Odds on Trump's Impeachment

and WHAT has he done on any of these fronts? Oh, I forget, you ran like a little girl from backing your previous lies, and will do so again. Now prove me right again. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
Now... I doubt you are going to agree with these accomplishments. You can find a list of Trumps accomplishments since taking office practically anywhere. More to come from him as well. This is just the beginning. I am not a Trump surrogate. If you need a comprehensive list of the plans you need to go to his official site.

Look at the market as the primary indicator of how consumers feel. This is the first great accomplishment of Trump
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themystic's Avatar
might wanna check the polls!!
and give us some examples of his racism, women hating etc.......
sorry your feelers are hurt........shame our PRESIDENT offends your artist sensibilities....
BUT WE WON.........WE RESPECTED OBAMA.......IF YOU CARED ABOUT AMERICA....YOU MIGHT DO THE SAME........ Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Tony I don't know you. This is a reply to your post. This is not a reflection on you personally

Your post is a bunch of Bullshit for the most part. I'm sure you feel the same way about mine

A: Might want to check the polls:
I have. Trump has the lowest rating of any president according to Gallop polls. They began presidential polls of the first 100 days in office in 1945. He has a 48% approval rating after only 8 days. That is the lowest in American History since this poll began. It took Obama 936 days to fall under 50%. George W took 1,205 days.
Feel free to look up any polling service and they look pretty similar

B: Examples of Racism: Your kidding right Tony? Seriously?
1. DOJ lawsuit against him and Fred in the 70s. They wouldn't rent to blacks. Finally settled with DOJ, agreed to rent to blacks Back in Court 3 years later with DOJ, didn't honor rental to blacks
2. Didn't want black dealers in his Casinos when his high rollers were in town. Didn't want blacks out on the floor when him and his personal buddies were there
3. " I don't want some black accountant counting my money. I don't trust them. I need a fat bald guy wearing a yamaka counting my money"
4. Mexicans, Chinese, I'm pretty sure Muslims. Just google and you will find hundreds. And no Tony I don't believe everything I read on the Internet

C: Women hating: OK I concede nothing wrong here, just a little adultery, including Melania, ( An Illegal Immigrant with a very phony resume) . What famous person hasnt grabbed a woman by her pussy and randomly kissed them. I always carry tick tacs, just in case. Damn right a woman should be punished for an abortion-Chris Matthews interview. Called Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig and a loser. Miss Universe, "Miss Piggy"- I know Tony its just "Locker Room talk about Pussy"- No Tony its a bunch of pussies like Trump belittling and bullying women

D: WE WON- Correct for Tony: The Electoral College. Victory Trump President of the United States. The Trump/Putin Ticket did win
* Lost the popular vote by 3 million votes Tony. That is the population of the entire state of Nevada

E: WE RESPECTED OBAMA- " Bitch Please, You must have a Mental Disease"- It was shameful what the Republicans did. Shame on Your Party. And Trump and many many Republican senators and congress" " Obama was Kenyan, Muslim, Socialist, Radical extremist and even worse Black". McDonnell and Ryan wouldn't support anything. Totally JACKED Obama out of Supreme Court pick. Didn't give a shit about restarting the economy the Republicans crashed with George W. Obama inherited the biggest Presidential Failure since Carter or the Great Depression. Pick which one you want. That is just strait up BS that the Republicans respected or supported Obama


NO Tony I'm NOT going to do the same thing you and your party did
Do you speak Russian Tony? Please name the other Presidents who have a love affair with the Russian President Putin, besides that treasonous traitor DJT. " I hope and invite the Russians to hack Hillary's emails" There is so much Trump / Trump Surrogates/ Trump Family, etc ties to Russians its almost surreal. I doubt if he dodges this bullet, even though it look likes he has James Comey in his back pocket


Tony and Fishy if you were duped and fell for all that Trump " Make America Great Again", Bullshit, I forgive you and welcome you back as a Patriot

TJ Horn. Go fuck yourself Punk
Now... I doubt you are going to agree with these accomplishments. You can find a list of Trumps accomplishments since taking office practically anywhere. More to come from him as well. This is just the beginning. I am not a Trump surrogate. If you need a comprehensive list of the plans you need to go to his official site.

https://townhall.com/columnists/john...ffice-n2287565 Originally Posted by Fishy2
So take the word of some bullshit right wing whacko web site? Why can you not name EVEN ONE? Actually, I do know.
Stupid... Seriously?
I'm still waiting for you to ask a legitimate question. Take English 101 and stay away from the drugs. Originally Posted by Fishy2
Tony I don't know you. This is a reply to your post. This is not a reflection on you personally

Your post is a bunch of Bullshit for the most part. I'm sure you feel the same way about mine

