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Since when is Banned not in good standing?
Some of the best members EVER serve bans for the betterment of the community.
I'd like to thinck that my 90 days led to a long term improvement....
Since when is Banned not in good standing?
Some of the best members EVER serve bans for the betterment of the community.
I'd like to thinck that my 90 days led to a long term improvement.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
What say the admins?
Sorry if I just:

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Since she's no longer a member in good standing, can more information be given about her? Originally Posted by Perryay
Banned simply means she is unable to login and use the site. Has no relevance on her membership status here.
KaylaRyder's Avatar
Any info on why she was banned?
That info is never given out as far as I know.
I'll have to go look at her recent posts.... sometimes that will give a pretty good indication.....

edit add: I'll probably have to pm you.... sometimes info on this site needs to be shared five people at a time....
That info is never given out as far as I know.
I'll have to go look at her recent posts.... sometimes that will give a pretty good indication..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
She's always fresh, clean and safe! Just don't invite her to your place...But she is verified, so she must not present a danger.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Wen Admin is disabled and further useless for logins, one may be portrayed as otherwise military or outdoorsy which adds irrelevant bravado whew
That is EXACTLY what I was thincking.... I just couldn't get the wording wright.....
cowboy8055's Avatar
Any info on why she was banned? Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
I'd tell ya but not ready for a vacation
There will be more.....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Any info on why she was banned? Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
Yes, plenty

There will be more..... Originally Posted by Celso
Are you raising your hand?

generalbob's Avatar
Any info on why she was banned? Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
Better question would be "why did it take so fucking long?"
Wakeup's Avatar
That's simple...she hadn't broken any guidelines...until she did...
I'm baffled as to which guideline she violated. Maybe you could help us out with that... And the timeline.....