thought out posts/arguments to break through old deep seated beliefs and get people to open their minds to an alternative idea or thought process. Make your points! Stand firm on your beliefs, but do so in a way that you have a chance of someone actually listening and hearing what you have to say.

Read it and weep! Only danger is a GUN FREE ZONE! Originally Posted by dante0322
This place wasn't safe
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
IMHO, it does not matter whether or not a site is a gun-free zone or not. My office building is a gun-free zone. Never has had a serious crime committed within its walls. The ACL Festival is a gun-free zone. 65,000 people per day for numerous years with no violent crimes ever reported.

I also don't believe that new gun control laws are going to stop the slaughter of innocent people such as what happened in Newtown, Ct. But I also believe it can't hurt to have some manner of increased gun control. Doubtful that any new gun control legislation is going to keep law-abiding citizens from protecting their homes and their families.
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Sorry tried to paste a pic.