Christianity is what's wrong with American politics.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Now, Cap'n, let's be fair. Doove is a shining example of what can be accomplished through public education.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think he's been drinking the water straight out of Lake Erie.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-09-2011, 05:15 PM
You're the one who picked the fight and started all this crap. Everyone reading this forum knows that. It's your style!

Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have responded in kind, but I've always had rather little tolerance for insufferable assholes. I guess it's just a character flaw!

Doove, you're simply a laughingstock. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I posted a link to 6 posts of yours, and explained why i believe they make you a hypocrite. You responded by calling me an ass, a jackass, and an asshole (twice). And given that my claim of your hypocrisy pretty much centers around you calling me an ass, a jackass, and an asshole, i'd say that's pretty ironic, yes?

You seem a little slow to catch on to what's going on here, so let me explain it to you. I'll try to go slow.

I often use sarcasm in my posts to make my point. (See previous paragraph). I readily admit that, and i don't try to run from it. Not only is sarcasm not rare around these parts, it's actually quite common; you may wish to familiarize yourself with 80% of COG's recent posts. He's actually pretty good at it, truth be told.

But over a year ago (that was.....over a year ago) i seem to have aimed a couple sarcastic comments at you, and since then you've been incessantly referring to me as obnoxious, snide and insufferable. And that was when you were being nice. Now, i'm an ass, a jackass, and an asshole. Sorry, i guess i didn't realize just how thin-skinned you truly are.

Nevertheless, as i've said, i've posted 6 links to posts of yours that i believe, combined with your inaction towards other posters, renders you a hypocrite. Instead of flipping out and calling me childish names, I would challenge you to link to 6 posts of mine and then explain why those posts make me any more sarcastic, obnoxious or insufferable than COG, or Whirlaway, or Marshall, or any one of about a dozen other posters on here.

Hell, i'd be impressed if you could simply find 6 posts of mine throughout my history that were filled with as much overt venom as has been directed at me since only 5PM this evening.

Or in the alternative, you can explain why you haven't said one word to them about their sarcastic, obnoxious and insufferable natures, while having posted (as a conservative estimate) 15 times about how horrible you think i am.

Or, you can just shut up.

Or at the very least, take it like a man when i call you a hypocrite.
anaximander's Avatar
You guys are killing me.tff

My observation thus far is dooop won't
at least support his initial take.
Instead of restating and buttressing
his view- defend the argument- it
gets derailed with inane name calling
and endless parroting of the same crap.

I like mocking and discounting those
I consider idiots as much as the next.
But at least try and defend the argument....
....if you can.

Otherwise it's bitch behavior.
Argues like a damn woman..
I posted a link to 6 posts of yours, and explained why i believe they make you a hypocrite. You responded by calling me an ass, a jackass, and an asshole (twice). And given that my claim of your hypocrisy pretty much centers around you calling me an ass, a jackass, and an asshole, i'd say that's pretty ironic, yes?

You seem a little slow to catch on to what's going on here, so let me explain it to you. I'll try to go slow.

I often use sarcasm in my posts to make my point. (See previous paragraph). I readily admit that, and i don't try to run from it. Not only is sarcasm not rare around these parts, it's actually quite common; you may wish to familiarize yourself with 80% of COG's recent posts. He's actually pretty good at it, truth be told.

But over a year ago (that was.....over a year ago) i seem to have aimed a couple sarcastic comments at you, and since then you've been incessantly referring to me as obnoxious, snide and insufferable. And that was when you were being nice. Now, i'm an ass, a jackass, and an asshole. Sorry, i guess i didn't realize just how thin-skinned you truly are.

Nevertheless, as i've said, i've posted 6 links to posts of yours that i believe, combined with your inaction towards other posters, renders you a hypocrite. Instead of flipping out and calling me childish names, I would challenge you to link to 6 posts of mine and then explain why those posts make me any more sarcastic, obnoxious or insufferable than COG, or Whirlaway, or Marshall, or any one of about a dozen other posters on here.

Hell, i'd be impressed if you could simply find 6 posts of mine throughout my history that were filled with as much overt venom as has been directed at me since only 5PM this evening.

Or in the alternative, you can explain why you haven't said one word to them about their sarcastic, obnoxious and insufferable natures, while having posted (as a conservative estimate) 15 times about how horrible you think i am.

