Let's talk a little truth about Mar-a-Lago.

Hahahaha............ Talk about a Conspiracy theory. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... PISS! ... ... Just spilled-over me beer!

... Hee Hee! ... THAT'S THE FBI'S STORY??

Ye Christ! ... Hee Hee! ...

... So Trump has the archive papers, whatever, at Mar-i-lago.
The Archives people want them back... They travel down
to Florida, look at whatever records Trump has...
No problem... All friendly-like... Great co-operation.
Trump even poked his head in to say - take whatever
you need back or let us know...

So the Archives people do that - and even recommend that
the Trump people keep everything else under lock and key.

... So NOW - weeks later - we're surely supposed to believe
Trump wouldn't turn over "nuclear papers" or something??

And to the point that they needed to contact AG Garland
to do a surprise RAID to get them back??

Now THAT'S Funny! - Unbelievable, but funny!

... I gotta grab me another beer...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hahahaha............ Talk about a Conspiracy theory. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You do. All day every day.
  • Tiny
  • 08-11-2022, 11:50 PM
This is getting fucking hilarious. Apparently the Washington Post is reporting the reason Trump’s place was raided was because the FBI thought he had classified documents about nuclear weapons. WTF was he going to do? Make a nuclear bomb in his basement? Sell the technology to Cuba?

Somebody here subscribes to the Washington Post. Maybe said contributor could kindly post the WAPO article.

This is the most entertaining thing to come down the pike since the story he allegedly got two hookers to piss on a bed in Moscow because Barrack Obama slept there.

I kind of miss Trump. I’d never vote for him but he’s a hell of a lot more entertaining than Joe Biden. We elected the wrong Biden. Think how fun politics would be if Hunter were in the White House. The place would be full of necked hookers and [forbidden topic]. And they could get rid of all those paintings of boring dead presidents and replace them with Hunter’s art!

How about a national unity government in 2024? Joe will be too old anyway, so how about a Donald Trump / Hunter Biden ticket! Let’s bring this nation back together again!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wonder what they planted in melanias underwear drawer?
Lucas McCain's Avatar

Why won't Trump show us the search warrant?
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Trump doesn't want to be transparent as usual because that fucks up his narrative, but unfortunately for that con man piece of shit, the DOJ wants us all to see it. Curious to see how ridiculous he will be once he has to spin his bullshit again to his simpletons once it becomes unsealed... I look forward to the comedy. Haha
This is getting fucking hilarious. Apparently the Washington Post is reporting the reason Trump’s place was raided was because the FBI thought he had classified documents about nuclear weapons. WTF was he going to do? Make a nuclear bomb in his basement? Sell the technology . . .! Originally Posted by Tiny
I presume you’re just trying to add levity but this is actually pretty serious. I’m not sure which nuclear information he has but if it’s mark compartmentalized it’s pretty serious. It ranges from designs to locations of our weapons and those of our Allie’s and enemies. Including intelligence related to that information. It’s definitely not something he should have in his residence, even in a padlocked basement. It’s also nothing he should have in his possession.

The other issue is clearances. I’m unclear as to whether ex-presidents keep their clearances when they leave office. I’m sure we will get plenty of information on that in the coming days. However, the ex-presidents staff is unlikely to have appropriate clearances to access the materials which might be lying around at Mar a Lago. Or “friends” that are stopping through.

The govt and the FBI takes clearances very seriously, waY more so than most people realize or understand. As someone that’s had one in the past, there’s a lot of scrutiny that goes into the process of getting and maintaining them. And they aren’t permanent so to speak, they are subject to reinvestigation at intervals with the higher clearances having short intervals.

Though we will hear a bunch of whining about how this is overreach it will come from a lack of understanding the seriousness of the processes in place to protect our countries secrets.
you see, the country is divided

while the doj is unified

there is the fear and disgust of the other, the unknown, the mistrust, the rubes and deplorables

so why wouldn't they treat half the country differently, while claiming they dont. many see their own bias, but you see its for us, our democracy and their fear is these people are dangerous

if they can do it to the underlings

well an ex-president like trump....he can get the branch dividian treatment too
Did Mar a Lago burn down? If I recall that’s what ended up happening in Waco. I’m pretty sure they did it to themselves rather than the FBI doing it. It could have ended without violence had the cooperated with law enforcement and complied with lawful orders. Isent that what y’all tell whenever it’s a black person is killed by police, he was noncompliant. Or does that not apply to white people. Just seeking clarity.

Now back on subject. What’s a divided nation have to do with complying with the law. Trump was subpoenaed and evidently failed to comply necessitating the search warrant. Compliance would have ended all of this earlier this year. Everyone should be supportive of people complying with requests from law enforcement, right? Or do we get to pick and choose when to comply? Should our personal beliefs allow us to fail to comply with orders from grand juries, judges and law enforcement?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-12-2022, 07:50 AM
you see, the country is divided

while the doj is unified

there is the fear and disgust of the other, the unknown, the mistrust, the rubes and deplorables

so why wouldn't they treat half the country differently, while claiming they dont. many see their own bias, but you see its for us, our democracy and their fear is these people are dangerous

if they can do it to the underlings

well an ex-president like trump....he can get the branch dividian treatment too Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
he wasnt subpoenaed from what i have heard, thats what the talking heads are wondering

plus the wondering has centered on the idea there was an ongoing negotiation, with the last thing being in june, put a better lock on the door and we will get back to you and that was it before the raid

garlands raid order was the first thing done since the june suggestion of putting another lock on the door
winn dixie's Avatar
Did Mar a Lago burn down? If I recall that’s what ended up happening in Waco. I’m pretty sure they did it to themselves rather than the FBI doing it. It could have ended without violence had the cooperated with law enforcement and complied with lawful orders. Isent that what y’all tell whenever it’s a black person is killed by police, he was noncompliant. Or does that not apply to white people. Just seeking clarity.

Now back on subject. What’s a divided nation have to do with complying with the law. Trump was subpoenaed and evidently failed to comply necessitating the search warrant. Compliance would have ended all of this earlier this year. Everyone should be supportive of people complying with requests from law enforcement, right? Or do we get to pick and choose when to comply? Should our personal beliefs allow us to fail to comply with orders from grand juries, judges and law enforcement? Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Please dont start Race baiting
Race baiting. Right. That’s a legitimate question since when it’s government against someone of color “they should comply” when it’s someone else, they don’t trust govt. I’m calling for exactly equal treatment across the board, including the response by the likes of you Jazz and Never.
no you arent , you're setting up a straw man and attacking that

the things arent subject to logical comparison

and trump wasnt ever subpoenaed as you claim and according to your definition of lies and liars, you lied about that

hellary had classified documents out the kazoo and was never raided hell she destroyed documents while under subpoena

obama had what something like 30,000 pages of stuff i hear

can you imagine the uproar if some agent under trump had gone through michelle's clothes?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s 30 million, but who’s counting.

Waco didn’t burn down, it was ~burnt~ down (by the government), killing about 80 innocent people. It’s a case study on how governments attempt to dehumanize people, right before killing them, so the weak minded accept it as legitimate or even necessary.