Redistribution of wealth

You have your opinion, I have mine.
You have your opinion, I have mine. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Yep. One thing I do admire about you, though, is your ability to be brief.

[At least most of the time. Sometimes, I wish you'd expound on a brief statement.]
Well Chuck, the only reason I can think of for banging your head against a brick wall is that it feels so good when you stop. You have your opinion, I have mine. Its obvious that what I've said so far isn't going to sway your opinion and I know you are wrong, thus you aren't changing mine, so why argue further?
TexTushHog's Avatar
The two ranking liberals made a good point - "fairly" is not an definitive term, it is an opinion. Let me restate. Under a capitalist system, which produces more aggregate wealth, the poor will be less poor.
Originally Posted by pjorourke
That's not necessarily so. It depends on how much we redistribute.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I met a foreign student from India several years ago. He was wide eyed with amazement. He claimed the U.S. is a wondrous country, where even the poor can be fat.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Agreed. BUT.................

The quarterback would make much less were we not for public assisted stadium deals and I think we can all agree that there would be even less demand for soldiers were we not trying to spread a liberal agenda of trying to save the world by having our troop everywhere.

Bottom line the QB would make less and the soldiers could make more, not because their demand went up but because it went down all because we had changed our attitude in welfare for the rich and saving the world. Originally Posted by WTF
but supply & demand is what it is...

You know what football stadiums and wars have in common is ultimately we (collective voters) are the ones that elect those that authorize their funding...but as usual you prefer to bitch about it from the peanut gallery

Supply and demand? Not really. There are 32 starting QB's in the NFL. Yet, there are only 10 starting goalies in the National Lacrosse League. It would seem the rules of supply and demand would lead to Lacrosse goalies making more than QB's, no? Regardless, that's not the point i wish to make.

On second thought, it sorta is. The reason for the difference is because towards the NFL is where the money flows. Let's say Tom Brady only made $60,000/yr rather than $15M (or whatever it is he actually makes). The difference, the $14.94M would only go to the person who signs his check, because, like i say, that's where the money flows. So if there's enough cash flow there for Tom Brady to take a cut of $15M, then all the power to him. But let us at least acknowledge the luck involved in his case that he's the best QB in the world, rather than the best Lacrosse Goalie in the world...... Originally Posted by Doove
No the best athletes at a young age know what the salary structure is in the NFL & NLL and then prepare it isn't luck, but actually well thought out strategy...that and typically there is more pussy at the football field on a Friday night....
Having met more Fortune 100 CEO than you have and seen the selection processes to pick one, you'll excuse me if I ignore your opinion. The skill set is just as limited as NFL caliber quarterbacks. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Guess the selection process isn't as perfect as you thought:

After less than six months on the job, Jack Griffin is out as CEO and chairman of Time Inc., the world's largest magazine publisher. An interim management committee will run Time Inc. until a permanent successor is found, said Jeff Bewkes, CEO of parent company Time Warner in an email to employees Thursday night.

A Time Warner subsidiary, Time Inc. publishes about 115 magazines worldwide including Time and Sports Illustrated and accounts for almost a quarter of total advertising revenues of U.S. consumer magazines. Measured by circulation, it's the world's largest magazine company, followed by Meredith, which publishes Better Homes and Gardens, Parents and Family Circle.
The poor pay nothing because they make nothing and the wealthiest pay nothing because they have all the loopholes. Teh folks in the middle are footing the bills. The same way with large companies. GE paid about 3% in US taxes because they are in so well with the current administration and have off shore shelters that keep them from paying taxes. Originally Posted by topsgt38801

Really? That 35% last year sure didn't feel like nothing, and then state and local taxes. I did all the math a little while ago every 1.00 I earn 52 cents goes to tax.