Or, you can just shut up. Originally Posted by Doove
Get over yourself, Doove. Remember, you charged me with "hypocrisy" in post #123 -- before I even posted in this thread! How ridiculous is that?

Why should it bother me if other people respond to you with the ridicule and contempt you've earned? It's hilarious that you consider my failure to refer to that as hypocrisy. Everybody knows what's going on here, and everybody recognizes you for what you are. It's pretty obvious.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I posted a link to 6 posts of yours, and explained why i believe they make you a hypocrite. You responded by calling me an ass, a jackass, and an asshole (twice). And given that my claim of your hypocrisy pretty much centers around you calling me an ass, a jackass, and an asshole, i'd say that's pretty ironic, yes?

You seem a little slow to catch on to what's going on here, so let me explain it to you. I'll try to go slow.

I often use sarcasm in my posts to make my point. (See previous paragraph). I readily admit that, and i don't try to run from it. Not only is sarcasm not rare around these parts, it's actually quite common; you may wish to familiarize yourself with 80% of COG's recent posts. He's actually pretty good at it, truth be told.

But over a year ago (that was.....over a year ago) i seem to have aimed a couple sarcastic comments at you, and since then you've been incessantly referring to me as obnoxious, snide and insufferable. And that was when you were being nice. Now, i'm an ass, a jackass, and an asshole. Sorry, i guess i didn't realize just how thin-skinned you truly are.

Nevertheless, as i've said, i've posted 6 links to posts of yours that i believe, combined with your inaction towards other posters, renders you a hypocrite. Instead of flipping out and calling me childish names, I would challenge you to link to 6 posts of mine and then explain why those posts make me any more sarcastic, obnoxious or insufferable than COG, or Whirlaway, or Marshall, or any one of about a dozen other posters on here.

Hell, i'd be impressed if you could simply find 6 posts of mine throughout my history that were filled with as much overt venom as has been directed at me since only 5PM this evening.

Or in the alternative, you can explain why you haven't said one word to them about their sarcastic, obnoxious and insufferable natures, while having posted (as a conservative estimate) 15 times about how horrible you think i am.

Or, you can just shut up.

Or at the very least, take it like a man when i call you a hypocrite. Originally Posted by Doove

It's always about you isn't it?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-09-2011, 06:49 PM
Get over yourself, Doove. Remember, you charged me with "hypocrisy" in post #123 -- before I even posted in this thread! How ridiculous is that? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
The charge wasn't specific to this thread. Not a difficult concept.

Why should it bother me if other people respond to you with the ridicule and contempt you've earned?
It's not just me they respond to like that. Nice try.

I'm still waiting on the links to my posts which prove your point, by the way. How much time do you need? Just let me know so i don't waste my time continually checking in.

It's hilarious that you consider my failure to refer to that as hypocrisy.
I'm just basing it on the simple definition of the term. No more, no less. Not sure how that's hilarious, but ok, if you say so.

It's always about you isn't it? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I hope you didn't spend much time on that. By rough count, i counted 25 highlighted references to me, myself and I. Of course, if you would have highlighted only the references to "you" or "your" or any of the references to other people, you would have highlighted 26 items.

So no, it's not always about me, is it?

I love it when people flail away. Keep swinging, eventually you'll get me. And get some new material - that "always about you" line is getting just a bit too predictable.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Now you're just hysterical.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-09-2011, 07:11 PM
Now you're just hysterical. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Solid rebuttal! Easily one of your best!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Not true. I suggest you reread Civil War history and what
led up to it. But to play with your game, the North
is not the industrial giant now that it was then.
The Southern states are in a much better
position now than then.

In case you didn't know or were unaware,
Texas was never conquered by Union forces.
The very last battle was fought here.
And the Union forces lost.
Texas capitulated because you can't have
a Confederacy of one.

Remember the numbers
Union casualties: 300,000
Conf. casualties: 150,000
And that was with advantage to the North.

Now? ehh not pretty.
Truly dread mon. Originally Posted by anaximander
Texas caused that many union casualties?

I'm surprised that Texas didn't decide to stay independent. they've only been in the Union I think 20 years at during that time frame.

