Who will win the Game of Thrones?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
so now that GOT is over, just watched the last episode for the 4th time, what character do you hate the most? dead or alive ,,,

me .. at this point?

Gay Worm the nutless. this punk thincks King's Landing is "his" city now?

nope. not just the North says so, all of Westeros says so. But who really said so ...?

The Queen of the North. Now git yer neutered ass back on that boat to Naath, and stay there!


dilbert firestorm's Avatar
unsullied... are they enuchs?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Since the Wall is melted and there's no Wights to keep out anymore, there's no need for the Night Watch (as someone may have pointed out). The imp/panel knew this. Originally Posted by gnadfly
that's the way i saw it. and about that "take no wife .." bullshit

BAHHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
yes! a slick move. read a little more on that.... exiling him to night watch. night watch no longer exist. the wall was damaged beyond repair.

the council knew, but the unsullied didn't. so they pulled a fast one to appease them so as to avoid another war.

I'd been reading the Jon/Aegon ending articles as i didn't understand what was going on.. (I didn't watch the entire run of the series, just snippets of it)

as I understand it, the people leaving the wall and following jon/Aegon are the free folk aka wildings aka first men. it was said that they accepted him as their leader early on. so that means he's their king! so much for not wanting to be king....
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
GRRM said he knew the books would not be done by the time the show ended. So ... he told the showrunners several years ago his outline for how it ends.

i expect the books to mirror what GRRM told them how he wants it to end. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
GM was evasive on whether the series ending will be the same as the book ending.

my take - I'm pretty sure the book ending is going to be different just as how things played out in seasons 5 - 8 will also be different.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

watching these snowflakes freak out is funny as shit. they won't get a redo.

they did the same thing to George Lucas over the prequels.

George did not remake them. Neither will GOT.

Not gonna happen.

i saw something where fans are accusing GRRM of "holding" the last two books on some "deal" with HBO until the show finishes. GRRM says .. BULLSHIT!".

Since GRRM makes millions on the books, even with all that HBO loot coming in, why would he cost himself more millions? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
its not unheard of to do one with an alternate ending. perhaps a directors cut when GM finishes his books. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
lol. Alt ending is one thing ... reshooting the whole season 8 is not gonna happen. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

when Martin finally completes his series, HBO may change its mind and find Martins storyline might be better. you never know. these guys are in the business of taking risks! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
personally, I think they should have paused the series. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
GRRM said he knew the books would not be done by the time the show ended. So ... he told the show-runners several years ago his outline for how it ends.

i expect the books to mirror what GRRM told them how he wants it to end. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
a do over isn't possible s8, but a remake is possible.

visual cinema is littered with remakes.... Scarface and a bunch of others.... read they are doing a remake of the Catch 22 movie as a 6 part mini-series.

GOT remake on entire book series, wait 20 years!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That would be me. I went with the Vegas odds from the start. Originally Posted by eccielover
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well having watched the finale again i just watched the scene where Aegon kills Dany. during the lead up to the ending i openly read every fucking rumor i could scour outta the NET. LOL.

So as i watched i also looked for who had the correct rumor or not, and one i read not only predicted Aegon kills Dany as i did, he stated that Drogon would unleash dragonfire on Aegon. And that as a Targaryen he would be completely unharmed by it. So when Drogon got ready to belch dragonfire i was like ....


then 20 seconds later ... not so much!


One other rumor i read that came true?

obviously Bran was a contender to be King before the ending and already it was causing fan backlash and it spiked big after it came true. and i thought ....


in this so-called age of ultimate cultural political correctness and they go ape shit the crippled kid that can warg is King???

I B Hankering's Avatar