Goodbye, Joe

No i'm not kidding. Are you? Penn State's board buried it. My point is that Mcquery did NOT stop anything. He walked away.

They did. in 1998 it WAS reported to Penn State's campus police. Paterno didn't know about that event, at the time it happened, so why did Penn State's Police do nothing? The Current Governor who was at the time was the State Attorney General knew too. He didn't do anything.

In a simple scenario it's easy to claim you'd do what you think is right. We don't live in that kind of world.

look how many people don't come forward when they witness a crime. Or bother to show up to testify. Happens all the time. it's part of why many criminals don't worry so much about being criminals.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The way I read it, and I may be wrong, the then AG passed on the case because of conflict of interest and kicked it up to the state. Also, again I may be wrong, but this is how I read it, is the current governor, at the conclusion of the grand jury testimony and incitement, insisted on the firing of Paterno et al.

I like the way you worded that “…….it is part of why many criminals don’t worry about being criminals.” I agree with you. It’s a sad commentary, but I do agree with you.

If the accuser is found to have lied , then yes they should be held accountable. If the DA lies to get a grand jury indictment, they should be charged.

That is a far cry from a not guilty verdict.

Are you starting to see why these cases or so hard? Can you see just wtf is meant by context?

Who has the power? Do we give it to children and believe everything they say...children that are already prone to trouble? There is no easy fix or we would not be having this conversation. That is why I have said there are shades of gray and to just wait for all the evidence to come out. Each case is different and needs to be heard in it's entirety. That is not making excuses for the guilty, that is to insure that innoccent folks are not wrongly convicted. Is it a perfect system? No but do you have a better one?

Just take Olivia example...I would not have fired her boss. Was what he did smart? No but without further facts , that seemed rather flimsy thing to take your boss to the HR person over.

Am I in the minority here also? Simulating sex over the loudspeaker? Reminds me of Porky's! That seems rather extreme to want someone fired over that and it sounds like the company thought so too.

Triva...who was the female gym teacher in Porky's? Originally Posted by WTF
Honestly and truly this statement and your ridiculous diatribe in post 141 just shows your ass. This wasn’t a situation of he said she said child vs adult. Personally, I think it is such a heinous act that no one wants to believe anyone would do it and therefore they don’t always act on it. Because I would hate to think that people are too weak to take on an adult, and marginalizing a child’s cry for help is the path taken because it is the path of least resistance.

No, the production manager was not my boss, but he was fired. And yes, the divisional president was demoted and shipped back to the UK where he was marginalized. The right thing was done by the mother ship. Listen for once. You misinterpreted, couldn’t understand or just twisted what I wrote to suit your own bizarre and distorted views.

The vast majority of people don’t work in the sex industry, and it is unacceptable behavior for management (or anyone for that matter) to harass employees. I’m assuming that you have never worked in a corporate environment; and if these are your attitudes, then if you did have a corporate job, my guess is you didn’t last long. Sexual harassment of anyone in the workplace is bared by federal statute so it would seem that there’s a whole world of people that don’t agree with you. Not that you care. The legend in your own mind won’t allow you to see beyond your pretty little nose.

Like I said earlier, I think you just like being controversial. Good for you. But, your posts are little better than word vomit. I don’t have all day today to giggle while I watch you implode into your pubescent anger; I’ve got grown up things to do. Do your worst hommie; I may have time later this evening or tomorrow to play with you. Remember Cutie, fucking with you is for my amusement not yours. Peace.
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  • 11-15-2011, 02:42 PM
Damn Marshall; you turned WTF into your bitch ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

If I'm Marshall's bitch and your Daddy, wtf does that make you?
Damn Marshall; you turned WTF into your bitch ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirl, I like to stick WDF's nose in it because I remind him of his conservative brother.....just makes him go all ape-shit. I guess there's some residual sibling issues.....his father's conservative as well, so you can see a lot of disappointment was directed WDF's way.......
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  • 11-15-2011, 03:05 PM
I’m assuming that you have never worked in a corporate environment; and if these are your attitudes, then if you did have a corporate job, my guess is you didn’t last long.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
You'd guess wrong but then again wtf is new. I lasted 10 years and hated ever minute of it. I quit , I was not fired. I know when to hold my tongue and where to press it.

