This might be a big mistake...

discreetgent's Avatar
I think you are right.when I was in my teens I had my Goth stage .I dressed all in black, kept my skin stark white, and would go around quoting text from the Satanic bible to anyone who would listen.Of course some people thought I was an actual devil worshiper who sacrificed baby's, and small animals in my spare time. I naturally got off on the fact that I could scare, and shock some people with Originally Posted by Becky
Darn, why did you stop? lol Some of my most fun dates have been (and still are) walking into a nice restaurant with a lady who is decked out in goth.
discreetgent's Avatar
Now Ansley, don't be questioning TTH. He is one sophisticated dude. After all, he votes Democratic and likes France. What more could you ask?
Originally Posted by pjorourke
There is no accounting for taste; some people like living in Florida.
There is no accounting for taste; some people like living in Florida. Originally Posted by discreetgent
Heck, that ain't nothin'!

I've heard that there are some unsophisticated rubes who actually enjoy living in Texas!

(Full disclosure: I'm one of them.)
whizard of Oz's Avatar
AveryMoore, did you stop and think that maybe this gentlemen visited this lady before she had used a rebel flag as one of her pics?
AveryMoore, did you stop and think that maybe this gentlemen visited this lady before she had used a rebel flag as one of her pics? Originally Posted by whizard of Oz
What exactly would I have to stop doing in order to start thinking? Perhaps I'm among the lucky few who thinks as she breathes, in the background of all other activities!

So, yes, whizard. As I've said at least once so far, I didn't refuse the gentleman's request because of this other provider. Nor did I broach the topic with him as it seemed a potential contentious way to further our introduction. And given that this post has gotten quite contentious in spite of my best efforts to be courteous and clear, I think my fears were founded! Some subjects are probably too sensitive to be the launching off point of a first conversation, since more reliably than not, one or both participants may lack the sense of humor and open-mindness to make such discussions successful.

I chalk it up to being young and not knowing any better. Originally Posted by Ansley
I think you are right.when I was in my teens I had my Goth stage . Originally Posted by Becky
There's a big difference between teenage Goth and a 26 yo escort. I disagree with both of you. She is old enough to know better, and she may be purposefully marketing herself to a certain clientele.
And given that this post has gotten quite contentious in spite of my best efforts to be courteous and clear, I think my fears were founded! Some subjects are probably too sensitive to be the launching off point of a first conversation, since more reliably than not, one or both participants may lack the sense of humor and open-mindness to make such discussions successful. Originally Posted by AveryMoore
AM, reading between the lines, you seem to be saying you will refrain from starting another such "sensitive" thread.

I beg you: don't refrain. This Board would be pretty boring without a little drama. And be assured: we don't get into fistfights or show or knife each other. Don't censor yourself. Let the Board rules and Mods be the only censorship.
Charles, you are very sweet...and I don't think it's just my lust for your Johnny Depp icon talking

Don't worry, I enjoyed hearing (mostly) everyone's thoughts. I'm not afraid of a stimulating debate! However, I do think making mountains out of molehills is best left for the internet and not as a starting point for a potentially intimate and long-lasting relationship...which was my only point about why I ultimately stand by my decision not to bring this up to the potential client.
Charles, you are very sweet...and I don't think it's just my lust for your Johnny Depp icon talking

Don't worry, I enjoyed hearing (mostly) everyone's thoughts. I'm not afraid of a stimulating debate! However, I do think making mountains out of molehills is best left for the internet and not as a starting point for a potentially intimate and long-lasting relationship...which was my only point about why I ultimately stand by my decision not to bring this up to the potential client. Originally Posted by AveryMoore
I am actually glad that you started this thread.I was so excited to hear about Eros being willing to accept non escort pictures that I have already switched my thumbnail pic to a Manatee. You should stick around. This is actually a real nice forum to lurk, and post on.

My new Eros guide pic
I have already switched my thumbnail pic to a Manatee. Originally Posted by Becky
Let's hope everyone sticks to the term "Manatee" and not "Sea Cow." LOL

However, Becky, NO ONE would ever mistake you for a sea cow. You are much too beautiful and petite.
Let's hope everyone sticks to the term "Manatee" and not "Sea Cow." LOL

However, Becky, NO ONE would ever mistake you for a sea cow. You are much too beautiful and petite. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Thank you Charles You made my day.
I don't think you look like a cow either.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Well see TTH you don't imagine, which makes you appear to be very closed minded.

For the most part people learn from their surroundings and what they have been exposed to in life. Believe it or not there are still rural areas of the south that are cut off from mainstream America. If she moved from one of those areas there is a chance that she hasn't learned how to be politically correct every time she turns around. She's young give her time. Originally Posted by Ansley
Yes, I live in one of those areas of the south that is outside of mainstream America. And every redneck in my little town knows that the confederate flag is offensive to African Americans. That's why half of them have it on the backs of their pickup trucks, regularly use the "N-word," and why my town has had a Klan cross burning within the past two years (and had the Klan passing out door hangers in the last Presidential election).

The people I live amongst are not "oblivious." They are haters of the first degree.
The people I live amongst are not "oblivious." They are haters of the first degree. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
If you dislike them so much, WTF do you live there?
If you dislike them so much, WTF do you live there? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Actually, he's made no secret he is about to do so.