A: Might want to check the polls:
I have. Trump has the lowest rating of any president according to Gallop polls. They began presidential polls of the first 100 days in office in 1945. He has a 48% approval rating after only 8 days. That is the lowest in American History since this poll began. It took Obama 936 days to fall under 50%. George W took 1,205 days.
Feel free to look up any polling service and they look pretty similar

B: Examples of Racism: Your kidding right Tony? Seriously?
1. DOJ lawsuit against him and Fred in the 70s. They wouldn't rent to blacks. Finally settled with DOJ, agreed to rent to blacks Back in Court 3 years later with DOJ, didn't honor rental to blacks
2. Didn't want black dealers in his Casinos when his high rollers were in town. Didn't want blacks out on the floor when him and his personal buddies were there
3. " I don't want some black accountant counting my money. I don't trust them. I need a fat bald guy wearing a yamaka counting my money"
4. Mexicans, Chinese, I'm pretty sure Muslims. Just google and you will find hundreds. And no Tony I don't believe everything I read on the Internet

C: Women hating: OK I concede nothing wrong here, just a little adultery, including Melania, ( An Illegal Immigrant with a very phony resume) . What famous person hasnt grabbed a woman by her pussy and randomly kissed them. I always carry tick tacs, just in case. Damn right a woman should be punished for an abortion-Chris Matthews interview. Called Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig and a loser. Miss Universe, "Miss Piggy"- I know Tony its just "Locker Room talk about Pussy"- No Tony its a bunch of pussies like Trump belittling and bullying women

D: WE WON- Correct for Tony: The Electoral College. Victory Trump President of the United States. The Trump/Putin Ticket did win
* Lost the popular vote by 3 million votes Tony. That is the population of the entire state of Nevada

E: WE RESPECTED OBAMA- " Bitch Please, You must have a Mental Disease"- It was shameful what the Republicans did. Shame on Your Party. And Trump and many many Republican senators and congress" " Obama was Kenyan, Muslim, Socialist, Radical extremist and even worse Black". McDonnell and Ryan wouldn't support anything. Totally JACKED Obama out of Supreme Court pick. Didn't give a shit about restarting the economy the Republicans crashed with George W. Obama inherited the biggest Presidential Failure since Carter or the Great Depression. Pick which one you want. That is just strait up BS that the Republicans respected or supported Obama


NO Tony I'm NOT going to do the same thing you and your party did
Do you speak Russian Tony? Please name the other Presidents who have a love affair with the Russian President Putin, besides that treasonous traitor DJT. " I hope and invite the Russians to hack Hillary's emails" There is so much Trump / Trump Surrogates/ Trump Family, etc ties to Russians its almost surreal. I doubt if he dodges this bullet, even though it look likes he has James Comey in his back pocket


Tony and Fishy if you were duped and fell for all that Trump " Make America Great Again", Bullshit, I forgive you and welcome you back as a Patriot

TJ Horn. Go fuck yourself Punk Originally Posted by themystic
Like taking candy from a retard baby making fools of these punks
TexTushHog's Avatar
News Flash---


Something Trump is doing is working. It's the people that voted for Trump are the working class and the people with money. So investments are up, the future looks bright and we can all sing praises to Trump for bringing the optimism. The man is a legend and his speech last night was brilliant. Made his nay sayers look like fools! He does it again! Score. Is all the positives in the economy enough to pay for his proposals? Not yet. Great minds see the end from the beginning. They create something from nothing. Cynics don't create and skeptics don't contribute. Trump didn't change the skyline of NYC because he is a sour puss pickle sucker. As the economy grows and the Stocks keep rising we will have the money to pay for the proposals. It won't be through budget cuts. It's the economy stupid Originally Posted by Fishy2
The stock market more than doubled during Obama's administration and was even during Bush's. Are you conceding that Obama was a better President than Bush? And I'll bet that the average gain during Obsma's administration is greater than the gain in Trump's, assuming Trump makes four years or more.
I didn't say Trump was the greatest President ever. You said that. His presidency just started. He may become a great president. Trump has lead a revolution of sorts with his victory on November 8th. IMO Trump is the best we have had in a long time. That's the excitement in me talking though. He is proving to keep his promises.
Strengthening the border, Backing the police department, Solidifying our Alliance with Great Britain and Israel, renegotiating trade deals, bringing in more jobs, improving education, reducing the deficit. Watch the speech Stupido. Trump is setting the world in order. Law and Order.
The stock market more than doubled during Obama's administration and was even during Bush's. Are you conceding that Obama was a better President than Bush? And I'll bet that the average gain during Obsma's administration is greater than the gain in Trump's, assuming Trump makes four years or more. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
The stock market is only one indicator of how an administration is doing. It measures the confidence of consumers etc. Obama served his purpose as President. He gave a lot of people hope. He did a good job on some things. He talked a good game. Made people feel real good. That's Obamas strategy. It's a different game than Trump. Effective though to a certain extent. Glad Obama is gone though. Term limits are a blessing for both sides.