The reason you were fired was not the one incident you described but a whole host of things cumulating in your termination. Sounds like you were a know it all pain in the ass in the corporate world, just like you are a know it all pain in the ass in this world. One of the many differences between us is that I know I can be a pain in the ass. I also have seen enough women with PWS to know a poster eat up with it. Just because half the posters wanna fuc a pretty woman does not mean the the pretty woman is cooking up a tasty dish. Figure out wtf I just implied and you are half way back to reality. There is a reason you were fired in the real world and are tolerated here. There is a larger premium on brains and common sense in the RW than here. Your cleavage fooling other is not a problem here but when you start to fool, yourself with it.... Lordy help ya!

Remember Cutie, fucking with you is for my amusement not yours. Peace. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
You can amuse yourself at my expense all you want....I'm a big boy.

Not sure if I'd recommend you saying I am protecting child molesters again but if that is what it takes to market yourself to the away girlfriend!
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  • WTF
  • 11-15-2011, 03:17 PM
Whirl, I like to stick WDF's nose in it because I remind him of his conservative brother.....just makes him go all ape-shit. I guess there's some residual sibling issues.....his father's conservative as well, so you can see a lot of disappointment was directed WDF's way....... Originally Posted by Marshall
You and my brother were seperated at birth.

Whirl, Marshie don't bother me, in fact he is correct, he is like a brother to me!...a crazy wacked out brother!
Stop horsing around with the younger members WTF.
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  • 11-15-2011, 08:37 PM
Kim Cattrall played the sexy gym teacher in Porky's, the sexy cadet in Police Academy, the sexy plastic person in Mannequin, and sexy Samantha on HBO's Sex and the City. What more can we say?

Read more:
You’re pretty when you’re mad; inaccurate, but pretty. No, I never called you a supporter of child rapers. I said nothing of the sort. You interpret what people say badly if you can only interpret to paint yourself in a bad light.

I said:

......................... In Paterno’s statement he admitted he had not done enough to prevent the rape of other children. If he were truly innocent, he would have stayed and fought the accusations not negotiate a favorable ending. Might it be noted also that NOBODY has come out and denied the allegations as they are being crucified in the media, fired and branded as accessories to rape.............. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
You said:

Number one, he did not say that. He said he wished he had done more. We all could say that and it would be a true statement. It is a statement taken in the context of hindsight. Not much different than if your child had murdered someone. You will hve wished you had done more... Originally Posted by WTF
You paraphrased me almost perfectly, yet you found a way to twist my words into your inept understanding of the facts.

Where, Daddy-O are you going to paraphrase my words that implies you are a supporter of child rape in the following text?

.........................The way I see it that anyone that does not condemn, after hearing the facts that have come out, Paterno and the university’s actions of NOT reporting this to the POLICE – and Paterno’s boss doesn’t count as the police – is supporting and condoning child rape. We need to all stop and consider how we would feel if it was our child. Honestly, this turning a blind eye to events is what makes the sick world of victimizing the weak possible. It disgusts me, both the rape and the victimization of the rape victims by capable adults. As Gandhi said, “You can judge a society, by how they treat their weakest members.” Wise words and they apply here.

You don’t rape children. It’s just not done! What is so hard to understand about that? Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Here? As far as I can tell, I said that anyone who that condones Paterno et al for not reporting their suspicious to the police is supporting the rape of a child. I don’t believe anywhere in our exchange that you said it should NOT have been reported to the police. So, why are we arguing? That’s exactly what I believe.

Ahhh, yes enter:

..........................Who has the power? Do we give it to children and believe everything they say...children that are already prone to trouble? There is no easy fix or we would not be having this conversation. That is why I have said there are shades of gray and to just wait for all the evidence to come out. Each case is different and needs to be heard in it's entirety. That is not making excuses for the guilty, that is to insure that innoccent folks are not wrongly convicted. Is it a perfect system? No but do you have a better one? Originally Posted by WTF
A, you aren’t prown to believe any children that aren’t personally born or mentored by you.

B, How is the truth going to come out with all those shades of grey if the police aren't called? So should the police have been called or not? I say yes. It would seem from previous exchanges listed above that you are all in favor of the judicial system running it's course. Now? What exactly are you saying now? Police or no police? I'm in favor of police an those troubled children's statements. Do you know what you are saying or we still stuck on word vomit.


Because of hormonal outburst like these, and rioting on campus, I think he (Paterno) has done the correct thing and not inflamed the situation. Were I his lawyer, I would not have him catering to folks with the mindset you have demonstrated here……………. Originally Posted by WTF
If Paterno had not reported it to his higher up, I could see the argument of a cover-up on his part.

Now was there a proper follow up?

