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generalbob's Avatar
Are the guidelines that rigid that there is no room for common sense? I understand the guideline about outing a member and do realize the importance of anonymity on this site. In this case once her picture was in the local paper and on the local tv news, wasn't she pretty much outed? She had unblurred pictures in her profile so it wasn't just guys that knew her that would make the connection. I truly believe that one of the benefits of this site is to make the hobby a little safer by exchanging information with each other. My question, again, is why did it take almost a month to ban someone who showed the potential to be a real danger to members here.
Wakeup's Avatar
To answer your first

As for your second, show me the guideline where someone being arrested is cause for them to be banned...I'll wait...
Carlos Danger's Avatar
While we wait, let's look at the brow. Look at it. Whew

Carlos Danger's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
I know right? She's hot as fuck! I'm a lucky guy.
I know right? She's hot as fuck! I'm a lucky guy. Originally Posted by Wakeup

generalbob's Avatar
To answer your first

As for your second, show me the guideline where someone being arrested is cause for them to be banned...I'll wait... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Is that the only way to receive a ban? This is a legitimate question. My sarcasm font is turned off. What would have been the right way to post an alert about this situation without risking a ban for outing? I think that anytime a provider is arrested it should be alert worthy. In this case there were extenuating circumstances that compounded the potential danger of having contact with her.
Is that the only way to receive a ban? This is a legitimate question. My sarcasm font is turned off. What would have been the right way to post an alert about this situation without risking a ban for outing? I think that anytime a provider is arrested it should be alert worthy. In this case there were extenuating circumstances that compounded the potential danger of having contact with her. Originally Posted by generalbob
I presume that by now you realize that you will not get a helpful response. Instead you will get a response that is designed to make you feel like an idiot for not knowing the answer to your own question by the time you exited the womb.
That's simple...she hadn't broken any guidelines...until she did... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I'm baffled as to which guideline she violated. Maybe you could help us out with that... And the timeline..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Wakeup... Why do you always ignore my questions?? They ain't THAT hard are they???

Is that the only way to receive a ban? This is a legitimate question. My sarcasm font is turned off. What would have been the right way to post an alert about this situation without risking a ban for outing? I think that anytime a provider is arrested it should be alert worthy. In this case there were extenuating circumstances that compounded the potential danger of having contact with her. Originally Posted by generalbob
He probably forgot that he told you he'd wait.....

I presume that by now you realize that you will not get a helpful response. Instead you will get a response that is designed to make you feel like an idiot for not knowing the answer to your own question by the time you exited the womb. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
And it never works....
I never feel like an idiot for asking anything....
Rather, I feel quite superior for getting him to answer my questions with more of his questions... Shows how LITTLE he knows....

And watch how he will conveniently ignore this... from above:
That's simple...she hadn't broken any guidelines...until she did... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I'm baffled as to which guideline she violated. Maybe you could help us out with that... And the timeline..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Of course.... if he answers... he might get a ban.... and then if he gets banned.... I get banned for twice as long as him because I tricked him into it.... whether I meant to trick him or not.

Are all of you following this???
That's how it works around here...
Just look at recent history....

And be fucking careful....
But don't say "Don't Do IT".... because that is even worse....
Wakeup's Avatar
Is that the only way to receive a ban? Originally Posted by generalbob
Of course not. This place isn't a democracy, you can be banned for anything, anytime.

What would have been the right way to post an alert about this situation without risking a ban for outing? Originally Posted by generalbob
If you think I'm going to give you a roadmap to be able to dance around and out members in the future without being banned, you're delusional. Once you know it is about a member here, you don't get to "warn" anyone about it...

I think that anytime a provider is arrested it should be alert worthy. Originally Posted by generalbob
In this case, your thoughts are irrelevant...
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Missin the pretty gals of vaudevilles golden age whew

Wakeup's Avatar
All you have to do is pay her rate CD...I'll take my cut later...
Plastic Man's Avatar
them lips be lookin the worms yer ...plastic man ...uses fer fishin