I didn't get alot of info on the union-texas engagements as to who won or lost in history class. I was told that the union forces that were sent there was rather small compared to the ones taking center stage in several major battles.

you may disagree with my thinking about South ridding the yoke of tyraanny by blood or force of arms. You have to look at the mentality of those living in the Dixie South. They're are abit different culturally from the Texans.

Industrial North vs. Agricultural South, Southerns would view the Norths actions on things like imposition of high tariffs which hurt their business as tyranny. And that follows with a growing population in the North that would have put the southern states in a very poor position to effect influence legislation.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Clearly you two don't seem to have any idea what this discussion is even truly about. Originally Posted by Doove
this discussion is about religion as it relates church/state separation and the politics of it.

It veered into the area of charity - forced & voluntary which is where Laz and my comments come into the picture.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doove, you are taking this shit WAY too seriously. You need to think of this board as a place where the guys gather after work to vent, call each other names, and buy each other beer. We let off steam, and occasionally a punch is thrown, but overall, it's just for fun, and while we may occasionally piss someone off, we get over it quickly and get back to the beer.

No one cares what goes on here. Nothing of what we say here will make any difference to anybody. Even if we all agreed on a particular point, it wouldn't make any difference.

So lighten up, man! If what goes on here only pisses you off, go somewhere else. And I don't mean that like "Get out of here," what I mean is life is too short to come to an anonymous board and get pissed off by people you have never met. Find something to do that makes you laugh and smile. For me, this place helps me relax. Really. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. And with very few exceptions, I could have fun with anyone on here in a bar or strip club.

So take it easy, or move on. And if you move on, have a great time.

Doove, you are taking this shit WAY too seriously. You need to think of this board as a place where the guys gather after work to vent, call each other names, and buy each other beer. We let off steam, and occasionally a punch is thrown, but overall, it's just for fun, and while we may occasionally piss someone off, we get over it quickly and get back to the beer.

No one cares what goes on here. Nothing of what we say here will make any difference to anybody. Even if we all agreed on a particular point, it wouldn't make any difference.

So lighten up, man! If what goes on here only pisses you off, go somewhere else. And I don't mean that like "Get out of here," what I mean is life is too short to come to an anonymous board and get pissed off by people you have never met. Find something to do that makes you laugh and smile. For me, this place helps me relax. Really. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. And with very few exceptions, I could have fun with anyone on here in a bar or strip club.

So take it easy, or move on. And if you move on, have a great time.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't know if the "guys drinking beer" analogy actually works.....when I was a kid, I would burn ants with a magnifying glass.....I like to think of Doofus as one of the ants......

What are you talking about; I thought I was chaning hearts and minds with my posts ??????????

No one cares what goes on here. Nothing of what we say here will make any difference to anybody. Even if we all agreed on a particular point, it wouldn't make any difference..........
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The charge wasn't specific to this thread. Not a difficult concept. Originally Posted by Doove
You charged me with hypocrisy in this thread, notwithstanding the fact that the last exchange we had was several weeks ago. That clearly shows everyone that you're simply an obnoxious ass. Not a difficult concept!

If you insist on stupidly, disingenuously, and obnoxiously accusing me of hypocrisy, I'm going to call you out on it. You apparently don't even have a clue what the word means. You can't point to a single instance where any reasonable person would conclude that I had manifested hypocrisy in any way, shape, or form, despite having been obsessed with trying to do so for some time. (Note: Drawing your own contorted conclusions after bobbing, weaving, and projecting doesn't count!)

I'm still waiting on the links to my posts which prove your point, by the way. How much time do you need? Just let me know so i don't waste my time continually checking in. Originally Posted by Doove
LOL! You have 1,900+ posts, and your obnoxious behavior occurred in numerous "Diamonds & Tuxedos" threads over an extended period of time. Do you really believe that I think it's worth spending my time looking up all that crap? The couple of minutes it takes me to type these words is more time than I really ought to waste on you. And if you have a compulsive need to "continually check in" to see whether I've responded to your troll posts, you have an even bigger problem with obsession than I thought.

I don't have any idea what your problem is, Doove, and I don't care. But you clearly have one, evidenced by the fact that you just can't quit bringing up your obsession. Do yourself a favor and get some help.

CuteOldGuy offered some pretty good advice.

Why don't you take it?
You can worship wherever you damn well please. Just keep it out of my face. Originally Posted by Doove
*clap*clap*clap*clap* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!