Wash your Ass/Cock/Pussy Superthread - I've mentioned this before but, clean IT up!

Soonerman12's Avatar
Being the yes man that I am (especially when it comes to women), I would of probably done the same or asked for a non FS session. I've enjoyed quite a few Russian/bjhj sessions when things didn't feel right (providers who ask me to go buy condoms/alcohol during the session, hygiene issues, or just when I get the vibe she's litterally just finished the last session. I understand providers provide to others too, but I get a little creeped out if I feel like she hasn't even had time to cool her jets.

I think it all boils down to I sympathize with her being in the same situation as me. We're both going to fuck a near stranger today, l'll make sure and make it as pleasent for you as possible if you'll return the favor. Originally Posted by tmpcdn
I guess there are just some passive men on this thread (with Still Looking being an exception).. The strange thing is that after I left, the provider sent me about 4 text messages a day advertising and asking me to come back in for a 'great' experience.

We hadn't done anything at all. I just paid her, thanked her for her time (5 min), and left. I would have sensed that something was wrong with the experience and left the client alone or asked if I could make it right.
Now I have had sessions that were let’s say sweat provoking. I knew the provider had an appointment after I left and we had run over so she was not going to have time for a shower. I had seen this provider several times. A few days later I read a review where the guy gave a no recommendation because of smell. He claimed it smelled of burnt rubber. LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
She didn't have time to shower between her back to back dates? No excuse, that's unbecoming.
Y'all need to start doing a scratch and sniff test. Originally Posted by RegularFemale205
I just died laughing.
Bless you all!!! Not much better than a clean great smelling man.
  • Sami
  • 11-24-2011, 03:53 PM
OMG burnt rubber ewwww

I always take a shower and scrubadunbdub just before an appointment. In my personal life that was seemingly also the case. I shower every am and when I get home from the days activities. I don't ever go to bed dirty. So I’ve always been clean when having sex. Now I have had sessions that were let’s say sweat provoking. I knew the provider had an appointment after I left and we had run over so she was not going to have time for a shower. I had seen this provider several times. A few days later I read a review where the guy gave a no recommendation because of smell. He claimed it smelled of burnt rubber. I couldn't stop laughing! I thought to myself, I better slow down! LOL DATY? Never have, never will! Questions? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
If she wasn't bright enough to know she was stinky, why would you think she would put 2 and 2 together . Unbelievable the things people do

I guess there are just some passive men on this thread (with Still Looking being an exception).. The strange thing is that after I left, the provider sent me about 4 text messages a day advertising and asking me to come back in for a 'great' experience.

We hadn't done anything at all. I just paid her, thanked her for her time (5 min), and left. I would have sensed that something was wrong with the experience and left the client alone or asked if I could make it right. Originally Posted by Soonerman12
Still Looking's Avatar
OMG burnt rubber ewwww

If she wasn't bright enough to know she was stinky, why would you think she would put 2 and 2 together . Unbelievable the things people do Originally Posted by Sami

Soonerman12 will confirm, it’s a true story! I'm sorry I know I shouldn't laugh but it’s just so damn funny! Slow down Still, I smell the condom burning LOL
  • Sami
  • 11-24-2011, 09:42 PM
SL I would have hit the floor in tears of laughter, I almost did reading that! But that poor guy...
Soonerman12's Avatar
Soonerman12 will confirm, it’s a true story! I'm sorry I know I shouldn't laugh but it’s just so damn funny! Slow down Still, I smell the condom burning LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
lol!!!! I cracked up for a few minutes over this one.
Still Looking's Avatar
Do they make anti-burn / melt condoms? LOL
luvkissess1's Avatar
OMG .. I would have never left a penny for some nasty broad that cant take a shower before a date .. thats totally uncalled for and NASTY .. If someone comes to see me and they are right after work or Just need a refresher . I tell them I will get the shower ready for a lil refresher. How do they like it . Have not had any one complain .. UUUGGGHHH how hard is it to wash that thing??? my first experience with a duo partner made me fully see how some girls are.. After our first date. She went to wash in the sink !!!! I said if you dont shower, dont expect me to work with you .. it was showers from then on ..
Still Looking's Avatar
I hear ya! LOL But some gals are just a baby wipes away from their next appointment! Back to why I go out of my way to help check them in and be the first appointment of the day!
For me, a good rule of thumb is to simply stay a very low-volume provider. Since I have a regular job in addition to being a provider I only see a few people a week. But even when I was doing this full-time, I scheduled my appointments at least two to three hours in between so I had plenty time of time to shower and get myself clean. And I insist that all clients take a bath or shower ( with me makes it even more fun). I thank God that I have rarely ever had a problem where, say, the guy smelled so bad I had to hold my nose on the way down on him, or he left skidmarks on my towels or sheets. I think most men are very conscious of their hygiene, and providers should be too.

A few times I read reviews where they were horrifying...a guy said that he went to go down on a provider and he said she smelled so bad his eyes started to water. Or someone's butt smelled really bad. That bought to mind an old Redd Foxx album my dad had called WASH YOUR ASS where he goes into great detail about how the crack of your butt absolutely needs to be cleaned before 69ing or whatever. It was hilarious.

One thing I LOVE though for hygiene is when men shave their hair down there. That really makes a difference as a lot of hair often traps odors even with good washing. And if a guy is uncircumcized...please, please...pull back that foreskin and wash carefully.Otherwise it smells like a dying octopus.
Still Looking's Avatar
For me, a good rule of thumb is to simply stay a very low-volume provider. Since I have a regular job in addition to being a provider I only see a few people a week. But even when I was doing this full-time, I scheduled my appointments at least two to three hours in between so I had plenty time of time to shower and get myself clean. And I insist that all clients take a bath or shower ( with me makes it even more fun). I thank God that I have rarely ever had a problem where, say, the guy smelled so bad I had to hold my nose on the way down on him, or he left skidmarks on my towels or sheets. I think most men are very conscious of their hygiene, and providers should be too.

A few times I read reviews where they were horrifying...a guy said that he went to go down on a provider and he said she smelled so bad his eyes started to water. Or someone's butt smelled really bad. That bought to mind an old Redd Foxx album my dad had called WASH YOUR ASS where he goes into great detail about how the crack of your butt absolutely needs to be cleaned before 69ing or whatever. It was hilarious.

One thing I LOVE though for hygiene is when men shave their hair down there. That really makes a difference as a lot of hair often traps odors even with good washing. And if a guy is uncircumcized...please, please...pull back that foreskin and wash carefully.Otherwise it smells like a dying octopus. Originally Posted by alluringava
Originally Posted by Still Looking

I've always been known to be humorously graphic. :P
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't think you guys get that some of these people ARE fresh from the shower, and still have funk. Some of that crap just won't wash off bwahahaha! BLEACH...just sayin.