Sure does not seem so................... Originally Posted by WTF
Taking the two quotes above, what do you think should have happened? Not get all up in arms by ignoring the incident and avoid rioting by the student body? Report the incident to the police himself? Not punish those who covered up the crime? Not followed up on the incident when he saw his higher ups weren't doing anything? What exactly do you think should have happened since you don't think there was proper follow up but you also don't think you would have inflamed the situation?

So, when, other than in your own mind, did I accuse you of defending child rapists?

I will say this. If a person feels really strong about this. Do something otherb than vent on a escort board. Spend time at a womans shelter or donate a pile of money. Something. Anything. But all this hangem high mentality on a hooker board is a waste of your so called outrage. And please do not compare wtf you would do at a coffee shop with this. Please that don't impres me much. And think before you acuse others on a hooker board of derfending rapist. That don't play well in my neck of the woods Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, please do something other than vent on an escort board. So tell me, what have you done to support children and women’s rights, health and social welfare?

I care not to get nasty with you WTF. I can, but I won't. At the end of the day, I shall bow out of this ridiculous discussion and await your next trip to the gutter in the next thread. This subject has been beaten to death by your inconsistencies; I really don't care to repeat myself over and over. Your course manner, poor logic and inability to focus have waned my interest. Don't worry, there will be other times for you to attempt to impeach your foes (lol) and make a fool of yourself.............Until them my Sweet Shrew.
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  • 11-16-2011, 06:33 AM

Here? As far as I can tell, I said that anyone who that condones Paterno et al for not reporting their suspicious to the police is supporting the rape of a child. I don’t believe anywhere in our exchange that you said it should NOT have been reported to the police. So, why are we arguing? That’s exactly what I believe.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Believe wtf you want. I said Paterno reported it to his boss and his boss should have reported it to the police. That means that I do not think Paterno had an obligation to report it to the police like you think he should have. "and Paterno’s boss doesn’t count as the police – is supporting and condoning child rape" Therefore, I am in direct opposition to what you think and according to you supporting child rape.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
.........................The way I see it that anyone that does not condemn, after hearing the facts that have come out, Paterno and the university’s actions of NOT reporting this to the POLICE – and Paterno’s boss doesn’t count as the police – is supporting and condoning child rape.

My point all along has been to let the process play out. Nothing more, nothing less. You have tried to brand that as protecting child rapist. That was a ignorant stance then, now and in the future. You have acted as if the grand jury report is the be all end all. You acted as if nobody saying anything different at the time meant it to be true and factual. Have you seen where the e-mails from McQueary paint a different picture? Exactly why I said just slow down and let the justice system work....Will you acknowledge that you were wrong? You had already convicted the assistant based on the grand jury report and based on the fact that they had not responded as yet fast enough for you.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Might it be noted also that NOBODY has come out and denied the allegations as they are being crucified in the media, fired and branded as accessories to

In the email, first obtained and reported Tuesday by The Morning Call of Allentown, Pa., McQueary said he "did have discussions with police and with the official at the university in charge of police" after the alleged incident.
In the email, dated Nov. 8, McQueary said "I did stop it, not physically, but made sure it was stopped when I left that locker room," The Morning Call reported.
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  • 11-16-2011, 06:41 AM
Your course manner, poor logic and inability to focus have waned my interest. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Then do not quote entered this thread quoting me. Not the other way around. Just leave me the fuc alone if all you can do is dish it out. You can be very course my dear when you are not in marketing mode. So do not sell yourself short in that regard. This is your typical mode of operation. Strike with nasty comments and then feign shock when people fight back in kind at their lack of civility.

I knew that mod'n would go to your head, just didn't think it would be so drastic.
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course = coarse
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  • 11-16-2011, 08:08 AM

I think W is a war criminal. He invaded a peaceful nation for the purpose of regime change. We aren’t supposed to be about that here in the good ole US of A. . Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

The International Criminal Court ] is a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression

So you think Bush should be tried as a war criminal? Did you report him to the court? If not, do you think you are an accessory to the crime?

That is the picture you are trying to paint in the Penn St case. People that did something but not enough are just as responsible as the alleged criminal? WTF!

I do not think Bush a war criminal btw. To the victors go the spoils!

There are so many asinine things you posted while I was in austin and away from my computer that I could not quote them all on my phone.

course = coarse Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

of coarse

Marshall, I was referring to the Coven - that's his posse and girlz. I'd have sent you a PM to explain it if you that, but you inbox is full.
LOL - Really I laughed out loud. I'll just bet it does.
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