... Yes, it would bother me if a provider shared personal information with another hobbyist ... So I'm discreet so there is nothing to share and I also don't behave disrespectfully or in a way that would creep a provider out where she'd spill any information ... Originally Posted by Netx9Net, your other points are well reasoned and about them I offer no complaint. This statement, however, is eerily similar to the battle cry of those who chip away at our personal rights and freedom, saying,"Well, if you're not guilty of anything, what do you care if we (insert: search, surveil, arrest, etc.) you?"
The words of yours that I bolded are words that tend to be subjectively measured. Your idea of respectful behavior may sharply differ from mine, or from a provider, who might at the time of your appointment be dealing with real life issues and maybe some fool stalker, none of which you have any knowledge of. A wrong word, joke, look, touch, sets her off.
BCD is a well known hobby acronym for a reason. Good TCB includes keeping what happens BCD BCD.
That business of BANNED trashing Savak with insider information was just wrong. Whoever was responsible for putting that information in such volatile hands ought step up and take responsibility.