Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-07-2022, 06:35 PM
you'll be dead soon when the neocons start the big one and the nukes start falling. we're all going to die. the DEMONRATS rigged the election to start a war with Russia. it's already in progress. Ukraine is a proxy to the big one.

the end is near

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The Chicken Little of all Chicken Littles!

The Ruskies are coming the Ruskies are coming....WITH NUKES
bambino's Avatar
you'll be dead soon when the neocons start the big one and the nukes start falling. we're all going to die. the DEMONRATS rigged the election to start a war with Russia. it's already in progress. Ukraine is a proxy to the big one.

the end is near

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, Covid and the vaccines didn’t kill as many as they thought. Time for nukes!!!!!!
The Chicken Little of all Chicken Littles!

The Ruskies are coming the Ruskies are coming....WITH NUKES Originally Posted by WTF
“The Idiot” Biden sure believes the Ruskies will nuke us.

He has done just about everything to appease Putin short of sucking his dick on the viewing platform of Lenin’s tomb.
Precious_b's Avatar
still hanging on to that Russia thing? ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Specifically what Russian thing?
Do that, and I can address your point.

Be clear, concise, precise. Originally Posted by Precious_b
come on, man .. you know .. the thing!

so you don't subscribe to the whole "Trump was Putin's asset" narrative? yes/no.
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Where did I ever directly state what you have in quotes?
Post the link where I state that.
So, i'm still left in the dark what you are trying to reference as to what I *might* have said.

So, going out on a limb, *I* stated that with the Mueller report, it is shown he had contact with Russian operatives (be it he personally or those working on his part) and *I* said he was probably too stupid to put things together to collude.

Gotta tighten things up I posted if you are refencing them for clarifying what I stated.

Otherwise, if it is to answer what you stated, "/" is my answer Originally Posted by Precious_b
evading answering a direct question usually implies guilt in criminal cases .. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I noticed you didn't give me a reply back to my last response on the question you are trying to ask me.

So, since you used a courtroom analogy, i'll proceed from there since it is a reference you seem comfortable with.

The Prosecution has addressed a question in the court to the Defendant. As the Defense, I would remind the Prosecution that what he ask can be found in the contents of Discovery.

If Prosecution would look, he can find his answer. Prosecution may address query on another line of questioning if he so wishes.

Otherwise, Prosecution needs to supply further evidence before restating question in this "criminal case."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I noticed you didn't give me a reply back to my last response on the question you are trying to ask me.

So, since you used a courtroom analogy, i'll proceed from there since it is a reference you seem comfortable with.

The Prosecution has addressed a question in the court to the Defendant. As the Defense, I would remind the Prosecution that what he ask can be found in the contents of Discovery.

If Prosecution would look, he can find his answer. Prosecution may address query on another line of questioning if he so wishes.

Otherwise, Prosecution needs to supply further evidence before restating question in this "criminal case." Originally Posted by Precious_b

if you say so.

btw how's that Steele dossier claim panning out?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Chicken Little of all Chicken Littles!

The Ruskies are coming the Ruskies are coming....WITH NUKES Originally Posted by WTF

there will be a nuclear war sooner or later. because of warmongering people like you.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Take it or leave the below article but I thought it sums things up pretty nicely because it is well written, informative and succinct about O&G. That's just my opinion though.

And just for the record, I am not pushing yahoo finance on anyone if someone wants to complain about the source of the article. I use the site because it is easy to navigate if you are heavy in the market, and this article was on the front page, so I have no dog in this hunt which is why I respectfully say take it or leave it.
Precious_b's Avatar
if you say so.

btw how's that Steele dossier claim panning out?

BAAHHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Panned out just nicely with a MAGA stepping up to the stand with new evidence introduced to the docket that cemented my statements as true.
The court thanks the valued service of its constituents.

The court says so
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
if ya wanna help ukraine.... stop whining about gas prices.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
regarding oil leases...

you guys know that the courts has changed rulings on this issue.

first, courts ruled that biden didn't follow the administrative law when he issued EOs banning Gulf oil leases.
and another judge put those leases on hold because science wasn't followed with regard to fake climate change.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Panned out just nicely with a MAGA stepping up to the stand with new evidence introduced to the docket that cemented my statements as true.
The court thanks the valued service of its constituents.

The court says so Originally Posted by Precious_b

Chris Steele is a gay alcoholic russkie mole
Precious_b's Avatar
Chris Steele is a gay alcoholic russkie mole Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Great. I don't care.
I just know that September 2015 a bunch of righties started to fund a report that his name got stuck to.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Great. I don't care.
I just know that September 2015 a bunch of righties started to fund a report that his name got stuck to. Originally Posted by Precious_b

if you say so
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
chris steel sure knows how to get around.
chris steel sure knows how to get around. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
... Preceus surely "gets around" also.
He gets around being honest about Hillary, Perkins-Coie,
and the bullshit Steele dossier.

Which is why he has very little credibility on things.

The lads here take Preceus "to school" so much
that he surely oughta live in the dorm there.

#### Salty