Believe me theres no escaping this absurd situation unless you are low income.
Guess the selection process isn't as perfect as you thought: Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I never said the selection process was perfect -- far from it. About 15% of the CEO's turn over every year. If anything, your comment illustrates the point that not anyone can run a F100 company. This guy apparently had the credentials and he couldn't do it.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-18-2011, 04:15 AM
No the best athletes at a young age know what the salary structure is in the NFL & NLL and then prepare it isn't luck, but actually well thought out strategy. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Oh please. Then why don't the Lacrosse Goalies pick football? Or baseball? Or basketball? Or hockey? Because there's a reason a 2 sport athlete, at least at the professional level, is extremely rare. And it's due to a whole lot more than time constraints.

Obviously you've never played sports.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2011, 06:05 AM
but supply & demand is what it is...

You know what football stadiums and wars have in common is ultimately we (collective voters) are the ones that elect those that authorize their funding...but as usual you prefer to bitch about it from the peanut gallery

.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy

I would be willing to bet that I give more peanuts to local politicians than you, that is not bitching from the peanut gallery. The same concept applies nationally.

Supply and demand was proportionally the same back in the 1980's. What has changed? Are CEO's jobs harder? Are QB's more important?

What has changed to make a CEO's pay go from 42x workers salary to 263? Tell me atl.

No the best athletes at a young age know what the salary structure is in the NFL & NLL and then prepare it isn't luck, but actually well thought out strategy....... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
If it was well thought out it, they would be playing soccer. It is no more thought out than what religion you will be. Most people are the same religious faith as their parents. Is that well thought out or just chance. You get switched at birth with some kid from Iran and you'd be a little Muslim. Little kids think about how much money they are going to make as an adult is about as well thought out as your arguement that they do!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2011, 06:13 AM
No shit PJ's def, the President of the USA should make the most money in the world.

Does he think Obama the best OB? Did people on the left think Bush a decent OB leading this country?
Originally Posted by WTF

Actually, that job is evidence that any fool can do it.

Obviously, the pay for that job is largely in perqs -- being the most powerful person in the world.

. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Your argument was that only a very small % of the population could do the job and therefore the huge pay.

Yet when it comes to the hardest CEO's job in the entire somehow switch and proclaim that any fool can do these jobs.

I tend to agree with your second choice and your super special CEO's would be bumped back down to 4 star general pay were I king.
What has changed to make a CEO's pay go from 42x workers salary to 263? Tell me atl. Originally Posted by WTF
Company sizes, accounting rules and bad statistics.
1) Your argument was that only a very small % of the population could do the job and therefore the huge pay.

2) Yet when it comes to the hardest CEO's job in the entire somehow switch and proclaim that any fool can do these jobs.

3) I tend to agree with your second choice and your super special CEO's would be bumped back down to 4 star general pay were I king. Originally Posted by WTF
1) Only a small number of people can play "Nearer My God to Thee" on a nose harp, but that doesn't make it valuable. That is supply. There also has to be demand -- which there is in spades for high performing CEO's -- one of the reasons so many are replaced.

2) That was a joke -- not smiley -- a reference to the last few Presidents we have had.

3) Fortunately, you aren't.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-18-2011, 09:36 AM
1) Only a small number of people can play "Nearer My God to Thee" on a nose harp, but that doesn't make it valuable. That is supply. There also has to be demand -- which there is in spades for high performing CEO's -- one of the reasons so many are replaced.

2) That was a joke -- not smiley -- a reference to the last few Presidents we have had.

3) Fortunately, you aren't. Originally Posted by pjorourke
1) Tom Brady would be a shitty QB were he with the Okland Raiders. Or at least his performance would suffer. What people do not understand is that the CEO is way overrated.

2) Nixon, Ford, Carter and Bush Sr. were actually qualified for the job. Reagan, Bush Jr and Obama were not. Clinton was a fast learner and was extremely lucky as far as the business cycle. Reagan was lucky in that regard to.

You overrate CEO's cause and effect on a company and underrate blind fucking luck.

3) Fortunately for a few folks. The country would be better off but not the welfare thieves.