To the original post... It is looking more and more possible that the left will try and find anything and everything to indict Trump on something.
They got Michael Flynn for having a phone call with a Russian ambassador. Even though Obama had just kicked them out of the country. It made sense for the new admin to let the russians know that under new management things would be different and for them not to overreact. That is good communication.
They have turned an anthill into a molehill with Jeff Sessions and in doing so discredited themselves even more.

The Media is the opposition party. They are the left wing. They will say and write anything. Throw shit and see if it sticks. Until they have Trumps head. I hope he dismantles them. They are enemies of the state IMO and I am prior military. If you are not working for the benefit of the country and undermining the president and his objectives for the nation. You make yourself an enemy. Open up the Libel laws for Gods Sake. In addition... Now that we see they are going after sessions and Flynn. Go after Hillary and the rest with the full weight of the law. It's open season after this
Great comment! Democrats can't accept they lost. Blame it on the Russians. They won't investigate voter fraud. No Voter ID laws make it impossible to prove. So they just scream at the republicans to prove it. The democratic party is corrupt. Its the party of losers and the disenfranchised. I think foreigners might think the democrats make some sense. Its because they are clueless of what's really happening here though. Trump is the best president we have had in a long time. Americans love him. 1st and 2nd generation americans might have a hard time with him because they are trying to get their uncle Rico citizenship. Originally Posted by Fishy2
Ok little man, where is your evidence to back THIS lie? And I know u said it little man. Did u really think you could fuck with me half wit moron? Best president in a long time, what a fucking joke.
Ok little man, where is your evidence to back THIS lie? And I know u said it little man. Did u really think you could fuck with me half wit moron? Best president in a long time, what a fucking joke. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
I will refer you to my previous reply on this. You're so dramatic Stupid. Get a grip.
I believe he is the greatest we have had in a long time. That's an opinion. He has been in for a month.
Obama--- We could present his shortcomings for days
Bush--- shortcomings
Clinton--- Suckie suckie
Bush--- Shortcomings.
I don't need to give you a history class to give my opinion that he is the best we have had for a while.
I can give you my feelings on it. That's not evidence though.
The evidence that he is good would be toppling the republican party and then smashing Hillary Clinton in the general election. That is what we call a real solid achievement. More is to come Stupid. I know you must be riveted watching it all unfold. Americans are loving it though all over the country. Maybe you should move to Somalia or somewhere like that? You might be happier. America would be better off for it too.
So tell us guy, what is really going on? And no, he is not the best president we have had in a long time. Where is your evidence for that? And why do I know for a fact u will not answer that questions?

Your question in Vague... very vague. Please be specific.

Evidence for what??? Tell you what is going on??? very vague.... Those are vague questions. Not tough questions Originally Posted by Fishy2
Gee, wanna explain why u asked me to prove a negative, the debate tactic of a retarded 5th grader? Speak up scared little old man?
I will refer you to my previous reply on this. You're so dramatic Stupid. Get a grip.
I believe he is the greatest we have had in a long time. That's an opinion. He has been in for a month.
Obama--- We could present his shortcomings for days
Bush--- shortcomings
Clinton--- Suckie suckie
Bush--- Shortcomings.
I don't need to give you a history class to give my opinion that he is the best we have had for a while.
I can give you my feelings on it. That's not evidence though.
The evidence that he is good would be toppling the republican party and then smashing Hillary Clinton in the general election. That is what we call a real solid achievement. More is to come Stupid. I know you must be riveted watching it all unfold. More is coming you fucking cock sucker! Originally Posted by Fishy2
You're far too stupid to give me a lesson in anything. Know what prove a negative is? Bet you're religious too, seems to go with dementia and stupidity.
I will refer you to my previous reply on this. You're so dramatic Stupid. Get a grip.
I believe he is the greatest we have had in a long time. That's an opinion. He has been in for a month.
Obama--- We could present his shortcomings for days
Bush--- shortcomings
Clinton--- Suckie suckie
Bush--- Shortcomings.
I don't need to give you a history class to give my opinion that he is the best we have had for a while.
I can give you my feelings on it. That's not evidence though.
The evidence that he is good would be toppling the republican party and then smashing Hillary Clinton in the general election. That is what we call a real solid achievement. More is to come Stupid. I know you must be riveted watching it all unfold. More is coming mother fucker Originally Posted by Fishy2
Keep running like the pussy you are, and I will keep laughing at you. Smash? He lost the popular vote shit stupid little man, and barely won the electorial college.
Keep running like the pussy you are, and I will keep laughing at you. Smash? He lost the popular vote shit stupid little man, and barely won the electorial college. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

TRUMP--- 304

Maybe next time Stupido
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