Married or engaged providers ruin my fantasy(so do one's with boyfriends)

kusmaldo's Avatar
Where is your profile pic?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Geez, out of my top 5 favorite ladies, one is married and one has a BF. They both fuck me stupid, and they or I are not stupid. Who gives a shit? Carry on. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
^This is a man with his head on straight
My ATF for about 8 years before she retired was married and I even did a MFM with her and her husband. They were swingers as well and he was a cool guy and she gave a helluva session. DDDDDFK, awesome BBBJ with CIM(but she spit) and a great fuck.
Damn I wish she would come back.

This hobby is about fantasy and lies to get to the money and the pussy. Why matter if she is married or not, she can just lie to you and tell you she is not. The women do not care for us, they want our money, it is their job. We do not care for them we want their pussy. This is how the job works.
I strongly disagree.. A pimp??

Lazy.. Maybe..
POS.. Maybe..

But maybe he met her & couldn't change her..
Maybe he met her thought the hobby..

Ok.. I am about to get on a rant.. Gonna hit the brakes..

I am just saying.. There are A MILLION possibilities..